UPDATED: Adam Woodbury block-o-meter thread

Big difference between being a moron and having a realistic perspective.

...except that your perspective was that Woodbury hadn't dunked. There's a word for people whose perspective is the opposite of reality, but who define it as "reality." See above.
My perspective is that Woody isn't gonna get it done. It's Basabe Spicey's(Gus Johnson voice) time to get a start. Woody might be a great kid but her isn't getting the job done right now. Why start him and have him only play 10 a game?
It all stems from this thread Jon started before the season started: http://www.hawkeyenation.com/forum/basketball/47297-what-fair-expectations-adam-woodbury.html

Good read and some laughs when they start arguing about Woodbury's shot blocking abilities. But here are some Duffman highlights in that thread, some laughs here to.

Its true, and I've been on record that woody has exceeded my expectations this year in every phase of the game, including defensively.
I love the whole dunk issue when talking about how good someone is or isn't in basketball. It's very similar to the how much can you bench press question as men size themselves up. Lots of guys that could dunk sat on the bench behind me....
Yeah that is included in the perspective that Woody isn't gonna get it done. He has had a put back dunk. I want a standing jam that is measured on the richter scale.

Yeah, because that has so much to do with whether or not a guy is good at basketball. Woody does some good things for the team. Basabe does, too, but I don't think playing him at the 5 consistently would be a good thing.

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