The Unknown is worse than Ferentz

This thread should be called "the unknown is worse than the truth". It's this type of thinking that leads people to believe in some higher power...but that's another topic ;)

This offseason will show me exactly what kind of coach KF is. He needs to make changes to the staff. Or I should state this is his last chance to show me he is willing to win here at Iowa. I know we have plenty of data to show he won't change anything, but this really is a crossroads. We do have some talent on the roster. I just don't know if it fits these boring schemes.

He should bring in some new blood. Bringing in Soup was a good hire, though doesn't explain why our WR couldn't catch a ball this year....

But if he just hires from within, we know we'll stick with the same schemes. Although all of us would be OK with KOK leaving, I'm only OK with it if KF doesn't force the next guy to run the exact same scheme!!! Maybe if KF wasn't so strict with how he wants an offense (and defense) to look, KOK wouldn't take the heat that he does, although he can call some very odd plays.

All the other schools have figured Iowa out. It's part of the reason why we look SO SLOW compared to other teams. Why we look like we don't have as much energy.....the other teams know what we're going to do. When the defense and offense know your tendencies, you can react faster, and therefore look faster than the you.

If KF doesn't make any changes, at the very least lengthen the leash to allow KOK/NP to adjust their schemes to match our strengths, then we will limp to another 6-7 win season next year (if we're lucky) and we'll continue our downward spiral.

It's bad when even Jon makes a post before the NE game is even over calling our team STALE. I think even he is coming around to accept that our coaching staff has become a bit of the fat cat mentality.

As much NFL talent as we've had on the roster the past three years, the fact that we've just hovered above .500 is very sad. If KF cannot make adjustments, then I'm fine with venturing into the "unknown". Because I cannot stand watching this style of football anymore
Talking about firing Ferentz is dumb because Iowa simply cannot afford to fire Ferentz, not with his contract. No way can Iowa buy out a 10-year $4,500,000 contract that Barta was an idiot to give. Iowa fans could completely quit going to games and it would not matter, Iowa simply cannot buy out Ferentz's contract. Ferentz can do whatever he wants with the program and there is nothing the AD can do about it.

The ONLY thing that Iowa fans can hope for is that the king decides to do things a little differently and changes his coaching style somewhat and folks, that ain't about to happen.

The buyout is not his salary until 2020. It is less than that.

You are correct about the AD being ineffectual.
The buyout is not his salary until 2020. It is less than that.

You are correct about the AD being ineffectual.

I tried to articulate this earlier, but it got buried. Coaches would NEVER negotiate buyouts when fired if they could get full pay for a nine-year vacation.
I tried to articulate this earlier, but it got buried. Coaches would NEVER negotiate buyouts when fired if they could get full pay for a nine-year vacation.

I didn't see it earlier. You are correct. It is unfortunate most don't understand what exactly goes on behind the scenes at the U, and in the AD, that keep our football program average.

If they understood that is isn't innocent little ole Iowa values, they'd be really angry.
I decided to do the Google search for you.

Turner Gill- Only previously served as head coach at Buffalo where he compiled a record of 20-30. Success by Buffalo standards, I'll give you that. But multiple coaching stops? Where?

Dan Hawkins- Had success at Boise State prior to being named coach at Colorado. Multiple stops? Not unless you count coaching at Willamette (NAIA)

Jerry Kill- His only success prior to Minnesota at the FBS level was at Northern Illinois where he compiled a 23-16 record recording zero bowl wins in the two games he coached. Previous coaching stop included Southern Illinois where his teams qualified for the the playoffs five times and losing in the first or second round of the playoffs in four of five appearances. Also had stops at Emporia State and Saginaw Valley State. Multiple stops yes. But at the FBS level, no. Northern Illinois to Minnesota.

Mike Haywood- Head coach of Miami Ohio for two seasons compiling a 10-15 record. Previously coached at a host of other schools in a variety of different roles including a stint as RB coach at Notre Dame from 2005-2008 where the Fighting Irish fought to a record of 29-21, which by Notre Dame standards is very sub par. As far as Head Coaching experience, multiple stops, no.

Todd Graham- Head coach at Rice for a season (7-6) then Tulsa for four seasons. So yes, he had previous head coaching success at multiple stops, i guess.

Previous FBS head coaching experience for 1 out of 5. Solid.

I find it comical that you are willing to take a wait and see approach with Hoke at Michigan but are willing to write off Todd Graham who is implementing an entirely different scheme that what Pitt had previously ran. Also, it's Kill's first year a Minnesota as well, writing him off after one season as well? So let me get this straight--wait and see approach with Hoke because he is playing with Rich Rod's guys, but no wait and see approach with Graham who is playing an entirely different scheme than what his guys were recruited for, and no wait and see approach with Kill at Minnesota playing with the empty cupboard that Brewster left? Consistent.

I was not referencing they all had successfull "Head Coaching" stops. In fact, hooked on phonics would tell you i said successful coaching stops. Implying at other positions.

Graham & Hoke came into a situation that the preious head coaches hadn't left the cupbord bare. I am wiling to take the wait and see approach with all of them. But as it stands now, they are all not succcessful. I really think the only team that gets a pass is Kill. The team he inherited was not good at all. It will be like Weis's succcesses early for these coaches, then they will taper off.

No one answered my earlier question- now that hoke won 10 games is that all that is acceptable? or can he have a couple 7 win seasons mixed in just like Ferentz?
I was not referencing they all had successfull "Head Coaching" stops. In fact, hooked on phonics would tell you i said successful coaching stops. Implying at other positions.

Graham & Hoke came into a situation that the preious head coaches hadn't left the cupbord bare. I am wiling to take the wait and see approach with all of them. But as it stands now, they are all not succcessful. I really think the only team that gets a pass is Kill. The team he inherited was not good at all. It will be like Weis's succcesses early for these coaches, then they will taper off.

No one answered my earlier question- now that hoke won 10 games is that all that is acceptable? or can he have a couple 7 win seasons mixed in just like Ferentz?

Its Michigan. He better not have anything less than 8 wins and it better not be for more than one year at a time.
I was not referencing they all had successfull "Head Coaching" stops. In fact, hooked on phonics would tell you i said successful coaching stops. Implying at other positions.

Graham & Hoke came into a situation that the preious head coaches hadn't left the cupbord bare. I am wiling to take the wait and see approach with all of them. But as it stands now, they are all not succcessful. I really think the only team that gets a pass is Kill. The team he inherited was not good at all. It will be like Weis's succcesses early for these coaches, then they will taper off.

No one answered my earlier question- now that hoke won 10 games is that all that is acceptable? or can he have a couple 7 win seasons mixed in just like Ferentz?

Depends if the six of the wins comes against .500 or worse teams and two sub division teams.
Iowa had a cupcake schedule and our veteran staff had the biggest come back in Iowa history to nail down the seventh win of the season. Great job all is well Go Hawks.
Maybe - but any joe smo could win 7 games a year here.

Outside of 2009 this staff has accomplised nearly nothing over the past 7 years
ISU actually beat more than Iowa this year and Pitt has a chance at the OB not exactly cupcakes, besides there is not a upper level team that doesn't schedule cup cakes
I was not referencing they all had successfull "Head Coaching" stops. In fact, hooked on phonics would tell you i said successful coaching stops. Implying at other positions.

Graham & Hoke came into a situation that the preious head coaches hadn't left the cupbord bare. I am wiling to take the wait and see approach with all of them. But as it stands now, they are all not succcessful. I really think the only team that gets a pass is Kill. The team he inherited was not good at all. It will be like Weis's succcesses early for these coaches, then they will taper off.

No one answered my earlier question- now that hoke won 10 games is that all that is acceptable? or can he have a couple 7 win seasons mixed in just like Ferentz?

LOL sure you were. Every single coach has probably had two other coaching jobs as some position coach or something before getting a head coach. Probably should learn to google stuff first before you go off the top of your head.
If people really are getting hung up with mediocrity, then answer me this:

Would you innvest 50k in a automobile you knew that would only be worth 30k in a few years, but want the next newest thing on the market?

Or would you drive your 50k vehicle until it dies, or you have gotten your moniesworth?

Why not Ride Ferentz (the same way he rides our RB's) until he is through? He's got very good years left in him, and i have throughly enjoyed the seasons he has been here. I am at peace after 2009 with our coach, 1 of those every 10 years is enough for me. sorry for speaking plainly, and being a boring fan.
Eventually it will happen, he will not be the coach. I hate to admit it, but Wisconsin did it as well as you could. Alvarez left a few years earlier than he probably had to, and left at a time when the program was strong, with good players on the team. This allowed Bielema to have some early success (albeit without his players), and use that success to promote and build, such that now he's got things going pretty well. They didn't really miss a beat. That's what I hope happens at Iowa when Ferentz steps down.

While I'm frustrated as the next fan regarding their so-so performances the past 2 seasons, I don't think firing him is the answer, not because of the unknown, but because he doesn't deserve it based on performances up to date. It doesn't make him immune to firing for future work, but not up to now in my opinion.
Ferentz is now a Model T. He's not a daily driver any longer. He doesn't have the power or the enthusiasm to impress kids these days. Its time to put him in storage.

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