Tracking Woodbury's Offers / Interests


Justin VanLaere
We know he is blowing up... here's the list that I know about, feel free to add.

Offers from:
Ohio State

Interest from:
Went to Cal for undergrad. Not even close to Iowa for a sports climate, but waaaaayyyy better than Iowa in a bunch of other ways.
We know he is blowing up... here's the list that I know about, feel free to add.

Offers from:
Ohio State

Interest from:

Wonder how long before Maryland, Florida and Kentucky comes calling if they haven't already.
Went to Cal for undergrad. Not even close to Iowa for a sports climate, but waaaaayyyy better than Iowa in a bunch of other ways.

Besides being the most liberal school in the country and producing a ton of anti-Americans what other waaaaayyys are they better than the U?
Besides being the most liberal school in the country and producing a ton of anti-Americans what other waaaaayyys are they better than the U?

Um let's see...
Number one public university in the nation.
Beautiful setting overlooking San Francisco Bay
Great weather
World renowned faculty in every college and department
A 20 minute Bart ride from one of the most fun cities in America for young people.
Great food all over the place.
Can walk right up into beautiful Grizzly Peak park, which boasts great golf and amazing views of the bay.
Easy drive to one of the most amazing redwoods parks in the world...
A campus that makes Iowa's campus look like Moo U.
Need I go on?
Um let's see...
Number one public university in the nation.
Beautiful setting overlooking San Francisco Bay
Great weather
World renowned faculty in every college and department
A 20 minute Bart ride from one of the most fun cities in America for young people.
Great food all over the place.
Can walk right up into beautiful Grizzly Peak park, which boasts great golf and amazing views of the bay.
Easy drive to one of the most amazing redwoods parks in the world...
A campus that makes Iowa's campus look like Moo U.
Need I go on?

sorry, my wife and I visited San Fran and the wine country 2 years ago and we thought it was beautiful and a lot of fun, but we prefer the midwest and the Hawkeyes will always be my favorite team and Moo U is over at Ames.
sorry, my wife and I visited San Fran and the wine country 2 years ago and we thought it was beautiful and a lot of fun, but we prefer the midwest and the Hawkeyes will always be my favorite team and Moo U is over at Ames.

That's your personal preference. I love the midwest, and I'm a student at Iowa right now, and I love that too. But I'm not going to sit here and say that I wouldn't love California weather a helluva lot more than an Iowa February when I have to walk to class. Or that Iowa is a better school than Cal (Sorry, it's not. Cal/Stanford are a tick below the Ivy's.). There is plenty to love about a school like that.
sorry, my wife and I visited San Fran and the wine country 2 years ago and we thought it was beautiful and a lot of fun, but we prefer the midwest and the Hawkeyes will always be my favorite team and Moo U is over at Ames.

Don't get me wrong. I love IC for its college town and sports atmosphere. Moving from Berkeley to IC was actually a relatively easy transition. But it compares to one tiny slice of that area, and that is without the weather and view. And pretty much anything Iowa has, culture, business, sports, recreation, etc., it is dwarfed by what the Bay offers.

But of course you run into tons of issues with those kinds of areas - overcrowding, high cost of living, self-interested people, etc. So it's not for everyone. Having lived in the middle of the country for a decade, it is just an easier life here. That being said, I have to accept to some extent Daniel Tosh's assessment that "the middle of the country is where you go when you've given up on your dreams."

And yes, I know Moo U. is in Ames. That is the comparison I was making.
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Woodbury just moved up to #50 in Rivlas rankings. Gesell is now #89. Both 4 star prospects.

Im thinking if Woodbury plays as well as he has the rest of the summer he will be a 5 star by the time he commits somewhere.
Cal-Berkley is also very close to Muir Woods, a Redwood reserve that has trails on Mount Tamalpais where one can sit in a meadow watching the fog roll over San Francisco, Priceless.....


A very nice area to visit or vacation, but I personally prefer the pace and people of Iowa.
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Woodbury just moved up to #50 in Rivlas rankings. Gesell is now #89. Both 4 star prospects.

Im thinking if Woodbury plays as well as he has the rest of the summer he will be a 5 star by the time he commits somewhere.

is tyler smith our last four star recruit? i think they only give 5 stars to the top 20 players in the nation, so unless something crazy happens, i don't see that happening.
is tyler smith our last four star recruit? i think they only give 5 stars to the top 20 players in the nation, so unless something crazy happens, i don't see that happening.

Gatens was the last four star. Think Larson might have been a four star on Scout when he verballled - was a three on Rivals.
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Cal-Berkley is also very close to Muir Woods, a Redwood reserve that has trails on Mount Tamalpais where one can sit in a meadow watching the fog roll over San Francisco, Priceless.....


A very nice area to visit or vacation, but I personally prefer the pace and people of Iowa.

Don't sell yourselves short. Recruits know that U of I is a short drive away from this...

Dundietroll, every state in the union has beautiful areas and less than beautiful areas ( I still think the field picture is beautiful). Nice cornfield stereotype, no-one here has ever seen that...

I would wager that a kid from Harlem would find both of those pictures alien, and would have to work to find beauty in both of them.
Dundietroll, every state in the union has beautiful areas and less than beautiful areas ( I still think the field picture is beautiful). Nice cornfield stereotype, no-one here has ever seen that...

I would wager that a kid from Harlem would find both of those pictures alien, and would have to work to find beauty in both of them.

Dude, you sucked all of the life out of that joke.

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