I thought the Bengals had a guy who killed someone in a car going 100+ mph as well and he got 50 hours of community service or some similar nonsense. And there was a LOT of smoke around some Bengals team of the past gang raping some woman as well.
Roethlisberger was never ever ever found guilty of ANY crime stemming from the allegations regarding the trip he took his date on to the restroom, aka the "Roethlisberger Suite." So take his name out of your mouth, bud. But let us not forget about the case of Plaxico, a former Steeler, who shot himself with a loosely holstered illegal firearm. And who can forget the case of former Steeler and Raven Bam Morris? Though he only had weed, he got busted twice with copious amounts of weed, including one time where he pleaded guilty to trafficking over 100 kilos. You have to really F up to get a federal indictment over weed.
I haven't watched an NFL regular season game in years and my interest is pretty much limited to the latter rounds of the playoffs and to see how the Hawks in the league fare. But to watch the game at all and then claim some sort of moral indignation over one guy when the league is rife with criminal behavior is a helluva stretch. "Well sure I still watched after Rae Carruth murdered his pregnant girlfriend, but DeShaun seeking a happy ending is just a bridge too far for this fan." It's laughable.