Trophy Ideas for Iowa v Nebraska

The Big Red Powerwagon

When Harry Met Herky

The Manly Cup

Dumb & Dumber (submitted by a Michigan fan)

Ethanol Bowl

Battle of BoKirk

The Little Brown Cowpie
How bout the Master Shucker Trophy. Then put a big damn flag from the winning school (black with tigerhawk logo that they use for games) on the top of the I80 bride in the middle. Nice little catch to the future rivalry.
I like the Missouri River Melee.
What about 'The Border Brawl for the Huskeye Cup' It could be a big cup (think Stanley) with corn in it.

I can see the opening video now......the scoreboard is black, the stadium is silent, then the ominous music starts with the words "2 Teams, 1 Cup". :)
I got it ...

play on Thanksgiving weekend, and play for a ...


Are we eventually going to have trophies for every game? I'm not sure why we would have a trophy with Nebraska. There's no tradition there. It would make more sense(but still be dumb as hell) to have a trophy with Illinois than it would Nebby.
Are we eventually going to have trophies for every game? I'm not sure why we would have a trophy with Nebraska. There's no tradition there. It would make more sense(but still be dumb as hell) to have a trophy with Illinois than it would Nebby.

Unfortunately Illinois isnt a protected game, but that would probably change with new divisions though.
Farm Belt Classic

Trophy of an old time horse and plow and could be called the Plains Heritage Trophy.

Or better yet ...

The winner could take possession of of a plowshare (possibly bronzed) which has been engraved with Nebraska heritage icons on one side and Iowa heritage icons on the other. This follows more in-line with trophies like the Oaken Bucket or Paul Bunyan's Axe.
Heart of America Trophy- Love It or Leave It

Corn Bowl Wagon trophy is 1st choice
Let's go all out, put something on the table that no other rivalry can or will. Let's battle for the right to keep Carter Lake. Winner gets the town and all its citizens for the year. For those who do not know:

carter lake, ia - Google Maps

Note the state border...
HOW ABOUT THE ANF TROPHY (for American Needs Farmers)

I think that name would be perfect - both Iowa and NEbraska could wear the ANF patch during the game!!!!!
How bout a giant pair of truck nuts? The winner gets to keep them and paint them in school colors.

These truck nuts could then be displayed on the trailer of the Iowa team semi and could even be shown t-bagging the oponent mascot in the opening video in Kinnick.

I got banned last year for 2 weeks for having an avatar of woman's chest wearing a hawkeye shirt......but yet this is allowed JON!!!!!!???????
