Olaseni is so much fun to watch!
Marble is a 2
White is a 3
Come on guys...don't you listen to sports talk radio in Des Moines? Iowa has no talent, they're unwatchable and their incoming recruits aren't that good, even though Roy Williams tried like hell to get one of them! Get your heads out of your a$$es and realize this is going to be a Cyclone State if they have any say about it!
Bobby Hanson disagrees with you
Mike Hlas of the Gazzett disagrees with you
at this point in time i will take Bobby Hanson assessment of him
over yours
also you might be the HN talent evaluator
but when people like Bobby Hanson, Kenyon Murray and Fran plus Andrew Francis call him a 2 i will take their word for it
also you might be the HN talent evaluatorbut when people like Bobby Hansen, Kenyon Murray and Fran plus Andrew Francis call him a 2 i will take their word for it
The day this becomes a Cyclone state is the day I become a Canadian. And I'm not worried about saying eh at the end of every sentence.