Tiger is definitely not back

Personally I was bummed this weekend. It was appointment television for me with Tiger in. Watched most of Saturday.

Then was all set to watch yesterday, ready for his comeback shot. When that failed quickly I turned it off and mowed the yard. I only came back in the last 45 minutes or so. Golf is more fun to watch when Tiger is in the mix.

He`ll never be at the top without his wife and his family. He`s screwed up big time....
No pun intended .:D
Who says Tiger isnt having a different woman each nite. He aint married anymore and the cat is out of the bag.

It still seems tiger keeps crossing himself up. It is almost like he needs to decide what ball flight he prefers and stick to that except the occasional time he needs to swing it the other way.

We don't necessarily know, but we know people will be watching his every move and scrutinizing every woman he is seen with. Maybe his recent change in play was due to a girl under the table, no pun intended. ;)
Personally I was bummed this weekend. It was appointment television for me with Tiger in. Watched most of Saturday.

Then was all set to watch yesterday, ready for his comeback shot. When that failed quickly I turned it off and mowed the yard. I only came back in the last 45 minutes or so. Golf is more fun to watch when Tiger is in the mix.

This is the dumbest argument, but not going to reason with u because obviously it won't matter.

Keep hating. Your right, I don't know the game. U win...he sucks....but only if u compare him to him(circa 1999-2009).

Smartest thing you've said in this thread.
I don't understand this argument at all. He's not back and he's never going to be back. What we saw from 1999-2008 will never be duplicated in our lifetimes....including by Tiger himself.

Can he win another major or two? Sure he can. He's still a Top 10-20 player and will be for the next 7 or 8 years (he turns 37 this year).

But I don't know that he has another 4 majors in him right now. Nicklaus won 4 majors after the age of 37, but against lighter competition at that time and he didn't have near the injury issues that Tiger has.

Bottom line is that Tiger has appeared to pick himself up from his self-created mess.....but will never be the player he once was, or even close to it.

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