This quote says everything you need to know


Well-Known Member
“I’m just a quarterback, I’m not calling the plays or doing any of that,” said McNamara. “That’s not my decision, I’m just gonna run the play as fit and I’m gonna throw it to the open guy.”
“I’m just a quarterback, I’m not calling the plays or doing any of that,” said McNamara. “That’s not my decision, I’m just gonna run the play as fit and I’m gonna throw it to the open guy.”
Yeah I think the question was in reference to the lack of targets to WRs. He pretty much dumped that on Brians lap..... Or I guess that can be interpreted as WRs aren't getting open either. As with most everything it's usually a combination of things. Regardless it's more piling on to ole Brian.
As much as some will take Cade’s comment as a criticism of BF, the truth is that Cade said precisely what BF would want him to say. Duh.
As much as some will take Cade’s comment as a criticism of BF, the truth is that Cade said precisely what BF would want him to say. Duh.
Oh yeah, these guys are coached on how to handle media questions, I’ve always thought Iowa did a good job of that. The program is on the defense this week, but what do expect them to do? They aren’t going to waiver from their process because it’s been successful for them. Kirks always been good at rallying the troops and we can’t let this PSU game turn into 2 losses.
The reality is there is blame to go around. Yes, BF is not a talented or creative play caller. Yes, Cade has been unimpressive as a playmaker. Part of that is the injury, but part of it is just the limits of his abilities. And yes, a part of this lies with the WRs. I don't know about you, but I sure did not see a lot of wide open WRs or separation either this past weekend or the three games before. Whether it is scheme, coaching, or talent, the WRs are not particularly open.
The reality is there is blame to go around. Yes, BF is not a talented or creative play caller. Yes, Cade has been unimpressive as a playmaker. Part of that is the injury, but part of it is just the limits of his abilities. And yes, a part of this lies with the WRs. I don't know about you, but I sure did not see a lot of wide open WRs or separation either this past weekend or the three games before. Whether it is scheme, coaching, or talent, the WRs are not particularly open.

It is all of the above.

When Air Force and Navy are the only two schools with a worse passing attack that is a problem, a major problem.
Also, I don't think Cade has played well. Does anyone think that Cade has played well? That can be on the Oline, but like, he can say this all he wants, I am not really gonna lean to much into it until he shows me something. He's hurt, so I'm patient, but he has been as bad or worse than Petras through 4 games.
Stretch to the short side of the field is our only audible.

I forgot how it it the number of guys in the box or is it where the Mike linebacker is positioned that meant you automatically audible to the stretch play to the short side of field?
I'm shocked he's not calling plays based off of the read he gets from the defense. Interesting quote.
I was wondering on the drive in this morning, has he been calling audibles at all really? I don't seem to recall him changing plays much at the line but maybe I just wasn't paying attention enough. I know QB's in the past audibled.
" The offense is broken."

I have read or heard that sentence a 100 times this week including from people who know waay more than me. This offense will look different in 2024 I just don't know if KF/BF will be the ones overhauling it.
I forgot how it it the number of guys in the box or is it where the Mike linebacker is positioned that meant you automatically audible to the stretch play to the short side of field?
I think if he counts 11 defenders on the field, he is supposed to audible to that...or a dive play into the middle of the line.
I think if he counts 11 defenders on the field, he is supposed to audible to that...or a dive play into the middle of the line.

All jokes aside, someone spilled the beans on that 16 or 17 years ago. I forgot who, but the quarterback counts the number of people in the box and if it was over that magic audible to that stretch play to the short side of the field.
I was wondering on the drive in this morning, has he been calling audibles at all really? I don't seem to recall him changing plays much at the line but maybe I just wasn't paying attention enough. I know QB's in the past audibled.
that was always why they said Spencer was their best option, because he had all the plays downloaded and understood how to read defenses and get Iowa in the best play at the line of scrimmage. This quote goes directly against that. I don't love the quote, makes me wonder what's up there on communication.
that was always why they said Spencer was their best option, because he had all the plays downloaded and understood how to read defenses and get Iowa in the best play at the line of scrimmage. This quote goes directly against that. I don't love the quote, makes me wonder what's up there on communication.
That's an issue at this level. Any competent defense will be able to defend that.
" The offense is broken."

I have read or heard that sentence a 100 times this week including from people who know waay more than me. This offense will look different in 2024 I just don't know if KF/BF will be the ones overhauling it.
The offense will be better next year.
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