University Heights police say they will NOT enforce new tailgate restrictions

Ok, I live in California so I don't get to Kinnick very often. I'm going to the Arizona game though...and will get to at least one game in Iowa City this year. This whole tailgate thing amazes me.

I wasn't a big fan of the IC law enforcement practices (aggressive) when I went to school in the mid 80s and I'm sure it hasn't changed from these boards.

My question is, what ever happened to student protests? Organize if this is really as bad as some are portraying this to be. I think most students would be ****** because they can't do as our fellow students did 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years ago...walk with a beer to a game without the man coming down on us. Bust the offenders as you have done for years, don't punish the law abiding citizens.

Hell no, we won't go...Hell no, we won't go. Attica...Attica...Attica...
Crap, with 20 different police dept's working game day we will never see any consistency. I don't normally have any problems, but just thought it was classic tree hugger liberal a** U of I policy to bust a guy having a beer walking down the sidewalk and two feet away it's ok. Stick him and his family for more money that the U can use to fund some study a few years from now as to why our team sucks after the fans, recruits and then coaches left Iowa for somewhere that they actually can relax and have a beer before the game.

I am seriously considering dropping my season tickets and watching it from home. It's a big enough hassle on game day to just get to the stadium, let alone worry about paying $127 extra for standing on the sidewalk or somewhere a cop deems as inappropriate after shelling out so much cash on tickets, gear, gas....

The police are attempting to enforce the laws that have been on the books for years. They are simply doing their job. If you don't like the laws, then let your voice be heard by those who write the laws.

Is it really such a horrible miscarriage of justice to not allow people to drink beers while walking to the game? Stay another 15 minutes at your tailgate and drink if it's such a problem.

I really don't get all of the angst here.
Come on! To me, this doesn't seem like a big deal.

1. Don't tailgate on University property if you don't like the new rules. Again, all of these silly rules re: drinking games & music volume & how long you can drink your PBR after the game apply only on University Property. If you are on Golfview, or sunset, or whereever else, have fun without being stupid.

2. Yeah, it sucks not being able to carry your open beer down melrose. But that being said, it's the law, and unfortunately the UI finally decided to enforce this (don't group the UI & IC in the same sentence here, this is the UI cracking down). I see a simple solution to this. Walk to the Kinnick lot, and crack your beer open there. I have several friends that have had tailgates in the Kinnick lot that is condusive to this behavior, and they welcome it. SO FIND THEM!

3. What is rarely mentioned is how all of this conveniently coincided with the new 21 ordinance in downtown IC. Like it or not (IMHO, I think the drinking age should be 18), the new rules re: football tailgating are the Universities response to being called out by the
"anti-21" groups in IC. In other words, they publically came out this summer and said "why the hell should the drinking age in downtown IC be 21, when the UI hosts & doesn't enforce the largest binge drinking party in the state every UI football home game".

Nearly every important person in the hierarchy of UI politics has supported the 21 ordinance, and they finally realized that they would look like hypocrites if they continued to turn a blind eye to, most notably, the people walking around with open containers...admit it, whether you like it or not, I remember that my most memorable moment of my first UI football game, was the shear number of people walking around with beers.

So here is what I predict. The 21 ordinance will be repealled in the november election. The students will come out in force, and vote it down. Then the UI will back off this policy because I am sure they don't enjoy paying all those extra security & cops to enforce these laws.

Last, when I sit here and look at my season tickets, and how amazing this season could be with games against fOSU, PSU, UW, & MSU all at home, if your ability to drink or not drink is influencing how enjoyable this season will be, you've got bigger problems. We may not witness a season like this for the rest of our lives!!!
My question is, what ever happened to student protests? Organize if this is really as bad as some are portraying this to be. I think most students would be ****** because they can't do as our fellow students did 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years ago...walk with a beer to a game without the man coming down on us. Bust the offenders as you have done for years, don't punish the law abiding citizens.

Hell no, we won't go...Hell no, we won't go. Attica...Attica...Attica...

That's a great idea in theory, and as I said above, the students will come out in protest this november to turn down the 21 ordinance.

That being said, there's a demographic difference between the UI campus Post Y2K & in the 80's. The students that would protest, don't give a sh$t about atheletics, and would rather see the football team disappear. The students that are most influenced by this, are going to party at home, instead of tailgate. The aren't stupid, and it has more to do with the path of least resistance.
Okay, so forgive me if I am not worried about losing people as Hawk fans because they can't play drinking games and walk on the street with open containers. In fact, one of the things I have been most frustrated about as a Hawk fan is listening to people as they leave in the third quarter to go drinking.

Stay home, play beer pong and watch the game on TV. It will leave more tickets for people who want to come out to watch football and toast the Hawks with a few cold ones. Instead of go drinking and maybe mix in a little football.
I try not to be negative and whine as I hear enough at work, it's a sign of the times now that we live in such a politically correct world (can't do this, can't do that or you are a bad person). I have kids and want them to be safe, etc but really miss the days of being able to take a boda into the stadium, have a good time screaming for the Hawks and all we talked about after the game was football.

Shada, you have been a good voice of reason and I probably need to relax and get back to talking football.(thanks for that) I do hope someone that has more energy than me will fight the system being imposed on all of us and give the tree huggers something else to do on football Saturday like sticking a pitchfork..... go hawks!
if your ability to drink or not drink is influencing how enjoyable this season will be, you've got bigger problems.


And it's not even the ability to drink or not drink - it's the ability to drink in the middle of a public street.

have a little perspective.
That's what they're doing. It's illegal to walk down the street with an open container.

Ok, you've effectively recited the law. If anyone thinks the area around Kinnick Stadium on game day is a normal street, then they are sorely mistaken. It's a freaking festival and tradition of celebrating an incredible event...Iowa Football.

It's sad that students, if they really feel that something is being taken away from them, don't really understand the power they have.

I agree with MexHawk...organize...and find ways to impact the city financially...there are a ton of ways to do this if you want to get creative. Organize a weekend of not patronizing the local establishments and see what the business owners do. They will do something immediately.
I try not to be negative and whine as I hear enough at work, it's a sign of the times now that we live in such a politically correct world (can't do this, can't do that or you are a bad person). I have kids and want them to be safe, etc but really miss the days of being able to take a boda into the stadium, have a good time screaming for the Hawks and all we talked about after the game was football.

I agree with you but as long as people keep voting liberals into office (in IC, anyone moderate is the devil) these things are going to keep happening.
Ok, you've effectively recited the law. If anyone thinks the area around Kinnick Stadium on game day is a normal street, then they are sorely mistaken. It's a freaking festival and tradition of celebrating an incredible event...Iowa Football.

It's sad that students, if they really feel that something is being taken away from them, don't really understand the power they have.

I agree with MexHawk...organize...and find ways to impact the city financially...there are a ton of ways to do this if you want to get creative. Organize a weekend of not patronizing the local establishments and see what the business owners do. They will do something immediately.

Who are you to say that the students feel something is being taken from them?
Ok, you've effectively recited the law. If anyone thinks the area around Kinnick Stadium on game day is a normal street, then they are sorely mistaken. It's a freaking festival and tradition of celebrating an incredible event...Iowa Football.
So what you are saying is that since it is a "festival" all laws are null and void, and I can finally start that Crack & Whore business I have been dreaming about during Hawkeye game days?
What is your definition of tailgating. I've been harrassed for music, games, trying to light my grill (open flame), and now open container. They don't supply enough port-o-potties and then they are surprised when people resort to peeing in the woods. Its all BS.
Ok, you've effectively recited the law. If anyone thinks the area around Kinnick Stadium on game day is a normal street, then they are sorely mistaken. It's a freaking festival and tradition of celebrating an incredible event...Iowa Football.
So what you are saying is that since it is a "festival" all laws are null and void, and I can finally start that Crack & Whore business I have been dreaming about during Hawkeye game days?

I'm not sure the Crack and Whore thing will catch on, but if you are successful in other areas, I say branch out.

People have walked around Kinnick Stadium with a beer for years. Why this year? Has the student body just gotten completely out of control this year? I get the 21 Law connection. So enforce the underage drinking. Let people do what they have done for years around the stadium. appears some people are upset about the new rules. Don't you have a cadet meeting to attend this morning?

You're right, it does. Some people will continue to be upset about the new rules well into the season, into the offseason, and into next year. So you can't drink a beer as you walk down the street, big whoop. It isn't something you'd be able to get away with the other 368 days of the year, is it?

A cadet meeting? Not sure if that is supposed to be an insult; if it is, it's pretty lame.

Hippie. Don't you have a tree to go sit in?
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I walked from Finkbine golf lot to Kinnick with a beer, passed several cops along the way, and didn't have one of them say a word to me. I just filled up a Kum n Go cup with Bud Light before I left. Seriously, if you are going to leave your lot carrying a 12 pack and drinking a beer right in front of the police, then...

A. You probably left your tailgating spot to quickly
B. You deserve a ticket for being stupid.

I agree that it sucks not to get to play drinking games. But you just have to be more creative I suppose. We made a drinking game out of playing bags yesterday. I can't believe people are talking about not renewing season tickets because of this. I had an absolute blast yesterday even with the rule changes. Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty of people who will take your tickets next year if the changes are too much for you.
You're right, it does. Some people will continue to be upset about the new rules well into the season, into the offseason, and into next year. So you can't drink a beer as you walk down the street, big whoop. It isn't something you'd be able to get away with the other 368 days of the year, is it?

A cadet meeting? Not sure if that is supposed to be an insult; if it is, it's pretty lame.

Hippie. Don't you have a tree to go sit in?

Hippie...I missed the sixties as I was a little young, but I certainly would have enjoyed being a college student during the "Summer of Love" listening to the Dead, the Stones, and the Who in their prime...and i would have smoked one up occasionally also.

I'm sure you would have enjoyed your Tony Bennett with Biff and the gang in the frat.

Shada, I don't want to get personal. I don't live in Iowa City, but I was a huge Hawk fan when I was in school, went to every home game for four years, and I'm still a big Hawk fan. It's just weird to think this change is necessary and warranted.
Ok, you've effectively recited the law. If anyone thinks the area around Kinnick Stadium on game day is a normal street, then they are sorely mistaken. It's a freaking festival and tradition of celebrating an incredible event...Iowa Football.

So you're not being honest when you say that the offenders should be busted.

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