Tucker's Decisions Exact Heavy Toll

Nice article, Jon. I agree with most of the analysis and hope that AT can make future decisions that are better for him, his family, and any team (athletic or otherwise) he is a part of. While I agree that college folks are adults and not kids, not all people are as mature or responsible to do the kind of thinking needed to see the results of their actions at 20 years old. I was guilty of that and learned the lesson and did not repeat the mistakes I made when I was 19 years old. Have I been perfect - no. Have I tried to make the best decisions at the time with more maturity, responsibility, and insight that I have gained with experience - yes. Maybe it will take the second (or as some have said, the third) offense to make AT think of all of consequences of his actions. Meybe the gulity plea was part of his thought process, I don't know. I am also not concerned at this time whether he ever comes back to the Iowa basketball team. I hope he is able to move forward and learn from his mistakes - this time. We are all human and at some point need to be responsible for our actions.
Jon, I think you're way off base on writing this piece. Aren't you in the group of not booing college athletes, right? Isn't an article like this kind of the same thing? I found it very critical of him...most of us are aware of the details by now. The kid, or young man like you say, has made some bone-head mistakes. I also think he's just had some bad luck and been at the wrong place at the wrong time. After reading that, it sure seems like the teams struggles from the past two seasons are totally on him. Why doesn't Lick have more players to step in and play? But that's why we have the message boards, so we can agree to disagree. ;)
Nice article Jon

The only comment I have really is the focus on Tucker vs. Lickliter. As a father I'm sure you're aware that there are certain times when parents just have to tell their child "no" no matter how tough the decision is. More often then not, this "no" can be one of the best learning experiences that will last a lifetime.

I believe Tucker had his chance at redemption after the 1st arrrest as well as the 1st academic transgression. I would love to see Tucker get his act together and remain a Hawkeye. However, something down deep makes me think we are doing Anthony a disservice as a person by keeping him. Sometimes the most difficult route can be the most rewarding and we aren't making Anthony take the most difficult route.

It seems as though at this point people are still talking about his basketball career when basketball is so immaterial at this point compared to the other demons he is obviously battling. I believe telling Anthony to hit the road sounds cold but could have been one of the best things to happen to him as a person.
Kingsbury, I agree with what you say. It's a tough call, and if that is what Todd wants to do, I would support that.

I really don't care about Anthony's basketball career any more. I just hope he learns from all this and it will serve him well in life. Many of our biggest failures or mistakes become the building blocks for future strengths.

Kingsbury, I agree with what you say. It's a tough call, and if that is what Todd wants to do, I would support that.

I really don't care about Anthony's basketball career any more. I just hope he learns from all this and it will serve him well in life. Many of our biggest failures or mistakes become the building blocks for future strengths.
I think it is fairly clear that Tucker had been drinking. Was he drunk, we will never know? Had he not left his cell phone in the cab, this incident would have never happened and he would not have been arrested. I am not down playing nor do I condone his drinking that night. However, there is a decent chance this was not as bad as first reported. Additionally, I don't think this is nearly as bad as last year when he was passed out in the alley. Clearly Tucker needs to make better choices on his behalf and on behalf of his teammates and coaches. With that being said, I believe he has to be on a zero tolerance policy if and when he is reinstated. One more strike and he has to be gone. This would also be in compliance with athletic department policy!
I think it is fairly clear that Tucker had been drinking. Was he drunk, we will never know? Had he not left his cell phone in the cab, this incident would have never happened and he would not have been arrested. I am not down playing nor do I condone his drinking that night. However, there is a decent chance this was not as bad as first reported. Additionally, I don't think this is nearly as bad as last year when he was passed out in the alley. Clearly Tucker needs to make better choices on his behalf and on behalf of his teammates and coaches. With that being said, I believe he has to be on a zero tolerance policy if and when he is reinstated. One more strike and he has to be gone. This would also be in compliance with athletic department policy!

To me, it's about choices. He chose to drink during the basketball season, meaning he learned nothing from last year.
Anthony Tucker chose to, once again, dance with the devil. When you dance with the devil, be prepared to get burned.

I served community service time for possession of alcohol while attending college - I was of legal drinking age when I was turned in, but was living on a dry campus.

I wasn't faced with expulsion, or the loss of an atheltic scholarship. It was the first time I had been in any kind of trouble. Three hours of service was a slap on the wrist, but it was effective. I did learn one lesson - live within the rules of the society you live and work in.

Pretty simple lesson. I now expect a ticket when pulled over, I am, afterall, breaking the law - no matter how small or illogical that law seems.

Anthony Tucker needs to learn that lesson as well. Whether or not he could have beaten the rap is not important. What is important is learning from mistakes - and learning that as a public figure, he must not only avoid breaking the rules but also the appearance of breaking those rules. How many public figures have gone out in a blaze of glory, denying over and over again what they were accused of.

Underage/teenage drinking is illegal. Is it logical that the kid is old enough to vote or serve in the military but legally can't drink a beer?


But those are the rules of our society. We all know those rules, and can make decisions accordingly. Every driver is tested, and can see the posted speed limits. We choose to use our turn signals, or not use them. We choose to break the rules. We should expect, if pulled over, to get cited for breaking those rules.
chadfrey- AT pleaded guilty. I'm pretty sure he knew he broke the law.

I don't think any of us know what kind of rules Lick set in place after the first incident. If he told AT that any more alcohol related offenses will result in expulsion from the team, then he should stick to his guns. If AT followed the rules set forth and entered this year with a "clean slate", then Lick better let him know there is a zero tolerance going forward.
Knighthawk - you are correct, he pleaded guilty. Talking about this with friends over lunch, I commended Tucker for the plea and not trying to beat the rap. However, that is not my point.

My pont is despite being through this before he still made the decision that led to his suspension. That's the prioblem. He did not learn from his first experience, because he did not avoid the behavior that landed him in hot water.
Jon, good piece. Larson's letter was transparent in purpose, but it has actually affected the perspective of many fans toward his client so I suppose he achieved his objective in part. In any event, Tucker pleaded guilty, so he is guilty. Period.

Tucker might as well obliterate that tattoo on his arm, because he's already has done so in spirit. That's why I don't trust him not to do it again. He's done major damage to the program in two different seasons. You noted one possible consequence of his actions that hadn't occurred to me, but point well taken. Who knows if the composition of the team might be different now if he hadn't messed up twice (at least) last year.

If it were up to me, Tucker would be gone already. Maybe it's a good thing it's not up to me. Time will tell whether he screws up yet again, but I think the damage he's already done, and which his continued presence will do, is enough.
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Jon, you say if Tucker comes back you'd be fine with it, if he left you'd be fine with it.

I'm not sure that's the case, I think you'd rather Anthony not be back on this team.
I'm not saying you are right or wrong, but if I am reading your posts correctly, I think if you are being honest with yourself, you'd rather he not be back.
One thing I forgot to mention, Jon. I understand why you would counsel your daughters never to drink, but a number of studies demonstrate that there actually are some health benefits that can come from moderate drinking, of certain types.
Nice article Jon. Good points Kingsbury14. It seems in some of the articles that I have read, especially in reference to comments from TL, that getting the legals stuff, the University stuff and then whatever TL wants to add, are simply hurdles to be jumped and that the decision that Tucker will be back is already made. Its almost like he is considered too important to not have, and that bugs me. Tucker hasnt respected the team, the coaches, the university that he made a commitment to, ar even himself, and I dont see how him not paying a real price changes anything. I guess its possible he could learn and come back, but its not likely. I think for his good he needs to move on, and it would be better if its IOWA that makes that choice for him. If he really wants a D I playing career, then he will have to clean up and get himself right to play. That may well be his best chance to get himself straight for life, it just BB. And, for IOWA, it should demand more and to keep him seems to indicate that they are willing to settle for less, and doesnt that send a bad message to all ( and in a manner, then encourage more poor behaviour ).
Jon, you say if Tucker comes back you'd be fine with it, if he left you'd be fine with it.

I'm not sure that's the case, I think you'd rather Anthony not be back on this team.
I'm not saying you are right or wrong, but if I am reading your posts correctly, I think if you are being honest with yourself, you'd rather he not be back.

The only reason I would be ok if he were let back on the team would be if Todd and his staff and Iowa determined it was in anthonys best interest. That it would make a big impact in his life. They know more than I do and I do trust Todd
One thing I forgot to mention, Jon. I understand why you would counsel your daughters never to drink, but a number of studies demonstrate that there actually are some health benefits that can come from moderate drinking, of certain types.

I figured someone would say that. I am sure there are vitamins that can do the same. I don't think it occurs naturally in nature . Then again neither. Does the popcorn I am about to chow on :)
Interesting take on the fallout from AT's transgressions. I am just not convinced that AT is as good as many fans seem to think. He has yet to prove anything vs Big Ten conpetition. His shooting is abysmal this year,and that is by far his best attribute as a player...so what does that leave? Not that much ,imo. Defense is lacking, ball-handling sub-par for a pg,and decision-making also suspect. Just not convinced that his presence would have resulted in any more wins last year.
The only reason I would be ok if he were let back on the team would be if Todd and his staff and Iowa determined it was in anthonys best interest. That it would make a big impact in his life. They know more than I do and I do trust Todd

I'm confused, so you would care about his basketball and not just compartmentalize that part of the whole?
I'm confused, so you would care about his basketball and not just compartmentalize that part of the whole?

I know, its complicated...hard to explain really. I trust Todd knows Anthony well. I dont know if AT is a fragile person or not...I suspect he may be. And perhaps kicking him to the curb right now would be a very, very bad thing for him. They would know more than I do.

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