These pop up ads are annoying

This is a browser compatibility problem. Probably attempting something in CSS that is breaking your design on some versions of IE, Firefox, etc.

By the sounds of this thread this is a compatibility issue that you absolutely MUST FIX. Of all current web issues yo uare having this one should be the highest priority.

I am a CSS/HTML expert. For $50/hour I'll fix this problem. Shouldn't take too long. Otherwise find your web programmer and tell him he needs to fix this ASAP.

Telling your customers to upgrade their browser is a BAD solution. One of the biggest rules in web design is that your site looks good in all of the most common browser versions. From the sounds of this thread, this site is not following that rule.
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This is a browser compatibility problem. Probably attempting something in CSS that is breaking your design on some versions of IE, Firefox, etc.

By the sounds of this thread this is a compatibility issue that you absolutely MUST FIX. Of all current web issues yo uare having this one should be the highest priority.

I am a CSS/HTML expert. For $50/hour I'll fix this problem. Shouldn't take too long. Otherwise find your web programmer and tell him he needs to fix this ASAP.

Telling your customers to upgrade their browser is a BAD solution. One of the biggest rules in web design is that your site looks good in all of the most common browser versions. From the sounds of this thread, this site is not following that rule.

Great 1st post eva. BTW, worst advice ever. Telling people to get off IE6 is the best solution. If your job has IE6 and you are not able to change it then I suggest getting a different job or telling them to run windows updates to get the browser up to snuff.
Sorry SenatorReturns, but it's not the worst advice ever.

A web professional's job is to make his/her site look the best in the MOST different kinds of browsers. This site is likely viewed by people using dozens of different browsers. Many web hosts have tools that show you the 'demographics' of people vieweing your site. For instance 40% view with Firefox, 20% using IE 6, 10% IE 7, 4% Opera, etc.

I don't have those numbers, Jon might. He needs to check those. If it's only IE 6 that's having the problem he needs to see what percentage are using IE 6 and decide if it's worth his effort to fix it. Judging by this thread, I'd say it's worth his effort. You don't want your site to look like crap to 20% of the visitors.

If I were in charge I'd fix this problem. It's likely a simple fix. I mean it worked a few days ago... what changed?
Telling your customers to upgrade their browser is a BAD solution. One of the biggest rules in web design is that your site looks good in all of the most common browser versions.

Of course it is, but I think it's reasonable to apply that rule to the context of reality: you cannot logically expect a 2009/2010 website to conform to the technical demands of Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5. IE6 is pre-9/11, if I remember correctly. It's old, regardless of subsequent patches it has had over the years. They need to update their browsers. Whether or not they have the power to do that in their place of employment is an unrelated matter.
Of course it is, but I think it's reasonable to apply that rule to the context of reality: you cannot logically expect a 2009/2010 website to conform to the technical demands of Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5. IE6 is pre-9/11, if I remember correctly. It's old, regardless of subsequent patches it has had over the years. They need to update their browsers. Whether or not they have the power to do that in their place of employment is an unrelated matter.

Regardless if it's old technology or not. If people are using it, you better be darn sure the site looks good in it or you are failing to reach those users. Just by looking at this thread there are still people using IE 6.

Before 'launching' these latest changes, the guy who codes this site should have checked it in other browsers to ensure it looks good in all the most common browsers.

It's probably a really simple fix. A simple spacing issue. Just look at what's changed since it 'worked'. I might even be able to figure it without having your code. Just looking at the HTML with my browser and your stylesheet.

Seriously the answer is rarely "Make 20% of the visitors upgrade their browser." Jon, please share with us the percentage still using IE6. If it's over 10%, you gotta fix it. It isn't like you're implementing some cool new feature that only new browsers are capable of displaying, it's a spacing issue.
I am not going to allocate resources for Brian to go back and engineer the boards to fit the last six or seven versions of IE when one download on the user end will solve not only the problem here, but upgrade their entire online experience with the benefits and security of an updated browser.
I also am having this problem and it is from a work computer where i dont have any access to changing it.

I did notice that if you change the size of your window by clicking the restore down or maximize button - the ad disappears until you load another message. Its a simple fix that I have been using so far - although its still pretty annoying.
82% of the people that use IE on this site use version 7 or 8. 10% user V6.

Those 10% need to click on the link that Brian provided and update their browser for a number of reasons that aren't even associated with this site, plus for this site
Also, you can download firefox:

Mozilla Download

This is just my take, but since first using this three years ago, it's the only browser I use. I wish Safari had the + tabbed browsing button...but as far as IE goes, its not even close. And its safer
I agree with your position, Jon. IE6 is a plague on the Internet. You shouldn't have to conform your site with special code to make a minority and out-of-date browser that doesn't conform to standards work. The more sites that do this, the better.

Microsoft barely supports IE6, why should you have to.
Suit yourself, but your making a mistake. Blaming the user for your compatibility issues. You gonna make this a sticky so any new people using IE 6 who come along will know that your site requires them to upgrade their browser?

Or maybe one of those super-cool buttons that says this site looks best when using IE7. Or you can even code a redirect and send anyone using IE6 to microsoft's website so they can perform the proper upgrade.

Anyways, I'll shut-up. It's your site. I was just giving you some advice. I have a lot of experience in this arena. I really think you should check out the % of users using IE6. You might be surprised. Most web hosts have tools that log this type of information. Also you might want Brian or whoever to look at what changed because you weren't having these problems a few days ago.
Also, you can download firefox:

Mozilla Download

This is just my take, but since first using this three years ago, it's the only browser I use. I wish Safari had the + tabbed browsing button...but as far as IE goes, its not even close. And its safer

I use to swear by Firefox but ever since I went Google Chrome I've never looked back. In fact, Firefox is so clunky its unusable to me. I know we are dealing with opinions, but if you haven't tried an alternative to FF, then you might want to look around.
Didn't see that you shared the stats. Well 10% is still 10%, but like I said it's your site.

I am viewing here at work with IE6 and really could care less about it but found the thread interesting. I use Firefox at home.

I'm pretty sure it worked the other day. So Brian should have to re-engineer the whole thing. He just needs to found out what he did in the last few days to cause IE6 to puke when trying to render that ad-space.
I have dual monitors, 21 inchs each, screen resolution 1024 x 768

i'm not sure if this is an issue with my laptop at home, this is just something i've noticed this morning and again now when i logged back in. Unfortunately i can't download firefox at work (i use it at home and love it).

Sounds like some others are having the same issues.
Sorry i created this firestorm. It's my browser at work and we aren't able to upgrade at this time, i will work around it, it's not that hard to do.
As someone who has had the joy of IE6 on a work computer, many government employee's will be unable to upgrade their browser to FF or a newer version of IE. They have it blocked out to download for most users, and those that do have the rights to install the browser won't be able to use if because of policies at work. Not to mention that when the IT department runs their report people can and will lose their jobs for not using "Government Approved" software.

It stinks, but sometimes there is nothing they can do sadly.

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