Three media outlets are reporting...


...that there is mutual interest between Pearl and Iowa. I use the term "media outlet" loosely because Marty T is one of them. Pat Harty is another, based on a summary I read of his comments on KCJJ yesterday morning. The third is one of the Hawkeye premium (pay) sites. It's likely that they're all relying on the same source or group of sources, or maybe in Marty's case just repeating something one of the other reporters told him. That still leaves two legitimate reporters who say there are sources out there on this.

I'm still a major skeptic on whether that's really possible but it's interesting that at least a couple of reporters say this is so. If Jon should join the group reporting this (and I know he won't unless he has a source he trusts), then I might start to believe it's possible.
I hope it's true, but after watching ISU football coaching searches the past 2 times, I'm not going to trust the media either...until it happens. It's just as easy to spread misinformation as it is information.
$2.4M Lickliter buyout
$2.5M to buy out Pearl's Tennessee contract
$2.5-$3.0M per year for Pearl's Iowa deal

That's a lot of $$
$2.4M Lickliter buyout
$2.5M to buy out Pearl's Tennessee contract
$2.5-$3.0M per year for Pearl's Iowa deal

That's a lot of $$

If Bruce Pearl is willing to come to Iowa, money will not be an issue. No question, not a doubt. After seeing the last three years you think that Barta is going to try to be cheap? 3MM per year at 7 years is not out of the relm of possibility for the U if the coach brings in the fans.

Enough people will donate to take care of the buyouts.

The arena will be sold out and they won't need free hot dogs.

I bet ticket prices will increase as well as it will actually be a competitive ticket.
I'd love to see Pearl come to Iowa. But i'm still skeptic until I start hearing Jon saying he is hearing something! But i'm hoping!
If Bruce Pearl is willing to come to Iowa, money will not be an issue. No question, not a doubt. After seeing the last three years you think that Barta is going to try to be cheap? 3MM per year at 7 years is not out of the relm of possibility for the U if the coach brings in the fans.

Enough people will donate to take care of the buyouts.

The arena will be sold out and they won't need free hot dogs.

I bet ticket prices will increase as well as it will actually be a competitive ticket.

I agree with everything said above. Money will not be an issue in the slightest as far as bringing a new coach inis concerned. I have no doubt that there are donors aching to help cover the buyouts.

That said, we all have to take coaches expressed interest in our job with a grain of salt. They may indeed have interest in the job, but it also gives them leverage with their current AD towards a contract extension and/or raise.
I'm one of the few on this message board that actually likes Tirrell, listen to him every day, but he's closer to an electrical outlet then a media outlet. You never know who his source is, it could be Pearl's agent or a mechanic at Toyota. But since he's saying what I want to hear, Pearl would come to Iowa, I'll take it and run with it.

Only to be crushed when Pearl doesn't come and Barta is introducing Joe Schmultz, head coach of Nebraska A&M as the new Iowa Head Basketball Coach.
Hell, bring back Lute Olsen. Just turn it around and have someone be his assistant HC for the 3-4 years he was here. I'm game for that! hahaha. (ahhh wishful thinking is fun)
I'm one of the few on this message board that actually likes Tirrell, listen to him every day, but he's closer to an electrical outlet then a media outlet. You never know who his source is, it could be Pearl's agent or a mechanic at Toyota. But since he's saying what I want to hear, Pearl would come to Iowa, I'll take it and run with it.

Only to be crushed when Pearl doesn't come and Barta is introducing Joe Schmultz, head coach of Nebraska A&M as the new Iowa Head Basketball Coach.

The whole post was good, but that part made me laugh heartily...nicely done!
Regarding Lickliter's's spreadout over three years. So yes it is 2.4 million, but 800k due in 30 days then the following 800k installments due on June 30 of the following years.

While the total buyout and new coaching staff cost will reach upwards of 7.5-8 million. There are some under utilized revenue sources to make it work. (i.e. Ticket sales for men's BB)
Freddy do think Bruce would have trouble recruiting the state of Illinois with what happened in the past? Meaning that the high school coaches or the AAU coaches would make it difficult on him?

That would be my only concern with Bruce Pearl, if Iowa were to actually pull this off.

I believe the state of Illinois is so important to Iowa basketball for recruiting for the future of this program.
Pat Harty also said yesterday on KCJJ that possible candidates could be:

Ben Howland, Jay Wright and Jamie Dixon.

He is obviously high so i dont think we should rely on him. Take out Marty T who probably read it on a message board and we are right back to where we have been all week: a premium pay site message board rumor
Freddy do think Bruce would have trouble recruiting the state of Illinois with what happened in the past? Meaning that the high school coaches or the AAU coaches would make it difficult on him?

That would be my only concern with Bruce Pearl, if Iowa were to actually pull this off.

I believe the state of Illinois is so important to Iowa basketball for recruiting for the future of this program.

We dont get many recruits from Illinois anyways do we?
We were told 3 years ago that Pearl was "definately" coming back to Iowa. I suppose if you dig a big enough hole, there will be many folks who want to jump in.

I would sure love to attract a top notch coach. I would be so excited and energized. But I seriously doubt that will happen.
I'm really trying not to get my hopes up.

Ditto, but let my praying now begin in earnest.....

Regarding the buyout of Lick's contract, Pearl's contract, plus Pearl's salary.. We already know that the following two things are a given, NO MATTER who the next coach is:

1. Lick's buyout
2. The next coach's salary

So that leaves the issue of Pearl's buyout. Yes, Pearl = expensive, but everything I've heard lately makes me think that the UofI could afford this. As I hear it, most proven coaches have some sort of buyout written into their contract to try and prevent other schools from coming along and stealing their coach, so we may be looking at this no matter who the hire is, if it's someone proven. I'm just guessing, but that's the way it sounds.

I just don't know if Barta can afford to play it cheap and go after an "unknown" who doesn't have a buyout to pay, after what's happened with Lickliter.

Now is our chance to prove we are not just a football school.

Common Gary, bring in the Pearl!

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