Troubling Trend in Hawkeye Recruiting: Too Many Iowans

I just don't understand how someone has time to constantly troll under multiple alts on a site like this. Do they not have a job? Family? Friends?
This is the first time I've ever been on this site. Let me get this straight...If 'fans' criticize coaches and make idiotic comments about football or people, that is fine....If someone 'calls' them on it, they are a troll......Got it. That's why 'people' like yourself like anonymous message boards...You can run you mouth off behind peoples backs with no accountability for what you say. Someone talks to you 'man to man' and you cry foul and whine. If you don't like me holding you or anyone else 'accountable' for what you say, don't say it, or be a man and take the criticism that some of you like to dish out.....pretty simple. Have a great day! I'm a busy guy!

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