Tucker's revenge!


Well-Known Member
It's just my two cents, but I think Coach Lickliter's treatment of Tucker caused the recent events.

During his tirade on his morning radio show last week, Jon mentioned that Lickliter did not talk to Tucker for four weeks after he rejoined the team. Saturday morning, a host on another radio station brought up the same subject and added that players went to discuss the matter with Lickliter and were thrown out of his office. What you think of Tucker is irrelevant, Lickliter's treatment of the kid was reprehensible. Personally, I would have had no problems if Lickliter had just kicked him off the team. However, Lickliter's behavior is inexcusable.

It is my understanding from everthing I have read and heard is that Tucker is well-liked by his teammates. He is Gatens' roommate. Lickliter's handling of the situation drove a wedge between his relationship with certain players and it probably couldn't be repaired.

Because Lickliter refused to deal with the situation in a professional manner, certain players had to go to Barta to vent their frustrations. From there, everything steamrolled against Lickliter.

This whole situation probably upsets me more than the humilitating losses. It is not how you want Iowa's head coach to behave.

These are just my thoughts and I have one of "those" just like everyone else.
Seriously? Lickliter is not the one that was passed out in the alley. Lickliter can be blamed for many things, but the only one to blame for Tucker's situation is Tucker.
How about this one - Tucker is still on campus and i was told today that he would be open to returning to the team. Interesting
Seriously? Lickliter is not the one that was passed out in the alley. Lickliter can be blamed for many things, but the only one to blame for Tucker's situation is Tucker.

Yeah that is true, but if you are going to let the kid back on the team, and the just flat out ignore him for 4 weeks, that is being a first class a-hole.
Yeah that is true, but if you are going to let the kid back on the team, and the just flat out ignore him for 4 weeks, that is being a first class a-hole.

Do we know this happened? (and not rumors, I mean has Tucker said this or Lickliter?)
I have seen Tucker on campus. Well...walking around Kohl's in Coralville on a Wednesday afternoon after leaving the team.
Seriously? Lickliter is not the one that was passed out in the alley. Lickliter can be blamed for many things, but the only one to blame for Tucker's situation is Tucker.
Please. Not talking to a kid for 4 weeks, then throwing his teammates out of your office when they come to talk about the situation is awful. No matter what the kid did.

Tucker messed up, sure. But the way Lickliter handled the situation was terrible.
It seems that a few players did say they would transfer. Some on here didn't want to put two and two together but that is what happened. Barta would named names, as he shouldn't, but I think that was the biggest reason TL is gone.
Do we know this happened? (and not rumors, I mean has Tucker said this or Lickliter?)

No one knows if it happened or if it didnt. I have heard the same thing from someone reliable but only Lick and the players know for sure
The players that didn't want to play for Lick didn't like the way the Tucker thing went down. Lickliter handled the Tucker situation very, very poorly. The bottomline is that Tucker satisfied the Unversity requirements to return to the team.
Please. Not talking to a kid for 4 weeks, then throwing his teammates out of your office when they come to talk about the situation is awful. No matter what the kid did.

Tucker messed up, sure. But the way Lickliter handled the situation was terrible.

IF TRUE, then the behavior is questionable. Four weeks would have been about the length of time Tucker was allowed to return and participate in practices. I find it questionable that they wouldnt have talked in some way during that time.
The Tucker back to Iowa thing has legs, but does Iowa want Tucker back? I don't think it would be a good move at all.

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