This post will probably tick everyone off

Most of Hayden Fry's recruiting classes were in this area; 5th to 6th in the Big Ten on the average over 20 years, most of those years with the league being a 10 team conference.

This underscores a big problem Iowa has had and will have and one that it cannot cure; the state of Iowa does not produce many BCS conference caliber scholarship football players each year...about 4 or 5 per year. It has to go to other states to recruiting most of its football players who will be starters at Iowa, which means it has to go head to head against the in state school...along with other schools from other states with sometimes better pedigrees recruiting these same players.

Nothing is going to change that fact, and it's a huge disadvantage. I realize some people don't like to think about that, or think they can wish it away, but it's real and it's not going away.

And there is another cancer that's messing up in-state recruiting and walk-ons, and that is decimation of the large city schools in the state. Look at the Des Moines schools, outside of Lincoln, an absolute disaster. Same in the QC's, Dubuque, Waterloo, and to an extent, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids. Iowa City seems to be back on a more even keel.

Look at the rosters, outside of Bettendorf, IC City, Dowling, and Valley, very few from the big schools are showing up.

In terms of DM, the issues are recruiting, both to Dowling, which is an ancient issue, and now between the Des Moines schools. And yes, the suburban schools to an extent, too.

It also seems that there is a good number of schools that are basically giving up- Hoover, DM North, CR Jeff, SC West,Dav West, Dub Senior come to mind. DM East, DM Roosevelt, Waterloo West, and several others seem to be close to this as well. Tired of the constant beatings, schools with 1500 kids field a team of 40-50 kids. This translates into other behavioral issues in those kids who 30 yrs ago would have been cinching up their pads every night instead of working at McDs to buy the latest cell phone junk.

So rather than just whine about the lack of instate talent, I think "we" need to dig down and look at why that talent is lacking. It's not JUST the numbers, it's other issues in play as well.
I agree Iowa isn't talented enough to overcome mistakes to beat teams like OSU, Wisconsin, Penn St, but we are talking about a Minnesota team that was 1-6 and New Mexico St was talented enough to overcome 2 turnovers, 9 penalties and a missed FG to beat Minnesota. Is New Mexico State more talented than Iowa?

There were multiple mistakes made in that game by the players and the coaches plus Minnesota played pretty good. Had Iowa would have went into the redzone against Indiana and came away with no points in the first half they probably would have lost that game as well.

No, I don't think NMSU has more talent than Iowa nor do I think Minnesota has more talent. But the most talented team does not always win the game, it is why we have upsets. Iowa has been on the winning side of those upsets as well.
They have shown some adjustments this year, IMO. They have used the no-huddle from time to time, when in the past they have not done that in normal game situations. Iowa has used plenty of nickel and dime this year and has blitzed more this season than they have for a long time, if ever. They have used more four and five wide since 2004.
These are micro adjustments, the macro issue is with philosophy. Kirk keeps lesser teams in the game and then ends up getting beat. Nobody expects to win every game, but there are certain games the Hawks should absolutely expect to win. Seems many other teams in the big ten have no issue with lesser teams.
Proof: Iowa: 9 losses as double-digit favorite since ’06 | TheGazette
Not only that, but your recruiting numbers tell me one thing. Recruiting ranking services can't tell you jack ****. We turn out a fair amount of NFL talent and have (on occassion) had one or two great seasons over the past 12 years. This tells me that maybe those rating services aren't as accurate as one might think...that's tells me very little about the actual talent as it relates to college football. Next.
No, they're not right all the time, but they are pretty accurate overall. We'd be a lot better if we could get 4's and some 5's instead of 2's and 3's. The staff really is good at developing individual players, they just can't put it all together as of late.
Losing to Minnesota back to back years, having a terrible record vs Iowa st. There is one person to blame. It's KF end of story not we are only little ole Iowa. KF has been here for 13 years now with same staff and has built it all the way to can't beat Minnesota or ISU. I'm not saying fire KF, but if you are ok with this I think you pretty much have your head in the sand.
I stayed off the message boards for most all of Sunday following Iowa's loss at Minnesota. I peeked a few times, just to make sure the site was running and the two or three post headlines I took a look at was enough to get me to shut the lid to the laptop and get back to...well, anything but the message boards.

Iowa fans are frustrated, even if some of the conversations taking place on the boards border on some sort of manic disorder with a triple shot of delusions.

Don't think for an instant that the message board vibe or the caller segments on talk shows speak for the majority of the fan base or are any scientific sample. I can speak to our message board and say that we have over 100,000 visitors per month from around the world and maybe, MAYBE 2000 people that post each month, and of those 2000, there are a few hundred that make most of the posts.

Having presided over numerous communities during the past 11 years that have flown the banner, the biggest mistake people make is assuming that they can tell the 'temperature' of a sports program based solely long the tenor of the message boards.

None of this is to say Iowa fans are not sour following the loss at Minnesota. Things were chippy after the loss at Iowa State and things turned ugly after the loss at Penn State.

I do understand and appreciate some of the sentiments being expressed, while ignoring the witch hunt aspects found in other posts.

I personally don't think this is the time for people to fly off the handle and call for a coaching change. For one, there are still four regular season games remaining in this season. I'll leave it at that.

I realize there are some of you that don't want to read my thought above that I don't think there should be a coaching change and are beginning to froth at the mouth even now. You feel like Iowa should demand more than it has gotten these past two seasons, and that if you don't expect more you'll never get more.

If only college football operated in that sort of a vacuum. It doesn't and the fact is that it's going to be harder to win at Iowa than Michigan, Ohio State, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Penn State and Nebraska whenever the Hawkeye football program is in a position to hire a new head coach.

I am not saying Iowa is the seventh 'best job' in the Big Ten, but I am saying that it's easier to win at those six schools on an annual basis than it is at Iowa. They have inherent recruiting advantages Iowa just does not have. All but Nebraska produce more talent in their states than Iowa. Wisconsin has 5.6 million people to Iowa's 3 million. Iowa has more people living in its borders than Nebraska, but the Huskers have five national titles to draw on (three within the last 17 years) and no other BCS school in the state; they are a one team show.

"Jon, we are sick of the 'little old Iowa' BS!" There, I saved you the time to type it.

You might be sick of being reminded of Iowa's recruiting disadvantages, but it doesn't change the reality of what I just wrote. It's harder to win at Iowa than it is at those six schools. If Illinois ever hires a good football coach, Iowa may drop down another rung on that ladder because the state of Illinois produces enough talent to do a heck of a lot better than the Illini have done historically.

Iowa does have some very good things going for it, mainly the rabid support of the Hawkeye fans. That support, both at home and abroad, has allowed for the makeover of Kinnick Stadium and the soon to begin construction of state of the art indoor practice facilities. Due to the generosity of donors, Iowa has some great support programs in place for the student part of the student-athlete, in the Gerdin Academic Center.

Iowa also pays its head football coach on par with the elites in the game and for the past decade, I believe the return on investment has been fair. Some may have a different opinion on that.

Let's return to my comments from before on where I 'slot' the Iowa job in regards of how difficult it is to succeed here vs conference programs. has added Nebraska into the Big Ten's historic recruiting rankings tables they keep. Here is where Iowa's recruiting classes have rated each season since 2002:

2002: 9th
2003: 8th
2004: 7th
2005: 3rd
2006: 7th
2007: 6th
2008: 9th
2009: 11th
2010: 6th
2011: 4th

Guess what the average recruiting class ranking is?


Guess what Iowa's ranking is during that time in winning percentage amongst Big Ten teams? 3rd. Guess where Iowa's winning percentage in all of college football is during that time span? 15th, ahead of programs like Michigan, Notre Dame, Penn State, Miami of Florida, Nebraska, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida State and others.

Guess what that means? It means this coaching staff has done more with less than just about anyone else in this league, with Wisconsin being right there with them.

It means they have done a very good job of identifying talent and then developing that talent into more than just a competitive program.

When people call into Soundoff and say things like 'this coaching staff hasn't done anything the past three or four years' or I read things on this board akin to 'this staff doesn't know how to win'....even if I allow myself to give in to being ticked off like I was after the Minnesota game, it's the lunatic fringe statements like this that pull me right back.

It's the 'black or white' world of message boards and talk radio shows that forces me back to the middle ground, because I cannot identify or comprehend people who refuse to see things in totality, rather, they just want to focus on 'what have you done for me lately' and 'this isn't cutting it' and 'we should demand more from our coaching staff'.

Really, this is what it's all about; Had Iowa gone 10-2 last year, I don't think we'd be witnessing this level of outrage on the message boards. There would still be some grease fires from the Jihadic Wing, but it wouldn't be as widespread as it is right now.

Last year's team stubbed their toe. The coaches blew it at times last season, and they admitted as much, and people are still ****** off about it.

I won't sit here and say I was immune to some of those feelings, as last year was truly one of the bigger missed opportunities this program has had in my lifetime, or any Iowa athletic team for that matter. I'd put it up there with the 1997 Iowa football season as being one of the most disappointing.

Do I think it's fair to question things right now? Yes. Am I concerned with where things are headed? To some degree, yes.

By my count, Iowa has been involved in 53 games decided by one possession or less since 2001 (I count that as eight points, as you can score eight points on a single possession). Iowa is 25-28 in those games (including the 1-2 record this year). Iowa has played 134 games in that 2001-2011 span, so that means roughly 40% of Iowa's games played since the start of the 2001 season have been one possession games.

That is a lot of living on the edge...but being that Iowa is close to .500 in those games, you can't say they have been lucky or unlucky..the averages have evened out for them.

I will admit the above timeline sampling creates a stronger case for giving the staff the benefit of the doubt, so let's take a look at another popular data sample that people have been using on the boards; Iowa's performance since 2005.

Since the start of the 2005 season, Iowa is 5th among all Big Ten teams in overall winning percentage, but has a losing record against just two Big Ten teams; Ohio State and Northwestern.

However, Iowa is just 28-24 in Big Ten games since the start of the 2005 season. That's not a great record, but it's good for the fourth best mark amongst Big Ten teams in the same time span trailing Ohio State, Penn State and Wisconsin. Again, it's not all world and you will not print up posters with that data, but is it the sort of stuff you want to fire your coach over?

Not in the world I live in. During that span, Iowa has three bowl wins which is tied for the second best mark amongst present Big Ten teams. Two of those wins have been in traditional January bowl games. PS: Kirk Ferentz has more bowl wins than all but two coaches in Big Ten history.

OK, let's bring the data sample even closer to home. How about the last three years before the 2011 season began? Iowa had the third best winning percentage of any team presently in the Big Ten and 14th best in all of college football.

So let's reiterate something from above; the current state of angst is mostly about last season's unmet expectations. You might try to argue that it's not, that things have been going like this for a long time, but I believe if you have taken the time to read this post to this point, you'll see that you are wrong...or some of you will and the others will just argue for argument's sake.

We are also talking about the last 12 regular season games, as Iowa was 6-2 heading into last November, having just crushed Top Ten Michigan State by 30 or so points in Kinnick before the wheels fell off. Then again, Iowa did get to 7-2 last season after the 18-13 win at Indiana before losing its last three regular season games.

Are we really, REALLY going to act this way over one average regular season span? Iowa is 6-6 in their last 12 regular season games. That's a winning percentage of .500, or average.

Has the Iowa fan base REALLY gotten to the point where it is willing to toss away one of the most prosperous decades in school history from a winning standpoint because the last 12 regular season games have been average?


Losing to Minnesota sucked, plain and simple. Iowa has no excuse losing to that football team, and none of what I have written is meant to change that or meant to say the coaching staff cannot be questioned.

But my gosh man, don't lose sight of the big picture (2002-2010), or the medium picture (2005-2010) or the small picture (2008-2010).

The last 12 regular season games have been a tough ride, there is no debating that.

However, is that all of the sudden going to be the final verdict for this coaching staff in the eyes of some, and before the last four regular season games of this season have been played out?

I've been to this party before. In fact, I threw this party before, back when I was in my mid to late 20's and felt that Iowa had some birthright of excellence and making it to the post season 75% of the time over a 21 year span was no longer good enough. 'The Next Level' was where we belonged and damn it, that's what needed to happen because it was clear the program should be there and the coaching staff at the time was not getting it done.

Then Iowa replaced Tom Davis with Steve Alford...and the next level was attained, only we didn't realize that elevator was going down.

Some people are making similar assumptions right now...that this Iowa coaching staff has taken the ball as far as they can carry it, and that it's time for new blood...and damn it, we're Iowa so we're guaranteed a better lot in life than a 6-6 record over the span of our last 12 regular seasons games and it doesn't matter who we bring in, they can do the same things Hayden Fry and Kirk Ferentz have done, because we're Iowa.

Just watch out what you wish for.
Well said
And there is another cancer that's messing up in-state recruiting and walk-ons, and that is decimation of the large city schools in the state. Look at the Des Moines schools, outside of Lincoln, an absolute disaster. Same in the QC's, Dubuque, Waterloo, and to an extent, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids. Iowa City seems to be back on a more even keel.

Look at the rosters, outside of Bettendorf, IC City, Dowling, and Valley, very few from the big schools are showing up.

In terms of DM, the issues are recruiting, both to Dowling, which is an ancient issue, and now between the Des Moines schools. And yes, the suburban schools to an extent, too.

It also seems that there is a good number of schools that are basically giving up- Hoover, DM North, CR Jeff, SC West,Dav West, Dub Senior come to mind. DM East, DM Roosevelt, Waterloo West, and several others seem to be close to this as well. Tired of the constant beatings, schools with 1500 kids field a team of 40-50 kids. This translates into other behavioral issues in those kids who 30 yrs ago would have been cinching up their pads every night instead of working at McDs to buy the latest cell phone junk.

So rather than just whine about the lack of instate talent, I think "we" need to dig down and look at why that talent is lacking. It's not JUST the numbers, it's other issues in play as well.

I live in Seattle, and therefore know less than nothing of what you speak. But assuming it's accurate, why is this issue unique to Iowa, and therefore affecting only the Hawkeyes?
And there is another cancer that's messing up in-state recruiting and walk-ons, and that is decimation of the large city schools in the state. Look at the Des Moines schools, outside of Lincoln, an absolute disaster. Same in the QC's, Dubuque, Waterloo, and to an extent, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids. Iowa City seems to be back on a more even keel.

Look at the rosters, outside of Bettendorf, IC City, Dowling, and Valley, very few from the big schools are showing up.

In terms of DM, the issues are recruiting, both to Dowling, which is an ancient issue, and now between the Des Moines schools. And yes, the suburban schools to an extent, too.

It also seems that there is a good number of schools that are basically giving up- Hoover, DM North, CR Jeff, SC West,Dav West, Dub Senior come to mind. DM East, DM Roosevelt, Waterloo West, and several others seem to be close to this as well. Tired of the constant beatings, schools with 1500 kids field a team of 40-50 kids. This translates into other behavioral issues in those kids who 30 yrs ago would have been cinching up their pads every night instead of working at McDs to buy the latest cell phone junk.

So rather than just whine about the lack of instate talent, I think "we" need to dig down and look at why that talent is lacking. It's not JUST the numbers, it's other issues in play as well.

Any proof to any of this?
In today's modern age the world is a smaller place, there are maybe a dozen schools who don't have to leave their state to get great players. We have chicago in our backyard and have a history of dipping into Texas and Florida. If we had a proven big talent recruiter he would find little trouble bringing in some elite players to Iowa.
In today's modern age the world is a smaller place, there are maybe a dozen schools who don't have to leave their state to get great players. We have chicago in our backyard and have a history of dipping into Texas and Florida. If we had a proven big talent recruiter he would find little trouble bringing in some elite players to Iowa.

Where is he and why does he want to coach at Iowa?
No, they're not right all the time, but they are pretty accurate overall. We'd be a lot better if we could get 4's and some 5's instead of 2's and 3's. The staff really is good at developing individual players, they just can't put it all together as of late.

I would disagree. I looked up the rankings of the 2006, 2007 & 2008 classes (since they would be having the greatest impact on their team arguably) to see if those rankings related to teams currently in the top 25 of the BCS standings and here's what I find:

Florida (NR)
Texas (NR)
Georgia (18)
Notre Dame (NR)
Penn State (16)
LSU (1)
Oklahoma (6)
Auburn (22)
Michigan (15)
Pitt (NR)

Florida (NR)
Texas (NR)
Tennessee (NR)
LSU (1)
Auburn (22)
South Carolina (9)
Pitt (NR)
Oregon (8)
Michigan (15)

Alabama (2)
Notre Dame (NR)
Miami (NR)
Ohio State (NR)
Georgia (18)
Michigan (15)
LSU (1)
Florida State (NR)

Thus, I would conclude that recruiting rankings may tell us a tiny bit, but at least 50% of the top 10 ranked classes from the period of 2006-2008 weren't ranked in the top 25 of the BCS rankings. That's why I don't really buy into the whole recruiting rankings things.

Let me qualify this statement by saying that I think there are some legitimate 4 and 5 star athletes that make a difference, but once those top 10 or 20 high school athletes are off the board, it's not about your ranking it's about your development. We can develop (which should be a HUGE selling point to top recruits), we just can't win while they're here.
For those of you saying that the coach has lost his "fire" and "intensity", you must have been watching a different team these past 10 years as it is rare we ever see Ferentz go nuts on the sidelines and when he does it is usually at an official. Some of you think that unless a coach is going nuts that he does not have any fire or intensity, that is crazy. There are other ways of motivating a player than getting in his face screaming at him in front of 70K fans plus a national TV audience. Would you rather have Brian Kelly here acting like a moron on the sidelines? KF wants Iowa to win just as badly as any of us he just doesn't go off the deep end like some of us do when something bad happens.
Very true. It is a commendable trait to be able to keep your cool when bad things happen. We don't want a ******* like PR stomping around like a fool.
Where is he and why does he want to coach at Iowa?

We have a great one in Reese Morgan who is critical in bringing in great OL players but we need somebody who can bring in skill players what about a Guy Like David Kelly who can recruit Florida and also is great nationally?

There are lots of unheralded guys out there that can recruit.
The worst part of the last two seasons has been that this was a golden chance for Iowa to establish itself as one of the B10 powers. Michigan is in the midst of it's worst run in school history, Penn St is nowhere near the Penn St of old, Ohio St is going through all kind of turmoil, the upper echelon of the B10 is wide open and we missed our chance, especially last year, to secure our spot in it. Michigan will get much better in the years to come, Urban Meyer will probably end up at PSU or OSU within the next year, it will be back to being OSU-Mich-PSU and now Nebraska and the rest of the B10.
Absolutely correct, a huge opportunity completely wasted. All goes back to blowing that Wisco game.
I have said for along time now it is time for a new offensive style. With our defenses year in and out if we could score points like NW or Indiana we would compete every year. This playing it so close to the vest b.s. has got to stop. Like my old ball coach used to say you play pu### you get f##### and thats how it is. I don't think O'Keefe has shown us all he can, and if he has It is time to move on. In order for us to get big time offensive recruits we need bigger time numbers on offense. Year in and out Norm puts great defensive teams on the field. Hell I have no Idea how we only give up around 20 points a game. Our defensive line talent is as bad as it has been in a decade. Okeefe if you have 3 minutes + on the clock and a back who has 250+ and has been unstoppable between the 20's all you need is a Fg to win. RUN THE F'IN BALL. I do not understand the play calling that puts our firs year starting QB in a situation where he is forced to make throws under pressure when it is not needed. Jon your on point I love me some KF, but while he developes d=talent and offensive line talent theres no way we can say he has deleloped skill position talent. For instance Shonn Greene did not just appear his last year and all of the sudden show greatness rather he was the best Rb on the team the whole time and more than a few people knew it. Why does he shakle these guys? I tell you what, let me and a few other posters come to practice and we will help get people in the right positions. We have been saying now for a while that Morris is not a MLB now all of the sudden he is not. What gives. Granted I do not make 4Mil a year, but some things are not rocket surgery.
Many are both sides are extreme one way or the other.

Am I disappointed, frustrated, upset, incredulous, and so on?...Yes.

Am I scratching my head wondering what in the he!! is going on most of the time in Iowa football games...Yes.

First, Iowa is incapable of firing Ferentz, simple as that, Iowa simply cannot buy out a contract that large and still hire a new coach at a high wage. Where would the money come from to begin with. In these economic times, Iowa does not dare and simply cannot take the money from students or charge students more.

ALL I would like is to see Ferentz and his staff adapt to modern day football as it is played. If something is not working, change it, alter it, do SOMETHING but don't continue down the same road.

The stats about Iowa winning or losing by seven points. One can do about anything with those statistics just by looking at different aspects and factors. So those statistics are fairly meaningless.

Do coaching changes need to be made...IMO, Ferentz's opinion no. He is not about to fire best friends and that might be an indictment on Ferentz.

In almost everyone's job, when someone is not producing what they should, that person is usually given a warning and if performance does not improve, that person is replaced. What makes Norm and (or) O'Keefe immune to that type of job performance? Is not part of an defense coordinator's job to recruit. When was the last time Norm was on the road recruiting? Or do health issues dictate that he cannot? When was the last time Norm was on the field during practice getting in the face of players? Can he even do that? Can the head coach tell Norm to get the job done or he unfortunately is going to have to replace him? Would Ferentz even harbor that thought? I doubt it and that might be one of the biggest problems?

The same goes for any coach on the staff.

I was never able to sit back at my job, perform at a low level, and still keep my job. I either produced or I was put on a warning with the next warning, I would be removed.

Do managers of businesses tell an employee, "Well, you did a fine job 2 years ago so you can coast in your job now." No, Barta is the CEO, Ferentz close behind, the rest are employees, no more, no less.

If Norm's defense is not doing the job, should not the head coach tell him, "Do whatever you need to do to change what is going on, this is unacceptable?" If an employee is doing poorly at his job, cannot do his job because of health reasons, or whatever, does the manager not try to change something so that the employee does not hurt the business?

Can an employee who has not been doing a very good job the past 1 1/2 years just say, "Well that is the way I work, I am not willing to change anything because THAT is the way I have been doing it for the past 30 years." Think you could get away with that where you work?

And yes, these men are employees, nothing but employees of the University of Iowa. And KF is the manager in charge. He is being paid $4,000,000 a year to manage those employees and those employees should produce or be replaced. No business, not even the government, is going to let employees continue to do badly at their jobs AND THAT INCLUDES the MANAGER.

It simply is up to Ferentz to figure out how to fix this or he needs to be removed. If that means removing some of his staff then so be it. If his friendships and extreme loyalty get in the way, even though some are not doing their job at the level expected, then he is not capable of managing because he has let his friendship and loyalty get in the way of how he should be conducting business. And yes Iowa football is a business not an intramural game.

Past performance means nothing when you are earning $4,000,000 a year and it shouldn't be. KF is being paid like one of the top five coaches in the country and should be producing better results for that kind of money.

If Ferentz wants to be a second in command CEO of a major business, then he needs to act like a second in command CEO. Friendships and loyalty can only go so far, and if a person is not doing his job, that friendship/loyalty should go right out the door for the better of the Iowa football program.

When you continually lose to very very poor teams, it is time to assess WHAT is wrong. WHY are we losing to these teams and WHAT can I as head coach do about it. You can't just simply say, "Well this is the way we play football." It isn't working is YOUR job to change that part of the failure in your coaching resume. If that means getting rid of your friends who are no longer doing their job, then so be it. If YOU cannot make these decisions, then perhaps it would be best for both parties if you resigned.

You simply cannot be a "nice guy" in today's business world. When difficult decisions need to be made, you make them, especially if you are earning $4,000,000 a year. With those kind of wages, big things are expected...You are being paid to make very difficult decisiions, decisions YOU might not like, but the Iowa football program is more important that Kirk Ferentz and his staff.

Changes need to be made, and Ferentz needs to make them...simple as that. At the wages that man earns, he should be put under incredible pressure to have a very successful football team...not a mediocre team so he doesn't have to hurt the feelings of his staff.
I really wish people would stop bringing up how much KF makes as it is irrelevant to anything. The amount of money he makes is what the position pays and it has no bearing on what happens out on the football field. I don't care if he was making 10 million per year, you are still going to make mistakes. The salary that he makes is not coming out of any of our pockets so everyone needs to let it go.

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