Time for a new defensive coordinator?

Well, when a FCS team holds a QB to 18-40 with 3 picks and you basically make him look like a Heisman candidate, there's bound to be some questions.

Great logic, then that means UNI would roll over Iowa this year and we would be lucky to score a point against them. Win or lose it is 90% mental, that is why you can't look how a team played the previous week especially when they played a FCS team.
I love Norm, his tough attitude, his approach to the game. He has contributed a lot to Iowa football. So it pains me deeply to ask this question: Is it time for a new defensive coordinator? The game plan has seemed adequate, but it does not seem we have the talent, the speed, the stamina to compete in a game like this today. We also don't have a DC down on the sideline chewing a$$.

It's not going to get any easier the rest of the way.

We saw how spent the defense got last year, and as a result lost some games at the last minute we could have won. Perhaps part of that is because the offense isn't maintaining possession and the defense is spending a lot of time on the field. But something clearly is wrong.

I'm confused. Your post says the DC, his schemes, and his game plan is good, but we don't have enough talent to get the job done, then ask if we need a new DC?
Our offense generated 16 points through the first three quarters, and a touchdown right before the end of regulation and everybody is blaming the defense? The lack of productivity on offense is not going to get us to .500 this year. I blame 90% of all of the losses last year and the loss this year on our offense and its inability to stay on the field longer and give our defense time to rest. At 21 points/game in regulation that probably will put our offense at the bottom of the top 100 teams in scoring average.

Good points.
Well, when a FCS team holds a QB to 18-40 with 3 picks and you basically make him look like a Heisman candidate, there's bound to be some questions.


Also, Ferentz has to quick coaching like a scared little girl.
How about we get aggressive even once in a while???
Blitzes are about timing. Today's blitzes were the most broadcasted, and worst, blitzes I have ever seen in my life.

Agreed, we definitely blitzed more. That said it was obvious that with as much time as we spend practicing our base defense, the blitzing was ineffective.

Jantz was comfortable in the pocket and when pressured all day. For the most part the blitz wasn't disguised and the majority of the time he was ready for it. Our blitz package was just as ineffective because you can tell its something we don't spend a lot of time on.
"Agreed, we definitely blitzed more. That said it was obvious that with as much time as we spend practicing our base defense, the blitzing was ineffective. "

Do you attend practices to know how much time is spent on blitzing and base defense? Just wondering how you know.
Not singling anyone out, but I find it ironic that whenever our defensive production is questioned that instantly it gets pinned on the offense being the problem. Not saying that our offense is great or the defense is terrible, but we just lost 41-44. I don't think we're in a position to pin it on the offense, especially when ISU defense was supposed to be the strenght of their team. Bottom line is both sides of the ball need work and to point fingers at one side vs. the other is a joke.
"Agreed, we definitely blitzed more. That said it was obvious that with as much time as we spend practicing our base defense, the blitzing was ineffective. "

Do you attend practices to know how much time is spent on blitzing and base defense?

If that was sent my way, then no I don't know how much time they spend working on blitzing vs. base denfense and it's strictly speculation. That said I'm assuming it's not a great deal because they seem a bit lost and out of sync when doing it. However, that said if you have more info for me I'd love to hear it. I'd be more than interested to find out how much time we spend working on something, that historically, we rarely do.
nobody follows the phrase, " Offense wins games, defense wins championships." anymore? The defense did look a little sloppy and Iowa struggled with getting the ball in our play makers hands. Both sides are equally at fault, and they will work on it in practice i'm sure. You cant blame 1 side in a team sport.
One thing I would have liked to see was some sort of QB Spy.

Iowa needs it Saturday and they need to implement it against mobile QBs.

Yes, it's requires personnel change and I realize it won't happen, but it'd be nice.
If that was sent my way, then no I don't know how much time they spend working on blitzing vs. base denfense and it's strictly speculation. That said I'm assuming it's not a great deal because they seem a bit lost and out of sync when doing it. However, that said if you have more info for me I'd love to hear it. I'd be more than interested to find out how much time we spend working on something, that historically, we rarely do.
I was just wondering if you had any FACTS to back up your statement.
nobody follows the phrase, " Offense wins games, defense wins championships." anymore? The defense did look a little sloppy and Iowa struggled with getting the ball in our play makers hands. Both sides are equally at fault, and they will work on it in practice i'm sure. You cant blame 1 side in a team sport.

Agreed completely. I've never understood why it's necessary to point the finger and say the offense lost the game or the defense lost the game. We need work on both sides of the ball which I'm sure will be addressed. But let's not forget that "a good offense is a good defense", defense can't win championships by themselves.
The problem was less the scheme and more about execution. Missed assignments, bad attack lanes, bad tackling etc.
As stated before, the special teams did no favors to the defense by giving ISU the ball on the 40 after every change of possession. The offense needs to step up and leave the defense on the bench longer.
Bear in mind Iowa's horrible defense held them to 27 points in regulation play. So it wasn't like Iowa was getting blown out.
I was just wondering if you had any FACTS to back up your statement.

Here's your FACT. Historically we rely on penetration from our 4 linemen and rarely blitz. It's not in stone, but pretty factual that if you don't spend a great amount of time doing something in games you'd rarely spend a great amount of time working on it in practice. I doubt we spend as much time working on onside kicks as we do kickoffs.
Sorry about coming off as a smart ***, but all I was getting at was that based strictly off observation the blitz has never been a big part of our game so I'm assuming (and could be wrong) that we'd spend more time working on the base defense than we would on the blitzing.
Here's the real issue, IMO.

Iowa's front 4 aren't doing enough.
The Hawks have undersized LBs and if the DL can't keep blockers off of them, Iowa is in trouble.

Reminds me of Greenway's senior year when he didn't have the hogmallies up front to keep the blocks off him (he wasn't the greatest block shedding LB).

So if the front 4 cannot be productive, neither will an undersized middle 3, which will put pressure on a less talented back 4 that has players playing out of position.

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