The State of the B1G

I agree. We have a better chance to go undefeated against a crappy conference and sneak into the playoffs then we have of getting into the playoffs if we played in a tough conference.

x1000. Iowa is way better off trying to be good in a terrible conference. I'd rather be Iowa than be Kentucky or Vanderbilt trying to play in the SEC.
Brady Hoke might want to stop by his local A&P to see if they have any spare boxes, because he will be packing up his office soon.

Urban Meyer can lose his next fifty games and I will chuckle after each one.
More teams + much more money = FAT CATS ???

The SEC and Big12 want to win football games. The B1G wants to win debit cards.

Money can't trump talent on the college football field.
Florida State is in a ****** conference.
The ACC has quite a few horrible teams, but the Big10 has their share too. Their top teams (FSU, Clemson, Louisville and VaTech) would do very well in the Big10 this year. Pitt, Duke and UNC aren't too bad either.

The Big10 has no bragging rights over the ACC this year.
x1000. Iowa is way better off trying to be good in a terrible conference. I'd rather be Iowa than be Kentucky or Vanderbilt trying to play in the SEC.
I don't really buy into this. A while back I seem to recall that some ISU fans floated the idea that they would be better off playing in a smaller conference and they were ridiculed here.
No they won't. You're being a drama queen. You run the table in the Big 10 and you are in. No question by any rational person.

Florida State is in a ****** conference. They are the national champions. They won. Vanderbilt is ****, they are in a good conference, but nobody gives a **** about them because it matters if you are good or not, not your conference.

B1G's "pre-season" ends next week, then we begin devouring ourselves with no chance of redemption.

I hope that sand doesn't taste too bad since your head is squarely in it. You really should put some thought into something before you post.
Iowa is never going to be part of the 4 team playoff. Sorry. With the perception of the Big Ten and Iowa not being a name brand it's nearly impossible. Iowa isn't going to have a perfect season either. Iowa never has had a perfect season in modern era and that's what it would take just to get Iowa in the conversation. It sucks but even Iowa's best seasons in the past wouldn't be enough. Now the Rose Bowl is still possible and I think we'd all love to see that!

Perfect season from a power conference and you are in 99% of the time, makes no difference what school it is. Its not a "converstion" its essentialy a lock. An undefeated Indiana is going to get in over a one loss SEC team. You cannot leave out an undefeated unless there is 5 or more.

Every single person on this forum has a pretty good idea where the likely hood of an undefeated season happening for Iowa stands. It was completely unnecesarry to state it.

The 4 team playoff is going to be an 8 team playoff very soon anyway and probably 16 before a whole lot longer.
Wow, VT beats Ohio St by 14 on the road but apparently getting East Carolina at home is a much tougher task. They're getting thumped right now.
Big Ten football is totally mediocre. Having said that Urban has been at OSU enough time with enough talent he should be winning championships by now and he isn't.
There is a lot of talk about the B1G being down, but look at just last season's bowl games. The B1G played very well and almost dominated.

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