UF's Urban Meyer Steps Down as Head Football Coach
Gainesville, Fla. - Saturday December 26, 2009

“I have given my heart and soul to coaching college football and mentoring young men for the last 24-plus years and I have dedicated most of my waking moments the last five years to the Gator football program,” said Meyer. “I have ignored my health for years, but recent developments have forced me to re-evaluate my priorities of faith and family.”

“After consulting with my family, Dr. Machen, Jeremy Foley and my doctors, I believe it is in my best interest to step aside and focus on my health and family.

“I’m proud to be a part of the Gainesville community and the Gator Nation and I plan to remain in Gainesville and involved with the University of Florida.

“I’m very appreciative for the opportunity I’ve had to be a part of a tremendous institution ? from Dr. Machen to Jeremy Foley and the entire administrative staff at UF. I’m also very thankful for the chance to work with some of the best assistants in college football and coach some of the best college football players and watch them grow both on and off the field as people. I will cherish the relationships with them the most.”

Meyer will coach his last game for UF in the Gators’ Sugar Bowl match-up vs. Cincinnati on January 1st in New Orleans, La.
Holy crap...I pray it's nothing horrible, but to step down instead of taking a leave of absence...

Thoughts and prayers to Urban and his family and friends.
Wow. Surpising to say the least. Meyer is pretty young too, but some things are more important than football.
Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida!

obvious reason is obvious


not that there's anything wrong with that

I'm sorry but this post is utterly sick!!!!! You should be ashamed...
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

Jacksonville, so he can draft Tebow and save the franchise.
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

i'm going to predict that he really is dealing with health issues and will take a year off.
this would be the sleaziest way imaginable to get out of florida for the NFL otherwise. then again, he promised to stay at bowling green and utah too...
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread


So the comments about his faith, family, and health are just a deception?

I'm just asking, since you sound fairly sure, as I have no idea what would be next for him.

I will say; however, that personally I don't think his offensive philosophy would work in the NFL.
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

I'm going to say he will be coaching the Cleveland Browns next year. I've read his book. Born and raised in Ohio.

You heard it here first!

Nope.. No way!!

You don't step down due to Health reason only to go and coach elsewhere. I don't get that logic..
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread


So the comments about his faith, family, and health are just a deception?

I'm just asking, since you sound fairly sure, as I have no idea what would be next for him.

I will say; however, that personally I don't think his offensive philosophy would work in the NFL.

faith, family, health, a jedi worries not about these things...money, complete control of personnel, and a solid team president/gm are what concerns men of his ilk
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

I think he'll be performing circumcisions in Africa next year with Tebow.
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

Doctor: Urban you passed out the other day at the game because horrible health and exacerabated by dehydration.

Urban: Nah Nah I feel Fine

Urban's Wife: Honey, remeber all those times you got light headed after running up the stairs?

Urban: I was tired honey.

Doctor: Urban We need to run some tests.

Urban: oh cripes lets get it over with.

Urbans kids: Daddy we love you and miss you!

Urban: Hmm. Tim what do you think

Tim: honey...ahem I mean coach listen to your family.

Urban: Oh heck OK lets get this over with.

--------1 Week Later----------
Doctor: Well we got your test results back.

Urban: uh huh?

Doctor: yes... um...YOU HAVE A BRAIN CLOUD!!! (enter soap opera organ music...dumm.. dummm dummmmmmmm). Enter music from joe vs. volcano
Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgbBP9Em00A"]YouTube- Corrine Brown - Go Gata (with Subtitles)[/ame]
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

I highly doubt he'll be coaching next season...

Source: Meyer tells players he has a heart problem
Posted by Mike Florio on December 26, 2009 7:17 PM ET
In response to the shocking news that Florida coach Urban Meyer will be resigning as the team's head coach for health reasons, an NFL source tells us that Meyer has informed the team that he has a heart problem.

Making the development even more surprising is the fact that Meyer is only 45, and by all appearances he is in good health.

Check back with CFT for more updates as this story unfold

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