This post will probably tick everyone off

Owning Penn State the past decade also isn't like owning Penn State used to be, except for the 2008 game of course.

Not saying they are a bad team, and yes, it is certainly a rarity to beat any single team that often, but let's not make them out like they've been Ohio State the past decade.

EDIT: I am not trying to deminish what it means to beat a good team consistently over the course of the decade, just that a Penn State losing to Iowa isn't the same thing as Iowa losing to N'Western or Minnesota or Indiana like we do.
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There, changed it for you.

The first two years? Kirk took over a program that had hit bottom. I don't hold that against him and am still amazed it only took him two years to get it off the mat.

Do you remember how little Iowa's OL and DL were in those first two years? Why was that? Because the cupboard was mostly bare, that's why.

Sometimes coaches run their cycle. Arguably best coach in Iowa's history was the guy that gave Ferentz that bare cupboard.

Also you mention clean program, maybe in recruiting, but Iowa has had more than its fair share of negative press clippings the last few years for things outside recruiting.
^ this

Great response Spank.

Knee jerk reactions??? You are kidding me right??? I can't begin to count the in game decision making gaffes the past several years and how often they cost this team wins. We are no longer at one off scenarios here, there are trends going on here, BIG TIME..
So just to make sure I understand your position, you would rather be 7-5 running a pro style Iowa attack, than 10-2 running a Northwestern brand of football?


Is there some guarantee that I'm missing that says running a Northwestern style of offense gets you an automatic 10 wins?

If this were true, wouldn't Northwestern have 10 wins more often since, you know, they run the northwestern offense?
So just to make sure I understand your position, you would rather be 7-5 running a pro style Iowa attack, than 10-2 running a Northwestern brand of football?

Just to make sure I understand your question, are you guaranteeing 10-2 results with that style? ;)

NW is 56-56 since 2002.

Since 2008, Iowa has won 70% of their football games.

Yes, the last 12 regular season games has seen a 6-6 record. However, if you believe that should never happen at Iowa, we're just going to have to agree to disagree. It's no fun when it happens, but to assume that it will not happen? What data do you base that on?
Shining example of what Jon is talking about. This is a losers mentaility and a what have you done for me lately mind set. It sucks loosing to the gophers. We were not predicted to be great this year. Yes we have had a couple of down years. As a Hawk fan I take the good with the bad. Would all of you negative Nancy's talk this way to the coaching staff or players? Talking on the internet in an anonymous fashion is brave. Is this the way you approach you personal lives when the going gets tough? Wow if it is? Guess what, we may not be done loosing this year, but I don't think we are done winning. Coach Ferentz has accomplished a ton at Iowa and he is not done yet. In the end everyone is entitled to their opinion. GO HAWKS!

I can accept losing as it's part of the game, someone has to win, someone has to lose.. I can accept that the traditional powers have more resources and better talent than us at most positions.

I cannot accept how we lose. We lose every game the same freaking way. We don't get blown out, and we're usually in most games till the end.

When you're in close games the difference can come down to coaching, effort, or just luck. How we have lost over the past few years is due to a combination of coaching, and effort (how many times have the Hawks come out flat against an opponent, and two years in a row of onside kicks recovered against MN are prime examples).

I for one am tired of seeing these same problems exist. If the Hawks go out and lose, so be it. But it really seems like they are being outcoached and out played by lesser opponents. that is unacceptable for this high quality staff and the reputation of the Iowa program.

For all of you holding on to the past, Iowa is not the bullies of the big ten anymore. We do not have a smash mouth style. We don't beat you on special teams. So why do we keep returning to the fact that KF did this once, and he'll do it again? WHEN??? Not this year, not last year, and more than likely not next year with who we lose. Do we need to go antoher two to three years of poor play before we get back to a 8 win team? (and yes i know we can still win out, but it's looking really difficult).

I would also like someone to please answer the question about our talent. We've been told we're in a poor position to recruit to Iowa City. So does that mean our talent level is that of MN, ISU, NW, IN? Should we stop assuming that Iowa can beat these teams on a consistent basis?

I would like to know where Iowa fits on a talent level compared to other teams in the Big10 (or even the country). We seem to put a lot of players in the NFL, so the talent is there. But we sure don't look like our talent is very good when we get beat by the worst teams in the division each year.
I also want to say I'm not calling for KF head, though if he were to leave I'm not sure I would be that upset.

Jon you keep mentioning that the problems that exist should be addressed.....but when? We've seen these issues for a few years, and nothing gets done! We all blasted Lick for having recruits leave, yet we just mention it as a "it happens" when we lose so many DL recruits.

I just want to see KF and his staff make adjustments, adjustments they are more than capable of doing, but for the most part refuse to.
Knee jerk reactions??? You are kidding me right??? I can't begin to count the in game decision making gaffes the past several years and how often they cost this team wins. We are no longer at one off scenarios here, there are trends going on here, BIG TIME..

Actually he used a better phrase than what I would have used. Small minded, tunnel vision are a couple that I would be tempted to use.

After the game I was so ticked off I went into my room to cool off. My wife came back and told me I left my 7 year old son in the living room crying upset that Iowa had lost. I immediately went out to console him and explained to him that this is the part that sucks about being a Hawkeye fan is that at times they will break your heart. Then I pointed out that there will always be next Saturday. The little tyke said "but dad, we play Michigan and Michigan has Denard Robinson and he is really good". That's when I told him that is whats fun about being a Hawkeye fan is sometimes they surprise us.

My 7 year old got over it and went about his day. If he can get over it I am sure some of you adult posters can step away from the ledge and start looking at the bigger picture here.
I also want to say I'm not calling for KF head, though if he were to leave I'm not sure I would be that upset.

Jon you keep mentioning that the problems that exist should be addressed.....but when? We've seen these issues for a few years, and nothing gets done! We all blasted Lick for having recruits leave, yet we just mention it as a "it happens" when we lose so many DL recruits.

I just want to see KF and his staff make adjustments, adjustments they are more than capable of doing, but for the most part refuse to.

They have shown some adjustments this year, IMO. They have used the no-huddle from time to time, when in the past they have not done that in normal game situations. Iowa has used plenty of nickel and dime this year and has blitzed more this season than they have for a long time, if ever. They have used more four and five wide since 2004.

There are still four regular season games left. I tend not to fly off the handle and make snap judgements until all of the hay is in the barn, which will either be in late November if they don't make it to a bowl game or in late December if they do.

We'll have a lot of time to go over these things then.
I can handle the losing it's who and how that **** me off.

I wasn't expecting much out of this team and knew we weren't going to be one of the best in the B1G but there is no excuse to lose to that team we just lost to. None. Sorry throw out all the stats and go back X amount of years but year in and year out we lose to teams that aren't anywhere close to the same talent level.

There is also a pattern of this staff being outcoached.

I am not calling for heads to role but it's getting pretty sad watching the same thing happen over and over again.
But of course, the focus is not on the likely macro outcome, but 'Why can't we beat NW more?' while not questioning the quirkiness of owning Penn State.

That's unrealistic, and half sighted.

I'll be the first to admit that 8 out of 9 against PSU is definitely quirky, and is fantastic success. But the way I see it, quirky or not, if we can have that kind of success against PSU, then there's really no explanation for why we seem to have so much trouble beating ISU, NW, Minnesota and Indiana.. Yes, I realize we've beaten Indiana the last few years in a row, but a couple of those we were on the ropes in those games.

If it's not "playing to the level of your competition" then I'm not sure what it is.

I'd honestly rather have less success against PSU than we've had if it means beating the teams that we SHOULD beat. As I've said, I can handle losing to teams that are our equals or better than we are, than the humiliation of giving Minnesota of 2 of their 4 wins the past two seasons. Or being 6-7 against "little brother".
Actually he used a better phrase than what I would have used. Small minded, tunnel vision are a couple that I would be tempted to use.

After the game I was so ticked off I went into my room to cool off. My wife came back and told me I left my 7 year old son in the living room crying upset that Iowa had lost. I immediately went out to console him and explained to him that this is the part that sucks about being a Hawkeye fan is that at times they will break your heart. Then I pointed out that there will always be next Saturday. The little tyke said "but dad, we play Michigan and Michigan has Denard Robinson and he is really good". That's when I told him that is whats fun about being a Hawkeye fan is sometimes they surprise us.

My 7 year old got over it and went about his day. If he can get over it I am sure some of you adult posters can step away from the ledge and start looking at the bigger picture here.

I agree with you in the grand schemes of life as my sons don't like when I get all worked up either. But we are not talking about "Life". We are discussing the failiure of this coachign staff in so many games that it really is beyond comprehension the little to no criticism KF receives from the Iowa media. You do not pay someone $4 million to make the decisions that are being made on game days. I do not like being a hater but I am so fed up with what I am seeing on a weekly basis. All the disadvantages, etc are out the window here in losses like Minnesota. The decisions by the coaches are the main impact here as to why we are losing these types of games and someone with the coaching pedigree and time on job as KF, it really makes no sense why these things are happening. We look like pee wee team out there in 2 minute drill. How can we not be prepped for an onside kick? ARRRRRRR
Who's credit is it when we beat 14th ranked Missouri in the Insight Bowl? Who's credit is it when the 2009 team beats the ACC champion in the Orange Bowl? Who's credit is it when Iowa shocked the world in 2008 and beat #3 Penn State? Who's credit is it to finish 3 seasons in a row ranked in the top 10? Who's credit is it when the 2002 team set a record for most wins in a single season (11)? Who's credit is it when 2 teams in the past 10 years have been in discussion for the national championship? Who's credit is it when we have how many players in the NFL?

Shall I go on or you going to pick apart every single mistake the coaching staff has ever made? I wonder what you do for a living and if you have ever made a mistake in your job? Get my point?

You talk about what the original poster does for a living. While I am not
sure, I suspect he does not make the $$ KF makes. It's all relative, the more
$$ you make, the more responsibilities you take on and the more scrutiny you should expect.

College football is a business with Ferentz being one of the topped paid CEO's in his industry. CEO's get hammered all the time for making poor business decisions, as they should.

Now in Ferentz case, probably fair to say overall not a flashy company, good balance sheet. They are what they are, occasionally some surprise quarters, a couple of bad ones, but normally in line with "reasonable" expectations.

At some point you're not Lil Ole Iowa anymore. You can't play that card and simultaneously project yourself as an elite program. It's one or the other.

I just want to clarify something, in the event that I did not do so earlier.

I am not talking about 'little ole Iowa' as a way to rationalize losing to a team like Minnesota. Not in the least.

However, when I speak to Iowa's inherent and real recruiting disadvantages, it's to underscore how I believe Iowa has performed well above the expectations an objective college football mind would assume they would have.

Over the past decade, they've been a Top 20 program, top 15 perhaps, in the sport.

But they still walk on the edge of a knife a bit and cannot absorb attrition or injuries the way that many of the other Top 15 programs from BCS conferences can, due to the inherent recruiting obstacles they have. So there will be dips from time to time...and their dips in the Ferentz era have been six wins at worst, which no coach in Iowa football history can claim other than maybe Evy
I just want to clarify something, in the event that I did not do so earlier.

I am not talking about 'little ole Iowa' as a way to rationalize losing to a team like Minnesota. Not in the least.

However, when I speak to Iowa's inherent and real recruiting disadvantages, it's to underscore how I believe Iowa has performed well above the expectations an objective college football mind would assume they would have.

Over the past decade, they've been a Top 20 program, top 15 perhaps, in the sport.

But they still walk on the edge of a knife a bit and cannot absorb attrition or injuries the way that many of the other Top 15 programs from BCS conferences can, due to the inherent recruiting obstacles they have. So there will be dips from time to time...and their dips in the Ferentz era have been six wins at worst, which no coach in Iowa football history can claim other than maybe Evy

Agreed but this isn't why we lose to worthless teams like ISU or Minnesota, THAT is the problem..
Who's credit is it when we beat 14th ranked Missouri in the Insight Bowl? Who's credit is it when the 2009 team beats the ACC champion in the Orange Bowl? Who's credit is it when Iowa shocked the world in 2008 and beat #3 Penn State? Who's credit is it to finish 3 seasons in a row ranked in the top 10? Who's credit is it when the 2002 team set a record for most wins in a single season (11)? Who's credit is it when 2 teams in the past 10 years have been in discussion for the national championship? Who's credit is it when we have how many players in the NFL?

Shall I go on or you going to pick apart every single mistake the coaching staff has ever made? I wonder what you do for a living and if you have ever made a mistake in your job? Get my point?

Awesome, most of this stuff you bring up happened 7 to 10 years ago. And yes the staff does deserve credit for it, but how is finishing 8th in 02, 03 and 04 helping now?

Also I don't make anywhere close to $4 million a yer and I'm not the CEO of my company so I'm not held to higher standards but yes I have made mistakes at my job, however unlike this staff I don't allow that same mistake to happen twice.
Agreed but this isn't why we lose to worthless teams like ISU or Minnesota, THAT is the problem..

This to the Nth degree. Even if the Hawks lose 3 of the last 4 games this year, that would still give them an 8-4 record if they could have just handled ISU and Minnesota. I wouldn't complain about that record at all.

I'm not saying we should never lose a game we are favored to win. Even OSU lost at Purdue in 2009.. But we have had way too many of these types of losses the past half-dozen years or so, enough to where I think it's a trend, not just a fluke upset.
I just want to clarify something, in the event that I did not do so earlier.

I am not talking about 'little ole Iowa' as a way to rationalize losing to a team like Minnesota. Not in the least.

However, when I speak to Iowa's inherent and real recruiting disadvantages, it's to underscore how I believe Iowa has performed well above the expectations an objective college football mind would assume they would have.

Over the past decade, they've been a Top 20 program, top 15 perhaps, in the sport.

But they still walk on the edge of a knife a bit and cannot absorb attrition or injuries the way that many of the other Top 15 programs from BCS conferences can, due to the inherent recruiting obstacles they have. So there will be dips from time to time...and their dips in the Ferentz era have been six wins at worst, which no coach in Iowa football history can claim other than maybe Evy

I understand what you're saying, but at some point shouldn't all of that success parlay into stepping off the knife edge and into relative hihg-level stability? Our facilities and everything else of that ilk have benefited from the earlier repeated success; it seems the actual program itself cannot for whatever reason bank those gains, even though we put a lot of guys in The League.

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