University refuses to release records about Marcus Coker

Honestly. If I were in Marcus's shoes and even after vindicated I would feel highly embarrassed and angry that the board took such actions and leaked just enough information out to make it sound like I was a creep. I would have left the school and gone to another school that would offer me a great education and a free ride.

It wouldn't matter how much I loved the school or my teammates. I'd be gone.
And if anyone feels they were the victim of unjust disciplinary
action they have recourse through the process.

The fact is you do not have the right to know squat about
what happened in this situation. You were not involved in
any way.

In polite society we call this voyeurism but my granny just called it being nosy.

What recourse does Coker have? If he fights back against the powers that be, it can harm his future even more than its already been harmed. They've got him and his future by the balls and he knows that. His best interest is to very limited in his comments, make sure they sound the part of the good citizen, and move on. But that doesn't mean what happened was right. And it's our job to make sure that the university treats its students right.

And sorry, but I do have a right to know exactly what the university processes are, both generally and specifically. The university should have no privacy from the taxpayers. The university is a public entity, so there is no such thing as being nosy when it comes to the university's business.
The processes aren't secret. Ask them for a copy of the protocols and SOP's and they are yours.

You're trying to personalize it to the Coker incident whether you're acknowledging that or not and that isn't information you need access to.

No one involved here is decrying the system, so don't try to pain the broad stroke of picture of this being for the good of all when you're simply trying to get tabloid dirt for personal satisfaction.

I am decrying the system. In fact I'm very concerned about the system and I have been since this incident came up. It's concerning to me that we seem to have a student that feels he did nothing wrong and yet was punished. I would like to know how it came to be established that he deserved this punishment and who made that decision. I'd like to know if we have some university leaders that are employing CYA tactics to the detriment of a young man's future.

General processes aren't secret but the actions taken by the university in this case seem to be. Answering the questions I posted would not divulge any private information.

I couldn't give a **** about tabloid dirt. I want to know Sally Mason and co. didn't throw a young man under the bus to protect their own interests.
And sorry, but I do have a right to know exactly what the university processes are, both generally and specifically. The university should have no privacy from the taxpayers. The university is a public entity, so there is no such thing as being nosy when it comes to the university's business.

When it involves personal student information (i.e. why he was kicked out of school), it's none of your business.
What's up with people thinking they have to know everything about everything. There's some stuff I don't want to know, and some stuff i'd like to know about that i do know ain't none of my business. Just crazy how are society thinks were all entitled to know whatever we want, right this second. It's like the war stuff, I would imagine there's some stuff that the Prez of the U.S. knows that I don't know about imminent or possible threats on our country that if I knew would probably make it tough for me to let my daughters have a life outside of our house. I work at a treatment facility for youth there's stuff I know you don't want to know and I wouldn't want you to know. It's just weird. Its like there are people on here who always believe the worst about the University and the coaching staff ALL THE TIME! If that's how you feel I don't get why this is the team you follow I guess. If I believed that 100 percent of the time the coaching staff is doing things for nefarious (not sure i spelled that right but it's a cool word) reasons, why would I be a fan of this team. I totally support crazy, but there's crazy and then there's.....well, then there's.......something beyond crazy and some of you guys are something beyond crazy!
When it involves personal student information (i.e. why he was kicked out of school), it's none of your business.

First, he wasn't kicked out of school, he was suspended from football.

When the public university punishes a student and the student says he did nothing wrong, the process by which the university punished the student is the public's business.
First, he wasn't kicked out of school, he was suspended from football.

When the public university punishes a student and the student says he did nothing wrong, the process by which the university punished the student is the public's business.

The process already is public. The incident-specific details are not, nor should they be. And you have offered no legal, ethical or logical basis for believing otherwise.
When it involves personal student information (i.e. why he was kicked out of school), it's none of your business.
First, he wasn't kicked out of school, he was suspended from football.When the public university punishes a student and the student says he did nothing wrong, the process by which the university punished the student is the public's business.

Sorry but you can't read between the lines to see the timing of him leaving and the start of the second semester than I really can't help you. Also Coker could comment on what happened or why the reason he didn't come back, his silence on the topic also says something. As for their personal info, you are entitled to zilch.
The process already is public. The incident-specific details are not, nor should they be. And you have offered no legal, ethical or logical basis for believing otherwise.

Why shouldn't incident-specific details that do not violate student privacy be public?

For instance, who decided Coker should be suspended? Answering that question would not divulge anyone's private information.
Why shouldn't incident-specific details that do not violate student privacy be public?

For instance, who decided Coker should be suspended? Answering that question would not divulge anyone's private information.

If you are so interested, put in a public records request.
(1)Sorry but you can't read between the lines to see the timing of him leaving and the start of the second semester than I really can't help you. (2)Also Coker could comment on what happened or why the reason he didn't come back, his silence on the topic also says something. (3)As for their personal info, you are entitled to zilch.

(1) Not really sure what you're saying... are you implying that Coker was kicked out of school and then forced to make it look like a voluntary move?

(2) Not really. Him not commenting means he's doing what's best for him, given the hand he's dealt. It doesn't mean that he was treated fairly at all.

(3) Totally agree and I'm not sure why you would think I wouldn't. You seem to be confusing me wanting to know about what Coker allegedly did (which I don't really care about) with me wanting to know how the university dealt with him (which I do care about).
Sorry but you can't read between the lines to see the timing of him leaving and the start of the second semester than I really can't help you. Also Coker could comment on what happened or why the reason he didn't come back, his silence on the topic also says something. As for their personal info, you are entitled to zilch.

He wasn't silent he's been consistent and adamant about his innocence. I find it interesting that if he did INDEED do a wrong deed against the girl accuser why was there no legal action taken. In today's environment if he was guilty one would think the prosecutor's office would have absolutely had a field day putting him behind bars.

I'll just remind everyone of the Duke LaCrosse situation where those poor bastards were convicted and jailed by the DA and the press only to find out they did nothing. Think about it once accused there was NO WAY he could stay there. For the girl's sake I hope she was telling the truth otherwise this has been a travesty.
First, he wasn't kicked out of school, he was suspended from football.

When the public university punishes a student and the student says he did nothing wrong, the process by which the university punished the student is the public's business.

You're wrong about all of this.
I think the point is the kid got run out of school and out of town for being.................................dare I say it guilty of nothing except a he said she said incident! Beautiful that a center of HIGHER learning, in an effort to be compassionte, took sides in a matter where they should have been the neutral siren of reason.

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