Tiger admits to cheating, why is he not DQ'd? Should he DQ himself?

Of course I knew this reason for DQ, oh wise one. Now, try to keep up with the 1st grade math. If you admit to cheating, then you have to know you signed an incorrect scorecard, unless, of course, you give yourself a 2 stroke penalty before you sign. And if you know you signed an incorrect scorecard, you get the DQ. Quite simple, really.

Now, don't try to tell me El Tig does not know the rules. He has played this game a time or two.

Let's not forget that the rules committee found nothing wrong after reviewing this and concluded no rules were broken. I guess those Rules officials have ruled a time or two.. :) Fred Ridley stated today that Disqualification wasn't even an option because they already ruled on it while he was playing..

You keep stating that he ADMITTED to cheating, when? Woods dropped the ball near his original position, does the rules state it has to be within such and such distance, just no closer?? All Woods states was that his dropped was further distance from the hole, that is all.

The 2 Governing bodies of Golf also concluded the right decesion was made.
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How often does an almost perfect shot result in losing 3-4 strokes. Bad luck. If he comes back to win. Randell Chambley can eat it.
Let's not forget that the rules committee found nothing wrong after reviewing this and concluded no rules were broken. I guess those Rules officials have ruled a time or two.. :) Fred Ridley stated today that Disqualification wasn't even an option because they already ruled on it while he was playing..

You keep stating that he ADMITTED to cheating, when? Woods dropped the ball near his original position, does the rules state it has to be within such and such distance, just no closer?? All Woods states was that his dropped was further distance from the hole, that is all.

The 2 Governing bodies of Golf also concluded the right decesion was made.

Let's not forget it took Joe Blow, who was watching the Masters on his TV in his man-cave, to advise them of the infraction via a phone call. And even then the rules committee refused to find anything wrong, that is until Tiger shoved it back in their face by admitting to moving the ball 2 yards away from his previous ball strike to gain an advantage. According to the rules I have seen today, the ball must be dropped as close as possible to the original position. Two yards is no way near close enough.

Either he knew what he was doing (cheating) or he doesn't know the rules (absolutely ridiculous).

That being said, this new Truthtelling Tiger is almost something I could root for.
Let's not forget it took Joe Blow, who was watching the Masters on his TV in his man-cave, to advise them of the infraction via a phone call. And even then the rules committee refused to find anything wrong, that is until Tiger shoved it back in their face by admitting to moving the ball 2 yards away from his previous ball strike to gain an advantage. According to the rules I have seen today, the ball must be dropped as close as possible to the original position. Two yards is no way near close enough.

Either he knew what he was doing (cheating) or he doesn't know the rules (absolutely ridiculous).

That being said, this new Truthtelling Tiger is almost something I could root for.

No need to read any further than this IMO, Because if the Rules committee didn't see clear issues with what they were watching than that says a awful lot to me..
No need to read any further than this IMO, Because if the Rules committee didn't see clear issues with what they were watching than that says a awful lot to me..

This is absolutely correct. They even reviewed it while he was on 18 and determined no rules had been broken and let him sign his screcard thinking he was 100% in the right. Ridiculous.
In all honesty if he goes into the clubhouse today at -4 and the leader stays at -6 Tiger will win tomorrow. Calling it now.
In all honesty if he goes into the clubhouse today at -4 and the leader stays at -6 Tiger will win tomorrow. Calling it now.

Unless Jason Day has the blow up hole, my guess is Tiger will be trailing him by a minimum of 5 strokes..
Unless Jason Day has the blow up hole, my guess is Tiger will be trailing him by a minimum of 5 strokes..


BTW. Watching Tiger's interview right now. Very classy. Good to see him smiling and laughing.
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Interesting comment by Nick Faldo.... before the rule change, guys would have DQ'd themselves, now not so much. Hmmmmm.
Agreed. I forgot they were starting at 10 today meaning Day has the easier front 9 to score some at the end.

BTW. Watching Tiger's interview right now. Very classy. Good to see him smiling and laughing.

Without question. There was a thread a couple years ago on here that said he was done, I replied that once he gets his personal life back in order he will be back..
Ok, Tiger's lowest final round of The Masters was a 67 in 2011. If he can pull out a 67 that will put him at -8 which I would have to think would put him right there at the top. I'm going to hope for that to happen.

Even if Tiger doesn't get close to the top it's still shaping up to be a great final round.
Let's not forget it took Joe Blow, who was watching the Masters on his TV in his man-cave, to advise them of the infraction via a phone call. And even then the rules committee refused to find anything wrong, that is until Tiger shoved it back in their face by admitting to moving the ball 2 yards away from his previous ball strike to gain an advantage. According to the rules I have seen today, the ball must be dropped as close as possible to the original position. Two yards is no way near close enough.

Either he knew what he was doing (cheating) or he doesn't know the rules (absolutely ridiculous).

That being said, this new Truthtelling Tiger is almost something I could root for.

You're right...he knew he was cheating and then told the world exactly how.... Cmon man....

Unless he has a crazy good day tomorrow or about 5 players fall apart...its moot.

I personally am more thinking what the scenario would be if he doesn't get one of the most unlucky bounces ever and makes birdie...he would likely be at least a co-leader.....I know...candy and nuts...

The guy is back...and Tiger haters...hate it.
Agreed. I forgot they were starting at 10 today meaning Day has the easier front 9 to score some at the end.

BTW. Watching Tiger's interview right now. Very classy. Good to see him smiling and laughing.

I thought maybe Tiger was coming around before this interview. Now I am back in the "anyone but Tiger" crowd, a group that has a large following. How can someone in Tiger's position not know such an obvious and logical rule? The interviewer refused to ask this question and Tiger had no intention of offering an explanation. The truth is simple: He thought he could get away with it and would have if he hadn't told the truth in a moment of clarity. Unfortunately, I have a feeling he will not being doing the right thing again any time soon.
I thought maybe Tiger was coming around before this interview. Now I am back in the "anyone but Tiger" crowd, a group that has a large following. How can someone in Tiger's position not know such an obvious and logical rule? The interviewer refused to ask this question and Tiger had no intention of offering an explanation. The truth is simple: He thought he could get away with it and would have if he hadn't told the truth in a moment of clarity. Unfortunately, I have a feeling he will not being doing the right thing again any time soon.

Haters gonna hate. No objectivity.
Considering that Tiger didn't go into the clubhouse at -4 and Day is currently at -7 it's a moot point isn't it?

I will give you the strokes. Tiger has never won a major when not leading after the 3rd round, I like my chances.

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