Tyler Cook Gone

This from a woman who my daughter played for on a YMCA team in 3rd grade who played her daughter and four friends up 35 to 2 and wouldn't play her bench (My daughter and the two other bench players didn't ever get in the game). Her husband at the half cornered Claire and screamed at her to play the second half "like it's 0-0". Ya, she's a classy lady. The Y had to tell her that all players needed to play and no pressing after they had a 20 pt. lead. Nothing like 3rd graders crying as they left the gym. But in her book they were "losers" and her girls were "winners". I prefer to not be preached to by this paradigm of virtue.
What you describe here is rampant in Iowa youth sports and it's one of the biggest reasons why the state of Iowa produces fewer and fewer D-1 players. It's an embarrassment. Thanks for the heads up on her. I'll file her advice in the appropriate circular file from now on.
What you describe here is rampant in Iowa youth sports and it's one of the biggest reasons why the state of Iowa produces fewer and fewer D-1 players. It's an embarrassment. Thanks for the heads up on her. I'll file her advice in the appropriate circular file from now on.
My youngest just played his last middle school tournament in Stevens Point Wisconsin last week.

Thank God!

For the record, I believe what Dahlhawk posted is more common with youth girls than with boys. Which doesn't make it any better. And a big reason why most tournaments cap victory margins at fifteen when point differentials come into play for tournament seeding after pool play is over. But some of those boys coaches aren't exactly choirboys either, from the way they berate officials and their own players to the way they run up scores on outmanned opponents.

Our tournament, and pool play, were very competitive last week. The talent was more evenly matched than ever before. Out of our six games one was decided by two points, one by one point, and another went to double overtime.

Now it's on to another season of Wisconsin Academy AAU. First tournament is April 27th.
Theories often don't pan out on a 2 games basis. We'll have to wait and see how it effects the entire season and how coaches prepare for lineups that they know WONT include TC. I know for a fact it panned out with Pete Jok and all of the idiots that said we'd be better off without him.
I'm telling you that as a coach, I'd much rather game plan against Jack Nunge than Tyler Cook. Without the threat of a TC, I'm gonna drop down on Garza, when the ball goes in and pressure the guards relentlessly.
And TC can play in Europe taking home 300 or 400K a season. Take home. There's no degree from the University of Iowa that he could earn in 4 years, that would pay him that much.

A guy i know who played professionally in Europe told me the money they make is tax free, and so is room and board. So they have zero expenses. Even 100k is amazing money when it's tax free and you aren't paying your living expenses
I agree with what she Tweeted about people ripping TC on social media. I’m not sure why anyone wouldn’t agree with it.

If your story is true, I agree, it’s a bad look.

Both can be true. And people make mistakes.
I agree with what she Tweeted about people ripping TC on social media. I’m not sure why anyone wouldn’t agree with it.

If your story is true, I agree, it’s a bad look.

Both can be true. And people make mistakes.
I agree with her that making fun of TC on twitter is stupid and in poor taste. It goes to the heart of Twitter itself, it's a vain landscape of people so in love with themselves that they think what they say matters to the whole world. A perfect vehicle for fake people. Talk to any girl in that third grade YMCA league in Dubuque if you don't believe me, Shelly Till and her husband brought Claire and her 4 friends to play in that instructional summer league so they could practice crushing other third graders. They were allowed to play together because they carpooled from Cascade. I guess in the land of Ultracompetitive sports parents I have never seen a more crazy couple in my life, and believe me, I met a lot of them. Average scores were in the 50's to single digits. Some teams didn't even score a point. My daughter did get to play for several minutes a game and Claire was a consummate team player and seemed like a nice girl under tremendous pressure to be perfect. I hope for the sake of their future grandchildren they have changed. Maybe they don't see the world as made up of winners or losers anymore. I would hope that age and experience have tempered their worldview. I know this is about TC but I have to throw out one last thing about child sports. These kids play Way too much basketball. I have personally seen kids wear out their knees and body by high school. If your a sport's parent try to realize your kid is growing and needs time to rest and heal.
My daughter did get to play for several minutes a game and Claire was a consummate team player and seemed like a nice girl under tremendous pressure to be perfect. I hope for the sake of their future grandchildren they have changed.

I have a hard time imagining Greg Kittle allowing his kids to be treated like that. I did get to watch Kittle's parents from afar, and I was always impressed by the perspective they brought to athletics. I used that observation to help form my theory that parents that were high-level athletes themselves have better perspective on sports in general, although I guess your Shelley Bardon Till anecdote would run contrary to that.

Ms. Till is clearly an ultra-competitive person based upon her success in athletics, as a figure/fitness competitor, and as a media member; perhaps that has led to regrettable decisions at times. But as you said, Claire turned out pretty good, so I am sure there much positive influence as well.
Riley's mom is a bonafide babe, that's all I really have to add to this.

Seriously this? Anyway, yes she is fit and wears a lot of make up. Bonafide? No. But, that's how Russian women do it. Keep weight off, wear provocative clothing and a lot of make up. Now back to regular programming.
Seriously this? Anyway, yes she is fit and wears a lot of make up. Bonafide? No. But, that's how Russian women do it. Keep weight off, wear provocative clothing and a lot of make up. Now back to regular programming.

To my knowledge and when I've seen her in person and on social media, she doesn't really fit that narrative that you are laying down. Haven't seen lots of make-up or provocative clothing. She's just naturally nice on the eyes. Now, every guy has different tastes but for her age, she's doing well in the look's department if you ask me.

To my knowledge and when I've seen her in person and on social media, she doesn't really fit that narrative that you are laying down. Haven't seen lots of make-up or provocative clothing. She's just naturally nice on the eyes. Now, every guy has different tastes but for her age, she's doing well in the look's department if you ask me.


There are other not so flattering pics. Anyway we digress. Go back to my premise. Staying thin and fit goes a long way for women and men. Clothing and for women makeup can go a long way. There is provocative and quietly provocative. Won't post but they are out there.

I don't have much use for ultra competitive parents. It's hard on their kids but also other kids who get it by it both on the team and the opponent. Pls no snowflake generation comments. It was bad in the past and bad now. I have run up a score once and frankly enjoyed it. The opponent was undefeated and hammered everyone. We played them sort of tuff the first go round. We quietly ran the table after that, not running up scores. We drilled them and enjoyed every second of it. They were so emotionally run over they lost their next game to the last place team. Too funny. To get the effect, imagine a team of all stars against everyone left over. That was the situation.

She's trying to stack the deck even in appearance. Don't be fooled.....
There are other not so flattering pics. Anyway we digress. Go back to my premise. Staying thin and fit goes a long way for women and men. Clothing and for women makeup can go a long way. There is provocative and quietly provocative. Won't post but they are out there.

I don't have much use for ultra competitive parents. It's hard on their kids but also other kids who get it by it both on the team and the opponent. Pls no snowflake generation comments. It was bad in the past and bad now. I have run up a score once and frankly enjoyed it. The opponent was undefeated and hammered everyone. We played them sort of tuff the first go round. We quietly ran the table after that, not running up scores. We drilled them and enjoyed every second of it. They were so emotionally run over they lost their next game to the last place team. Too funny. To get the effect, imagine a team of all stars against everyone left over. That was the situation.

She's trying to stack the deck even in appearance. Don't be fooled.....

Everyone has not so flattering pictures, even great looking women. I met her in person, so I am not being fooled really - she was nice. I don't really take issue to people who stay in good health, have wealth or the means to better their appearance. I also know a lot of it is fake. That's the case with a lot of women. It's a taste thing I am sure but I am attracted to women who take care of themselves. People taking care of their health as they age tends to make them more attractive to the opposite sex. That's not fooling anyone. That takes work. I tend to applaud that, aging is a bitch. I'm not particularly picky tho and can find the beauty in most women.
I think Hart also is describing message boards.

When I was a kid The Offspring released a song called "Cool to Hate" back in 1997 that hit on these same ideas...and they are a friggin punk band. This isn't a new concept at all, its just that social media has given everyone an easier platform that spew their garbage.

I'm sure Hawkeyenation's most "viewed" articles on this website of all time are the negative ones about the program as well. So lets not pretend like we aren't ALL responsible.
A serious issue was broached by a contemplative individual who has a valid point.
It's worth addressing.
Loooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg before the internet . . .



HomoSapiens = NegativeSapiens?

Both science and common sense say the answer is yes. We're not just negative.
It's negativity + aggression + irrationality + blind ambition. Almost every definition of {freedom} has anti-social behaviors attached to it. No one ever feels "free" to be a good parent or spouse or friend or co-worker. Freedom is defined by one's ability to NOT be a positive role model. Sad, and disturbing, I agree.

"But we're all born so sweet and loving and kind and altruistic and humble. I mean our narcissism is just a byproduct of how lovable we are. Just ask all the intelligent life one neighborhood over in the Andromeda galaxy. They think we're the cool kids."

But we're not the cool kids, and it's our insecurity which makes us lie to ourselves about that. There's a sign at the edge of the Milky Way with this caption: STAY AWAY FROM THE TERRAN SYSTEM. That's where the unlikeables live. And so all those UFOs refuse to land and offer friendship and guidance.
Everyone is born a version of Caligula and societal systems have been created to socialize the evil out of us. Adults are tasked with teaching children right from wrong. Have adults gotten better at that or worse over the past half-century? We're the only life form on Earth which requires trillions of pieces of paper with rules written down on them telling us how to behave. We do this because we are repelled by our very nature. We are the only species that rejects its biological programming. The ultimate introspection-challenged super-predator trying to convince itself it is the ultimate in tolerant gentility. Because to admit the truth would require either self-improvement or self-immolation. And our race is either unwilling or incapable of doing either.
When I was a kid The Offspring released a song called "Cool to Hate" back in 1997 that hit on these same ideas...and they are a friggin punk band. This isn't a new concept at all, its just that social media has given everyone an easier platform that spew their garbage.

I'm sure Hawkeyenation's most "viewed" articles on this website of all time are the negative ones about the program as well. So lets not pretend like we aren't ALL responsible.

I certainly have gotten caught up in the negative pack mentality on here and social media. I’ve been working on ignoring it and trying to find the good. It’s not easy when it’s part of your job and a relatively large group of people share their negative thoughts on a pretty much continuous stream.

I do not purposely write stories with a negative slant to gain traffic but do agree that the more drama is involved, the more people will read.
When I was a kid The Offspring released a song called "Cool to Hate" back in 1997 that hit on these same ideas...and they are a friggin punk band. This isn't a new concept at all, its just that social media has given everyone an easier platform that spew their garbage.

I'm sure Hawkeyenation's most "viewed" articles on this website of all time are the negative ones about the program as well. So lets not pretend like we aren't ALL responsible.
I certainly have gotten caught up in the negative pack mentality on here and social media. I’ve been working on ignoring it and trying to find the good. It’s not easy when it’s part of your job and a relatively large group of people share their negative thoughts on a pretty much continuous stream.

I do not purposely write stories with a negative slant to gain traffic but do agree that the more drama is involved, the more people will read.

I'm sure there's something about human nature going on. My guess is people just love to try and knock other people down a peg because it makes them feel better about themselves? I guess we're all just shallow jealous meat bags.
We are the only species that rejects its biological programming.

This is going to go way off the rails, but my buddy and I were drunk and talking about if marriage was part of our biological programming or not. FWIW we are both married. However, Human's closest relatives, the chimpanzees, literally live in communities and bang everyone. As a result they treat every child like its their own because they don't know if they are or not.

If humans were really meant to partner up for life then things like divorce, cheating, and affairs wouldn't exist because our programming would make us 100% happy with our partner. Also if we were meant to partner for life then things like the Kardashians, p0rn, and Instagram models wouldn't exist either because we simply wouldnt care. But yet, we live in a world where all those things are worth billions of dollars so what does that tell you?

PS - I hope Tyler Cook stays at Iowa. o_O

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