Tracking 2011 class offers

The coaches seem to be trying to keep Cooper in the picture. I think that the coaches already view Cyrus in the rearview.

My little bit of "wishful" thinking still regards Tabb. We probably have less chance with Tabb ... however, I "want" us to have more of a chance. Thus, please note my bias there.

Also, let me reiterate that I'm not insider here. A lot of this is playing hunches and just going off of what I've read. I'm intrigued at what folks are saying about Iowa cooling on Harrington.

Here are folks who are already "knowns" who I think that we still have the most shot at:

- Price [LB]: tOSU fans like their chances ... however, I'm wondering if Iowa might land a Price/Pitts "package deal"
- Pitts [CB/RB]: versatile player ... may have struck up a positive friendship with Alston ... and also goes to highschool with Price
- Perry [DB]: versatile player ... a safety type ... clearly a guy who the Iowa coaches have interest in
- Tabb [LEO LB/TE]: if the TE-"angle" is on the table, Iowa's chances go up quite a lot ... as maybe I've alluded, my judgement is probably clouded concerning our chances with him. A man can "hope" though ....
- Williams : that is, if he still visits. Having Illinois take Kirby could have put his nose out of joint. Furthermore, Iowa can sell A TON of opportunity at S.
- Taylor [CB]: if the 'ship remains good on Michigan's end ... and if they land a good coach, we still could miss out here.

FOR THE RECORD: I'd love for Iowa to land Cooper. However, I think that Iowa was pulling out all stops with Ferentz's visit to Cooper just to get Iowa to get a visit (certainly not a sign where we have much recruiting leverage there). I have no idea how Iowa sits for his services.

Thanks for your insight.
Didn't Cyrus and Cooper already have a trip to Iowa planned before KF showed up out there? From what I've read, that weekend could be huge for the Iowa program. I'm of the opinion that KF and the staff thought Cooper felt is teammate was getting a lot of attention, so KF went to visit Cooper specifically when Cyrus was at the U-A game.

The coaches seem to be trying to keep Cooper in the picture. I think that the coaches already view Cyrus in the rearview.

My little bit of "wishful" thinking still regards Tabb. We probably have less chance with Tabb ... however, I "want" us to have more of a chance. Thus, please note my bias there.

Also, let me reiterate that I'm not insider here. A lot of this is playing hunches and just going off of what I've read. I'm intrigued at what folks are saying about Iowa cooling on Harrington.

Here are folks who are already "knowns" who I think that we still have the most shot at:

- Price [LB]: tOSU fans like their chances ... however, I'm wondering if Iowa might land a Price/Pitts "package deal"
- Pitts [CB/RB]: versatile player ... may have struck up a positive friendship with Alston ... and also goes to highschool with Price
- Perry [DB]: versatile player ... a safety type ... clearly a guy who the Iowa coaches have interest in
- Tabb [LEO LB/TE]: if the TE-"angle" is on the table, Iowa's chances go up quite a lot ... as maybe I've alluded, my judgement is probably clouded concerning our chances with him. A man can "hope" though ....
- Williams : that is, if he still visits. Having Illinois take Kirby could have put his nose out of joint. Furthermore, Iowa can sell A TON of opportunity at S.
- Taylor [CB]: if the 'ship remains good on Michigan's end ... and if they land a good coach, we still could miss out here.

FOR THE RECORD: I'd love for Iowa to land Cooper. However, I think that Iowa was pulling out all stops with Ferentz's visit to Cooper just to get Iowa to get a visit (certainly not a sign where we have much recruiting leverage there). I have no idea how Iowa sits for his services.
I believe Cyrus and Cooper are visiting at the end of the month at the same time Alston is going to be visiting. He will be selling the Hawks hard and heavy!
I believe Cyrus and Cooper are visiting at the end of the month at the same time Alston is going to be visiting. He will be selling the Hawks hard and heavy!

I still wouldn't necessarily count on Cyrus visiting. I'll believe it when I see it ....

If Iowa gets a visit from Cooper ... then I'll start holding out a little bit more hope about landing him too.

Of course, Kirby ended up choosing the Illini after having visited Iowa too ... and that is after having already made up his mind in the recruiting game.

Thus, part of the key is having the guys visit while still having an open mind about Iowa. We'll see ....
Why do we have such trouble recruiting corners? I'm guessing they don't want to play our soft D.

We can show them tape of Spievey and Fletcher ... and then they'll learn that we actually DO NOT play soft D. Rather, we play the schemes that we can pull off given our personnel.

If some Hawk fans actually paid attention to detail, they'd actually learn something about what we ACTUALLY do!
Didn't Cyrus and Cooper already have a trip to Iowa planned before KF showed up out there? From what I've read, that weekend could be huge for the Iowa program. I'm of the opinion that KF and the staff thought Cooper felt is teammate was getting a lot of attention, so KF went to visit Cooper specifically when Cyrus was at the U-A game.

I think that that is definitely part of it. I'm sure they wanted to make sure that Cooper felt an adequate amount of "love" from the Hawks.

However, I'd also point to precedent about how Ferentz and Co approached things concerning Hendersen the prior year.

Cooper and his family probably are still sounding pretty sincere about visiting Iowa ... thus, Ferentz visits to make sure that they stick to that. Furthermore, NOBODY provides a better face to the program than Ferentz.

Ferentz's schtick doesn't always resonate with the kids as much as the parents ... but it still usually leaves a positive impression. The end-game is still to get the kid to visit Iowa City ... if that happens, then we always have a chance.
The lastest article I read on Cooper, which was from yesterday had him quoted saying he is definetly taking his last two visits with one of those being in Iowa City.
The lastest article I read on Cooper, which was from yesterday had him quoted saying he is definetly taking his last two visits with one of those being in Iowa City.

That would be consistent with some folks saying that he's down to Iowa and PSU. However, I've also heard second-hand that he's still biased in favor of choosing PSU (by a margin too).

Thus, being runner-up is still being the loser in the recruiting game.
That would be consistent with some folks saying that he's down to Iowa and PSU. However, I've also heard second-hand that he's still biased in favor of choosing PSU (by a margin too).

Thus, being runner-up is still being the loser in the recruiting game.

Based on a pay article from TOS....Cooper eliminated PSU today....he will be visiting Iowa on the 21st.

His final 3 are Iowa, MSU, and Ga Tech. Most insiders believe it is between IA and MSU.

KF had an in home visit about a week back and made a pretty good impression with Cooper. Hopefully it goes well on January 21st, Cooper would be a big get for us considering our lack of depth on the DL after this season.
BTW - Don't hold your breath on CyKo...I'm still skeptical he's even going to visit. If he does, we've got a good shot....but I'm not convinced he's going to visit yet.
BTW - Don't hold your breath on CyKo...I'm still skeptical he's even going to visit. If he does, we've got a good shot....but I'm not convinced he's going to visit yet.

I definitely hope he keeps that date. Alston mentioned that he and Kouandjio have met at several junior days, as well as Cooper. He's taking his visit on the 21st as well, and he said he'd be selling the program to both of them.
BTW - Don't hold your breath on CyKo...I'm still skeptical he's even going to visit. If he does, we've got a good shot....but I'm not convinced he's going to visit yet.

CyKo acts like a silent verbal to Alabama and is just waiting because he's agreed to announce on ESPNU's signing day coverage. He does not seem to have much interest in visiting places, and some recruiting insider tweeted Cyrus is not going anywhere this week. That means 1 or 2 remaining visits at most.
We can show them tape of Spievey and Fletcher ... and then they'll learn that we actually DO NOT play soft D. Rather, we play the schemes that we can pull off given our personnel.

If some Hawk fans actually paid attention to detail, they'd actually learn something about what we ACTUALLY do!

Yikes...that last part was kind of condescending, don't you think Homer? Sure it was a blanket statement regarding our "soft" D, but we are routinely in situations where we are giving opposing WR's large cushions. The entire basis behind the bend but don't break philosophy is keeping things in front of you, so our corners are usually in extremely soft coverage, which I think is what the poster was referring to. I don't think it takes a higher being or hours upon hours of poring over the coaches tape to come to that conclusion.

Playing schemes we can pull off given our personnel? I think you just described about every D-1A team out there. There isn't enough job security out there as a coach to run schemes that you know your players can't or aren't good at executing.

/ back to your regularly scheduled recruiting talk

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