Tiger is definitely not back

no sir, your wrong. "he has no game" ??? 1 of 2 players with multiple wins, in Tough fields.

Stats in golf, unlike most other sports....actually DO tell the story....go look up his.

I like how you accuse me of not knowing golf and then totally misinterpret the golf colloquialism "game". To say you have "no game" means that relative to your ceiling, your current play is far below what you're capable of. Tiger would be the first to admit that he has no game. He's not shaping shots the way he wants to. His distance control is off. His reads on the greens are good, but his putter's not cooperating. It's not a confidence thing. His game's been off for 3+ years. Yeah, he's won a couple of mid-level tournaments - but is that what we expect from Tiger? I guarantee it isn't what he expects of himself.

Look, contrary to how this thread must appear, I love Tiger. I'm a Tiger guy. I cheered as loudly as anyone at the 18th green on Sunday at the Memorial. It just baffles me to hear people say that he's back, though. It's because I love Tiger that I know how far away he is from his past glory. He just blew a Saturday lead at the US Open. He finished 40th at the Masters. He finished 40th at the Players. That's back?!?!
the difference between tiger and everyone else is once tiger is completely back he will almost never miss cuts. every other golfer in the world has bad weeks and miss cuts all the time. tiger has a bad week and finishes top 25.

also even if tiger gets back to where his game is just as good as it was, he won't win as often as he did. the competition is so much better now then it was 5 years ago. if tiger doesn't pass jack it will be because of his own impact on young players

Tiger changed golf like no one has in the history of the game. He made guys change the way they train and prepare for the season. Before Tiger it seemed that there were an awful lot of over weight and/or "loose in the cage" bodies on tour. You look at most of them now and that certainly isn't the case.
Tiger has actually made it harder for Tiger to win because of it. Look at how Phil changed his shape over the past several years and in turn it made him a better golfer.
Tiger may not break Jack's record but there is no question that Tiger has had just as big of an impact, if not bigger, on the game than anyone in history.
Impressive would have been doing it on Saturday when he needed it. Color me not impressed when he does it when he is completely out of contention.

And Duff- Would it be a good endorsement of Tiger's mental toughness that he smacked a camera while walking off the course after finishing his 3rd round? I mean **** was going wrong at that point big time for Tiger....Whar mental toughness then?

Smacked a camera? What the eff are you looking at? He had his head down and hit the camera as he was walking. Some of you will just ***** about everything...

How about Sergio breaking the microphone ON the course?
Winner winner, chicken dinner. This....at least for true golf fans...is what most want.

No, most want Tiger to dominate the sport like he did in the early 2000's (or to fail miserably, I suppose). The ratings suggest that. Only a handful of people watch tournaments weekly and don't care who wins.

no sir, your wrong. "he has no game" ??? 1 of 2 players with multiple wins, in Tough fields.

Stats in golf, unlike most other sports....actually DO tell the story....go look up his.

you obviously do not know golf.

Obviously you don't either. He won at Bay Hill and at the Memorial - two courses he is very familiar and comfortable with and has won multiple times. If he's going to win any regular tour events in a year those would be the two most likely.
Obviously you don't either. He won at Bay Hill and at the Memorial - two courses he is very familiar and comfortable with and has won multiple times. If he's going to win any regular tour events in a year those would be the two most likely.

Against elite fields. There are a bunch of places that guys are comfortable with and are even members of, but they don't win there.

That argument is just ridiculous. He has won the Masters 4 times - why didn't he win there, since he is very familiar and comfortable with the course?

Who else has won 2 times on Tour this year?
to say bay hill amd the memorial are mid level tournaments is disengengious. those are damn near on the same page as the pga, and are equal to the players. both have elite fields.
to say bay hill amd the memorial are mid level tournaments is disengengious. those are damn near on the same page as the pga, and are equal to the players. both have elite fields.
Tiger will be ranked #1 in the world by the end of this season. Part of the issue is people are holding him to a ridiculously high standard. Will he ever be the same player he was a few years ago? Probably not, but in his defense I doubt we ever see anyone do what he did a few years back, thats how dominant he was.

That all said hes still the best golfer in the world, and if he plays well for four straight days there isnt a person alive who can beat him..

BTW if you are looking for a star whos all washed up look at Phil. Dude will never win another major. Hes over 40 and just doesnt have an edge anymore.

Yep. This and it's not even close.. Thanks Duff.
Obviously you don't either. He won at Bay Hill and at the Memorial - two courses he is very familiar and comfortable with and has won multiple times. If he's going to win any regular tour events in a year those would be the two most likely.

This is the dumbest argument, but not going to reason with u because obviously it won't matter.

Keep hating. Your right, I don't know the game. U win...he sucks....but only if u compare him to him(circa 1999-2009).
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Duffman> You are correct, it was inappropriate of me to label Bay Hill and Memorial mid-level tournaments. They are premier non-majors. Mea culpa. (However, your assertion that they are "equal to the players" is entirely false. I've been to both the Memorial and The Players. The Players outdoes both of these tournaments in prestige and field) However, both Bay Hill and Memorial were mid-level wins for Tiger as these courses have proven to be a walk in the park for him historically (7 wins at Bay Hill, 5 wins at Muirfield)

HawkeyeWalker> Stop bringing weak sauce. The title of the thread is "Tiger is definitely not back." You can't call people out for saying that he sucks since 2009. That's the entire premise of this thread. By the way, your sarcastic admission that "he sucks but only if u compare him to him" can be taken as a concession to this argument. I expect you'll either not be posting in this thread again, or you'll be providing concrete arguments as to how "he's back."
Duffman> You are correct, it was inappropriate of me to label Bay Hill and Memorial mid-level tournaments. They are premier non-majors. Mea culpa. (However, your assertion that they are "equal to the players" is entirely false. I've been to both the Memorial and The Players. The Players outdoes both of these tournaments in prestige and field) However, both Bay Hill and Memorial were mid-level wins for Tiger as these courses have proven to be a walk in the park for him historically (7 wins at Bay Hill, 5 wins at Muirfield)

HawkeyeWalker> Stop bringing weak sauce. The title of the thread is "Tiger is definitely not back." You can't call people out for saying that he sucks since 2009. That's the entire premise of this thread. By the way, your sarcastic admission that "he sucks but only if u compare him to him" can be taken as a concession to this argument. I expect you'll either not be posting in this thread again, or you'll be providing concrete arguments as to how "he's back."

I never once said he was back, actually I have conceded that he is not, but your not interested in anything except being a online smart guy. You must go to a lot of PGA events so I will defer to you and your condescending tone. Don't know ya so I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt. Weak sauce, c'mon man....

If they do away with the anonymity of message board, watch everybody get a little nicer...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, HawkeyeWalker. YOU"RE the one who was condescending (calling me "sir") YOU'RE the one who made it divisive (telling me I'm "wrong" - twice!). And YOU'RE the one who made it personal (telling me that I "obviously don't know golf.") I've strived to keep my language, if not my tone, civil this entire discussion. To be accused of being "not nice" after I endured your behavior - without complaint - is not only ironic, but insulting.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, HawkeyeWalker. YOU"RE the one who was condescending (calling me "sir") YOU'RE the one who made it divisive (telling me I'm "wrong" - twice!). And YOU'RE the one who made it personal (telling me that I "obviously don't know golf.") I've strived to keep my language, if not my tone, civil this entire discussion. To be accused of being "not nice" after I endured your behavior - without complaint - is not only ironic, but insulting.

You inferred that I said Tiger was back...see post 29...you were wrong.

I am a dang nice guy, so I will apologize if I was unfair. Perhaps I misunderstood you're posts and apologize if I hurt any feelings.

Personally I was bummed this weekend. It was appointment television for me with Tiger in. Watched most of Saturday.

Then was all set to watch yesterday, ready for his comeback shot. When that failed quickly I turned it off and mowed the yard. I only came back in the last 45 minutes or so. Golf is more fun to watch when Tiger is in the mix.

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