Tucker's revenge!

Spank is correct on this one....he quit on his team, so he should be gone. Let the new coach have a scholarship available to bring in HIS type of player.

I doubt you'll see very many big time programs come knocking on Tucker's door and that should tell you something.

Also, I don't believe a new coach would even consider starting off his career at Iowa with a controversial decision. NO way Tucker is back.
No one knows if it happened or if it didnt. I have heard the same thing from someone reliable but only Lick and the players know for sure

I wouldn't doubt it started this way....my information is that 2 players in particular said they would leave if LT didn't, this post makes sense because it directly links this to one of the players that I heard went in. Bottom line is, doesn't matter how it happened, it's happened. Let's abandon this post and talk on the other one on who the replacement should be. Go Hawks!!
I wouldn't doubt it started this way....my information is that 2 players in particular said they would leave if LT didn't, this post makes sense because it directly links this to one of the players that I heard went in. Bottom line is, doesn't matter how it happened, it's happened. Let's abandon this post and talk on the other one on who the replacement should be. Go Hawks!!

Fuller wasn't involved, if that's what you are thinking.
Tucker has absolutely no reason to complain about anything. Period.

Coach Lick was put in a terrible situation. He could either kick a player that was, and possibly still is, a cancer on his team out and tell him to go his own way or he could, and this is more realistic situation, worry that the kid has a drinking problem and not want it to get worse by him thinking the team/coaches turned their back on him.

This is a situation Tucker created. The fact that Coach let him stay on the team should be more than anything Tucker should ever, ever ask for. But the reality is that he is a selfish little ***** that put partying ahead of his team and he wanted more and had the nerve to be upset when he didn't get it.

Does no one else realize that he waited until after the rest of the team played one of its best games of the season to announce that he wanted to leave? How much more selfish can this kid get?

Oh wait... Lets look at this situation that we have now and see if we can find a possible answer...

One who isn't a complete idiot would assume Tucker was probably out drinking with his friends. Probably his good friend and roommate who happens to be Gatens, one of the players who allegedly went to Barta stating he would transfer if Lick wasn't fired.

Lets assume Lick isn't an idiot and knows that Gatens was at least aware of the partying Tucker was involved with DURING THE FREAKING SEASON and more than likely (because we aren't idiots and we have been to college and been 20) was participating in himself. Supposing, and I am just spitballing here, Gatens then comes to Lickliter to complain about Tucker's 'situation.'

Any one of us who was put into that situation would, in the very least, kick that kid out of our office. If you say you wouldn't, you are a liar. It would be a slap in the face with a hand the size of a Buick.

Now, lets fast forward to where we are today. The freshman who played their hearts out all season and who, very vocally, supported Coach Lickliter wouldn't, realistically, be the ones threatening to transfer. So who would?

Gee... Lets think... Could it be the kid that is bff and roommates with the kid who felt he was treated unfairly after creating a HORRIBLE situation for the whole program two years in a row? Maybe the buddy of the drunk who is now the topic of rumors of being BACK ON THE TEAM!?!?! If you watched that last game the way I did, you saw the freshman playing their hearts out and a couple players just going threw the motions not caring at all. This isn't a difficult situation to realize.

What is it going to take for people to open their eyes? I realize its too late now for Coach Lick. He will more than likely move on to do more than he ever could at Iowa just like Alford has done and we will sit here behind our computer screens, not showing up to games and dealing with the exact same thing in 4 years or so (assuming we give the next coach even that much time).

To Coach Lickliter, I'm sorry. I would say in a couple years maybe we could schedule you in a home and away but you will more than likely have a team that will be able to kick the crap out of us despite being a school most posters here would turn their nose up at.

As much as I think this is right I still find it hard to believe that "Mr. Iowa" Gatens would do this? But your other points of roomates, friends, in your 20's etc....it most likely did happen. I know when I played college ball, our coach would just point to the line if we questioned anything he said. there is a reason why they get paid to coach, players should listen, oh and players should also abide by the school policies and team policies. Tucker did not....it only took once to know this kid was going to be cancer on our team. Oh, and I don't care about him or LT anymore because now we are going elsewhere...
Gatens which I think was pointed out later. I heard that Fuller did support the idea of leaving when the players approached Ath dept admin.
Eh. I think Lickliter quit on Tucker. Tucker has had some problems - he got caught. He is no different than most college athletes. I've seen College athletes acting in much worse ways, just didn't get caught.