These pop up ads are annoying

I have dual monitors, 21 inchs each, screen resolution 1024 x 768

i'm not sure if this is an issue with my laptop at home, this is just something i've noticed this morning and again now when i logged back in. Unfortunately i can't download firefox at work (i use it at home and love it).

Sounds like some others are having the same issues.

1024x768 on 21" monitors? Wow, my netbook runs 1024x600 on a 10" screen.

You stuck on late 90's hardware, or what?
Sorry i don't speak nerd, i've tried but it doesn't sound good.

They are work computers, don't have a choice, we have dual LCD monitors at our desk, each one is 21 inches.
Get an old USB stick and go to Install the portable version of Firefox with the add-ons you want. Then you can just pop in your USB stick and use Firefox, with nothing ever installed on the computer itself.

Problem solved.
Suit yourself, but your making a mistake. Blaming the user for your compatibility issues. You gonna make this a sticky so any new people using IE 6 who come along will know that your site requires them to upgrade their browser?

Or maybe one of those super-cool buttons that says this site looks best when using IE7. Or you can even code a redirect and send anyone using IE6 to microsoft's website so they can perform the proper upgrade.

Anyways, I'll shut-up. It's your site. I was just giving you some advice. I have a lot of experience in this arena. I really think you should check out the % of users using IE6. You might be surprised. Most web hosts have tools that log this type of information. Also you might want Brian or whoever to look at what changed because you weren't having these problems a few days ago.

Look, in a lot of different contexts, your position is correct. Telling your clients that "it's your problem, so you fix it" is a bad strategy... but this is not one of those contexts. Best Buy shouldn't have to carry vinyl records just because 3 million will be sold this year... especially if said records pose a significant security risk compared to CDs and digital downloads. ;)
Get an old USB stick and go to Install the portable version of Firefox with the add-ons you want. Then you can just pop in your USB stick and use Firefox, with nothing ever installed on the computer itself.

Problem solved.

If you work for the government and they notice you plugging in equipment (even usb's) to the computer, they'll see it in the device list when they sweep the systems and they'll catch and fire you that way too.. Seen it done many times.
Ok I think we got this issue fixed. Please clear your cache and cookies and refresh. Can someone confirm if it's fixed for me?

I have to agree with Expo on this one. Clearly this wasn't something that required a significant amount of resources to fix. Jon probably spent more resources arguing with Expo than it took Brian to make the fix. For future reference, when the customer asks for something, just give em the pickle. Here's a quick lesson in customer service that I'm sure many of us in the service industries have viewed before.
[ame=""]YouTube- FARRELL'S ICE CREAM PARLOURS - GIVE EM THE PICKLE by Bob Farrell[/ame]
If you work for the government and they notice you plugging in equipment (even usb's) to the computer, they'll see it in the device list when they sweep the systems and they'll catch and fire you that way too.. Seen it done many times.

Well then I'd suggest getting a Blackberry/iPhone/Droid and use the mobile version of this site, since they're probably monitoring your browsing habits as well. :)

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