Today is a miraculously wonderful day...The Big 12 Lives On!!!


There was a point where things looked mighty grim indeed. Honestly, what's miraculous is that ISU emerges from this MUCH better off than before. No NU to fight with in the North and about a 10 million dollar bump in annual revenue. Absolutely amazing how this has turned out.

Now we can look forward to adding a couple additions and getting back to a full twelve. Perhaps ND will see how well this works for Texas and take some interest? Anyway, this is good for the state of Iowa as well as ISU...more revenue into our state universities is always a good thing.
Sure. But a BCS program that's afraid to play good BCS competition isn't worth cheering for...I'm fine with playing Oklahoma and Texas. Heck, we used to play Okie and NU every year when they were both virtually the late 70's for example, when ISU football was thriving.

Its a tough challenge no doubt, but Iowa has no less difficult of a road. Ohio State, Penn State, Nebraska, Wisconsin, just as challenging. You build a program by PLAYING tough competition, not avoiding it. So bring it, and the extra revenue, on!
If there is no change in non conference scheduling, that is playing Iowa every year, it will be a lot tougher for ISU to become bowl eligible.

It still may be tougher even if Iowa is dropped from the schedule.
Have you considered having to play the strong teams of the southern division more frequently?

This is the correct thought. Seriously, I can't believe that there are literally 7 stooges that are going along with this. Let see....Texas and Oklahoma already have the inherited advantages of the talent pool, now these other schools are going to ride the coattail of those programs and give them more money then they get? That's retarded and the stance of what a "lackey" would take. Big Ten has it right, equal distribution of the TV revenue, which is the best tactic for a strong conference.

There is a reason that Texas wanted to keep the Big 12 alive.....they get an easy ticket to a BCS game, playing a one game season every year (Oklahoma) in a weakened conference, and get all the money to boot.
I could say the same for Iowa with NU joining the Big Ten.

Competition is good.

I disagree. You can't compare Iowa and Iowa St, especially in this situation. Iowa has a much, much, much better and more talented football program. I agree that Nebraska will be good competition, but Nebraska will come nowhere near the dominance over Iowa that they enjoyed over ISU.
ISU was pretty irrelevant before this whole expansion thing, this just means they didn't become any less irrelevant. I guess if you're a clone, thats a good thing.
I could say the same for Iowa with NU joining the Big Ten.

Competition is good.

We can say the same thing for every team in both conferences.

The point I'm trying to make is Iowa State has a significantly smaller margin of error in becoming bowl eligible than those schools who have better won loss records. Take Iowa for example.

Given the condition of both programs and from a bowl eligibility standpoint it would make more sense for Iowa State to lighten up the schedule than for Iowa to light up its schedule. That said, I have no problem with Iowa dropping Iowa State and the Hawks playing a very beatable regional out of state school.
This is a no brainer for ISU, so what their competition is tougher but 10 million more in the bank, this will give ISU a few more years to avoid bankruptcy due to Pollard!
Sure. But a BCS program that's afraid to play good BCS competition isn't worth cheering for...I'm fine with playing Oklahoma and Texas. Heck, we used to play Okie and NU every year when they were both virtually the late 70's for example, when ISU football was thriving.

Its a tough challenge no doubt, but Iowa has no less difficult of a road. Ohio State, Penn State, Nebraska, Wisconsin, just as challenging. You build a program by PLAYING tough competition, not avoiding it. So bring it, and the extra revenue, on!

Well I wanted the downfall but you guys survived. I don't think the terms are great for you guys and how the nation now views everybody other than Texas in that conference but if you guys are cool with it then I guess I am happy for you guys. Good luck next year.
Miracle? Everything proceeded as I have foreseen. Now, witness the power of the fully operational BEVO Network! All Horns, All the Time!
I could say the same for Iowa with NU joining the Big Ten.

Competition is good.

I agree, and I like your optimism.

Iowa just won the Orange Bowl, though, and one could argue that Iowa and Iowa State are not exactly at the same level at this point in time.

The rich just got richer.
This is a no brainer for ISU, so what their competition is tougher but 10 million more in the bank, this will give ISU a few more years to avoid bankruptcy due to Pollard!

Hahahaha what an uninformed idiot. Look at how much money ISU had BEFORE Pollard. Look at them now. Get back to me
I haven't said, nor do I think that ISU and Iowa are currently playing at the same level in football. That said, this agreement solidifies ISU in a BCS conference, creates a huge jump up in revenue, and ISU's chances of winning the conference just went from 1 in 12 to 1 in 10..... =)

Texas is Texas and yes, the rich got richer. But ISU also got a lot richer and considering we were on the brink of having to jump to the Big East...or even the MWC, we've come out of this smelling like roses. The ISU program is in a much stronger position today than it was a month ago...MUCH stronger.
Like I said in other threads, I don't care one way or the other.

Its good for ISU, but I don't think this changes the future of ISU athletics outside of added revenue. The competition will still be too much for them to do anything significant. Texas and Nebraska came out winners in this thing. Texas and Oklahoma will make everyone else in the Big12 bend over every year. (at least in football)

Its just "meh" for me...

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