This Loss is on the Coaches..

Iowa burnt their timeout after converting on a 4th and 1 instead of spiking it(ABC) Everyone knows this is the ******** call of the day.
Wrong, pal. If they fake there and don't get it, the ball game is over and they know it. O'Keefe would have called a series of clock milking plays and gotten key first downs and we would have won easily. Everyone was caught completely off guard by it. Lester Erb called a perfect game - again with a return guy like Sandeman, you just have to drop your coverage on the snap to set up the lanes for him.

You are clueless if you didn't see that fake coming...either that or have no idea what football is guess with you it is both...
Another thing I noticed today with regard to how Wisconsin outcoached our staff...

How many times has Wisconsin gone 5 wide this year, Tolzien by himself in the gun? I have seen a few of their games, and they don't do that too much. But I swear they must have done it 10-12 times today...and they converted on about 75-80% of them (or so it seemed). They kept abusing the fact we left our base package on the also looked like we picked a bad day to play more man coverage than usual.
The Wisconsin coaching staff made adjustments and their players executed them. If Iowa made adjustments and with only the TV coverage to go by it was hard to tell if they did, the players didn't execute them. That's all, no need to ban people or berate them, or fire anyone. We lost plain and simple.
Nobody will like me saying this, but some goes on KF for not dealing with the Norm situation better. It was untrealistic to think he would be able to coach this year. But by not coming to terms with that he stretched the staff too thin and it has come to roost with the ST and linebacker issues.
Dude, you should be banned. On a punt like that with a few minutes to go and a weapon like Sandeman back there, YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST drop the entire punt team back to block. YOU DO NOT EVER ASSUME A FAKE. If Sandeman gets a few key blocks, he takes it to the house and Lester Erb goes down as a hero.
FYI I hope you are kidding Sandeman sucks.

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