oh by the way Iowa just got a JUCO WR commit, something certain posters say Iowa does not get or even bother recruiting
You need to realize that those "certain posters" want Iowa to recruit JUCO's who are going to make an immediate impact. For example like K-State or Auburn with Cam Netwon and Nick Fairley. In regards to Iowa, Powell may or may not come in and play right away, you or I don't know for sure. That won't be seen until next year. Everyone needs to relax, recruiting doesn't matter until that player is on the field. You can quote HS and JUCO stats and the player's measureables but they don't matter until they produce on the field. Yes, it is in indicator of what they might be capable of but that is a huge MIGHT.
Too many people/fans focus on recruiting in the wrong way, right now the coaching staff has to make an evaluation of a player in HS or at JUCO level decide if they will make the leap to the next level and fit their program. Most of the time recruiting doesn't show its true dividends until the player is later in his career and has shown what he was able to actually do on the field.
As for the star ratings by recruiting services I believe I read on scout or rivals they were based on evaluation of what the player might do at the next leave following similar as the below:
5* immediate starter on BCS level could possibly ready for NFL from measurables and technique.
4* possible starter right away at BCS /not NFL ready YET slightly undersized for NFL or technique needs work.
3* posible starter within 1-2 years at BCS, right away if takes to play book/team strategies / solid contributor for most of career
2* or lower usually considered FCS or lower prospect.
Obviously there are many things that go way past those things like work ethic, coaching, injuries, etc... Things like this cause walk-ons and 2 star guys to shine and move past the 4-5 star busts.
I think you defend this Iowa team based on what Iowa has now and is bring in as far as recruiting but until they are on the field, you need to relax so does everyone who knocks the players as well. But in recruiting odds are against the players that they are going to really contribute and be successful and make their program win and move onto the next level.