Urban Meyer will be the next head coach at THE Ohio State University

In 2 years, it will be biz as usual at OSU. And PSU has a disgraced athletic program. OSU just seems to be par for the course in big time D1 athletics. I see their hoops team is top 5.

Right....and was it worth it to cheat? Not to those schools who had the titles (conference and NC) stripped. The joy is short-lived, but the disgrace lasts a lifetime. OSU has had a long reputation of cheating and not just in football. I just like to be able to say that whatever we did, we did it the right way and that our name never ends up in the same sentence with schools like SMU, Alabama, Auburn (allegedly) and Ohio St.
My sources say that if he is hired, it will be many more years before Iowa beats OSU...KF won't have a coach more conservative than him to coach against. Meyer will have the horses to bury Iowa most every year. There is a very good possibility that KF may never beat OSU while Iowa's coach. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
My sources say that if he is hired, it will be many more years before Iowa beats OSU...KF won't have a coach more conservative than him to coach against. Meyer will have the horses to bury Iowa most every year. There is a very good possibility that KF may never beat OSU while Iowa's coach. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

You mean beat OSU AGAIN? Who are your sources that know better than what any of us has seen from Urban already? The same Urban Meyer that barely beat us in the Outback bowl?
My sources say that if he is hired, it will be many more years before Iowa beats OSU...KF won't have a coach more conservative than him to coach against. Meyer will have the horses to bury Iowa most every year. There is a very good possibility that KF may never beat OSU while Iowa's coach. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Even Tressel had the horses to bury us most years. You're really goin' out on a limb there...:cool:
Who said we accept losing and when was the last time we had a losing season? Five years ago. We have been 28-11 the last three years and this year isn't over yet. Sounds like winning to me. If every coach got fired every time their team lost to someone they shouldn't, there would be a lot of new jobs out there.

Besides there is a big difference between winning with honor and winning at all costs. OSU has shown over the years they do the latter.

I agree that I also don't think Iowa fans accept losing - just take our basketball program as an example. Plenty of losing to go around the past 4-5 years, and look at how empty the arena has been.

On the other hand, I have seen people on these boards say things to the effect that they would rather lose every game than recruit thugs, etc. Speaking for myself, I don't fully buy into that mentality. As long as the coaching staff isn't doing something that will land us on probation, cost us scholarships, etc. then I'm fine with whatever the coaches do to try to win as much as possible.
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I agree that I also don't think Iowa fans accept losing - just take our basketball program as an example. Plenty of losing to go around the past 4-5 years, and look at how empty the arena has been.

Exactly....and if that is a gauge of acceptance, things must be ok because Kinnick isn't hurting for fans.

On the other hand, I have seen people on these boards say things to the effect that they would rather lose every game than recruit thugs, etc. Speaking for myself, I don't fully buy into that mentality. As long as the coaching staff isn't doing something that will land us on probation, cost us scholarships, etc. then I'm fine with whatever the coaches do to try to win as much as possible.

It all depends on what you mean by win as much as possible. There are dirty, underhanded things that aren't illegal that I wouldn't want the coaches doing (telling recruits not to go to Iowa because KF is leaving for the NFL-Zook; telling recruits that KF is going to get fired-Dantonio).
It all depends on what you mean by win as much as possible. There are dirty, underhanded things that aren't illegal that I wouldn't want the coaches doing (telling recruits not to go to Iowa because KF is leaving for the NFL-Zook; telling recruits that KF is going to get fired-Dantonio).

Let me put it this way: If other coaches are taking recruits from us by doing these things, and it's within NCAA's rules to operate this way, then I have to say it kind of ticks me off that this is happening and our coaches don't do it because they wouldn't feel good about it, etc. Not that I'd be ticked off AT our coaches.. Just ticked in general that this is happening.

I'm not arguing that it's ethical to do these things.. It's not. I guess all I want is a level playing field..

As nothing more than a college sports fan, I guess I wouldn't be particularly bothered by our coaches doing something that's a little underhanded if they are operating within the rules - at least when you know other programs are doing the exact same thing to you. What goes around comes around. But that's just me. I certainly won't tell you that you're wrong to feel otherwise.
Let me put it this way: If other coaches are taking recruits from us by doing these things, and it's within NCAA's rules to operate this way, then I have to say it kind of ticks me off that this is happening and our coaches don't do it because they wouldn't feel good about it, etc. Not that I'd be ticked off AT our coaches.. Just ticked in general that this is happening.

I'm not arguing that it's ethical to do these things.. It's not. I guess all I want is a level playing field..

As nothing more than a college sports fan, I guess I wouldn't be particularly bothered by our coaches doing something that's a little underhanded if they are operating within the rules - at least when you know other programs are doing the exact same thing to you. What goes around comes around. But that's just me. I certainly won't tell you that you're wrong to feel otherwise.

I understand where you're coming from, but I wouldn't want my son to play for a coach that talks **** about his peers. If a coach has an obvious lack of integrity, what does that say about the players that are willing to play for him?

The best thing to do is to take the high road and just beat them on the field where it counts.

At least we both agree that breaking the rules because everybody else does is not the way to do things. :)
Correct. Its unfortunate our administration and a portion of our fan base does not feel the same way. OSU does not tolerate losing. At Iowa, we like to win, but losing also seems to be accepted an expected, despite the resources poured into the program. Its very interesting.
Yeah, as long as the team is profitable, that's all that matters to the administration; with just enough wins to keep the stadium filled.
I hope the Meyer to OSU rumors are true. I think one of the reasons that the SEC is so dominant right now is that they have brought in the best coaches.
Nope, the talent pool is just bigger there. Get used to it, because it's not changing anytime soon.
My sources say that if he is hired, it will be many more years before Iowa beats OSU...KF won't have a coach more conservative than him to coach against. Meyer will have the horses to bury Iowa most every year. There is a very good possibility that KF may never beat OSU while Iowa's coach. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
Yeah, if he couldn't beat Tressel, he certainly won't beat Meyer. Not that Iowa has ever done well against OSU.
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Urban is a perfect fit at O$U...he's as slimy as they come. He'll have them back in the NCAA dog house in a hurry.

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