Ulis Visiting MSU


Plz update us all the next time a 3rd cousin of yours gives birth to teh newest Hawk fan.

Well DF I never said you implied any of that until screwing with you on the last post.

Not sure how you took it that you thought I did in the first place.

I am glad you are here, paranoid folks are the best.
Once again, I have lost time in my life because this sports talent dude starts typing nonsense. I have mo idea how he thought 136 was suggesting we would never get a recruit from Chicago from what he wrote.
Once again, I have lost time in my life because this sports talent dude starts typing nonsense. I have mo idea how he thought 136 was suggesting we would never get a recruit from Chicago from what he wrote.

Once again you have no clue...136's Herby paranoya kicked in after a comment that 136 thought was directed at him for some DF reason.
Seems to me that your comments in this thread are much more herby-like than 136's.

Apparently Herby has been gone long enough that you have forgotten the Herby pattern.

136 posts something about a 4* prospect and some Twitter hearsay...I reply extremely sarcastically.
136 responds in a fashion that I inferred he said something...I reply something that would "put words in his mouth" because it is the Hawkeye Nation thing to do.
136 responds in a bitter tone...I respond accordingly.

136 essentially felt I was inferring originally that I implied that NW was more back than Iowa...not once did I imply 136 said NW was more back than Iowa...that is how that whole idiotic exchange began.

That all said, I still have no fears on what NW will be able to do with Chris Collins and any local players that they do get. NW has a long way to go under Collins, he may get some players in the short term being a fresh face, local guy and played at Duke, but I doubt it is sustainable.

If Victor Law can help Collins get Ulis, more power to him, as I have stated repeatedly, PG is not an end all priority for this class and Fran has offers out to some good PG's in the 2014 class and in the 2015 class already.
Thanks for trying to get this back on topic guys, with the exception of that last post.

I had even stated in my post that I'm not sure how much I believe that Law could sway Ulis and Cunningham to NU.

Just thought the board would like to know that type of info.

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