Tucker wants to stay @ Iowa...

"No one was in a more desperate situation to have Tucker on the floor than Lick, and Lick didn't do it. I respect him for that, even if he could have handled the communication part of it better."
Jon here is where I disagree with you, I can not RESPECT a coach who throws one of his players under the bus. After this incident, I look back at the Freeman scenerio and question whether Lickliter really had a meeting with him or was he thrown under the bus also? Last year, Palmer and Davis had no idea what there roles were on the team and transfered. Then at the end of the season, how do you not play JR Angle some on Senior Day, it's not like Iowa was playing for NCAA bid.
Lickliter was not desperate, he had John.
Alcohol abuse and rape are not the same. However, justice in big time team sports is not the same as justice in the world for you and me.

There are behaivoral expectations in society and in team sports. In high school, if you get caught at a party with alcohol, you miss games, usually whether or not you were drinking. There are no real world ramifications for that, you are not kicked out of school, you won't lose a job someday because you were at that party, but you miss games.

that's the way that it is. When you do the same thing twice, and the first time around that selfish behavior (both with the drinking AND being academically ineligible) played a huge part in the team suffering the rest, you'd been given your chances.

Tucker has had THREE strikes. The first drinking issue, being academically ineligible, and then the second drinking issue. All three of those instances speak to a maturity issue, at the least.

He's had his chances at Iowa. I would be floored if the new coach would even entertain him being back on the team. It just won't happen.

Completely agree with everything you said and this is alarming and this thread actually makes me feel really bad for wanting Lickliter gone. The best thing that could happen for this team is to get rid of the cliques. However... your high school scenario.. applies everywhere EXCEPT for SE Polk.
First of all, AT was not kicked off the team. He requested his transfer all on his own. Was it due to the way he was being treated by Coach after his suspension ended, maybe. Had he stuck it out until the end of the season and then made his decision to leave or stay, he would be a member of the team today and this point would be mute. He made his choice when he asked for his release and in my opinion his ship has sailed.

I do hope he finds somewhere that will be good for him and that he gets his alcohol challenges under control. Lots of us make mistakes when we are in college, I know I did, and in no way should we write off AT as a person. I wish him nothing but success, just think it would be best for him if it was somewhere else. The catcalls on the road in the Big Ten can be brutal and there is no doubt they would be very brutal for AT.

I stand corrected, AT was not kicked off the team. I also would like to point out that I have not written him off as a human being. I wouldn't write anyone off for something as common as an alcohol related incident. I've been there myself on more than one occasion. I also hope for the best for AT. I just think he needs to move on as he's burned his bridges here.
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If it was parking or jaywalking it would be a non-factor. But it isn't about parking or jaywalking, it's about being passed-out in an alley and drunkenly assaulting a taxicab driver. This is not representing the U of I in a postive light and it obviously isn't being tolerated.

A taxicab driver who didnt speak english well, and was driving away when Tucker realized he left his cell phone in the cab.
Tucker should just move on. The communication by lick with the team and with Tucker was clearly not good,but the end result was the right one.
I think Lick should have just kicked him off the team back in January.
Bottom line, the new coach does not need the Tucker decision hanging over him the day he walks in the door. It is over and there is no turning back now.
The new coach needs schollys, and this has opened one up. I suspect he might want another one also..if not for this year, then next.
A bit of ruthlessness is needed if the new guy is going to have a fighting chance to capture early momentum and capitalize on it. I would like to see him have at least one scholly to give this year and at least two next year. That means Tuckers scholly for this year,and at least one more current member of the team, maybe even two, need to hit the road. Tough medicine,but Iowa cannot mess around,we have a window here with the new facility and a new ,hopefully, hotshot recruiter at the helm...use him!
Completely agree with everything you said and this is alarming and this thread actually makes me feel really bad for wanting Lickliter gone. The best thing that could happen for this team is to get rid of the cliques. However... your high school scenario.. applies everywhere EXCEPT for SE Polk.

So true...
I said this in a different thread but here are my thoughts:

The new coach will have to let him go... I understand that people have different opinions on this issue but I think the people that want him to go would be much more upset if they kept him than the people who want him to stay would be if they let him go.
These issues will work themselves naturally with the new coach. Some recruits might not come, some current players might leave, but I am hopeful that the players that remain will be the ones that want to stay for the long haul. It will likely be another hard year next year as these problems are resolved.

As for the Tucker situation, wasn't the fact that Tucker was given the silent treatment and this made (some) players unhappy a major reason that most people argued Lickliter should be fired in the first place? It seems disingenuous of these same fans to argue that a new coach should not try to right this wrong, if in fact he could do so.

One thing I do agree on, though, is that Tucker should not expect his scholarship back. You can't give those up and just waltz back in and take them back.
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I say Tucker has run his course at Iowa. Both sides need a fresh start. Tucker ****** away his chances by getting the second alcohol-related incident. He might be a good player but I'm hoping our new coach has a better talent pool from which to choose.
And this would be a very bad idea. The kid has made his bed. I heard last week that if this happened, that may ensure that some of the young kids leave

gatens and Tucker are roommates and close. I have heard there are strong cliques on this team and that the gatens/Tucker clique is not a popular one

it's a bad idea and I'd rather not see it happen. Tucker has had his chances here, many of them.

Marble Jr also mentioned cliques in a tweet last week.

I've been on record favoring Tucker's return if the new coach would have him. But if the players are against it, I'm against it (want to guess how the players felt about James Ferentz?)
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Marble Jr also mentioned cliques in a tweet last week.

I've been on record favoring Tucker's return if the new coach would have him. But if the players are against it, I'm against it.

I totally agree with this. I say if the new coach will have him back then let the players decide. If both the players and the coach want him then have him back. I think that if his situation would have been handled better, this discussion wouldn't be taking place.
It's sort of sad to read about the cliques and to know Gatens is part of the trouble. You really want to root for the kids on the team but this does put a new light on things.

With respect to the off court/field troubles, I have no problem with how Lick or Ferentz handled them. From a friend in the know, James Ferentz had to work at the Ronald McDonald house DURING home games as part of his suspension from the team. That way he could hear every bit of what he was missing out on. Lick wasn't quick to take Tucker back. Good for both coaches. Like it's been said, playing at t D1 school on a full ride demands certain things...paramount is that you represent your school well.
"No one was in a more desperate situation to have Tucker on the floor than Lick, and Lick didn't do it. I respect him for that, even if he could have handled the communication part of it better."
Jon here is where I disagree with you, I can not RESPECT a coach who throws one of his players under the bus.

Please explain precisely how Lick "threw Tucker under the bus".
On several levels, bringing Tucker back would be bad, bad news. And that's coming for a guy who has always supported Anthony.

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