The Search: The Name that Keeps Coming Up


Nearly everyone I speak with regarding the Iowa coaching search brings up one common name, and that is Tennessee Assistant Steve Forbes, the Lone Tree, Iowa native.

A part of me believes this is a bit of an echo effect, but inside the last 24 hours I have heard a few things from pretty solid places that leads me to believe that a) Iowa is quite aware of Forbes intense interest in the job and that b) Forbes is not going to sit back and allow someone else to get the job without having tried as hard as he can to at least speak with Gary Barta.

Make no bones about it; if offered the jobs, Forbes is your next coach at Iowa. However, as I said two days ago, I believe Forbes may be a bit of an ace in the hole for Barta, if you will. Someone he knows will be there til the end. That isn’t to mean Forbes isn’t worthy for consideration, just that Barta is still in the information gathering process and there may be people with stronger coaching resumes on his first tier. I don’t know that for certain, just an educated guess.

Yet I don’t think Barta will have many realistic names on the list that will cut from the recruiting cloth that Forbes comes from.

The Iowa position needs a recruiter. Period. It probably needs a couple of them. This program needs talent more than anything else, and if a guy hasn’t been a head coach outside of the Juco level, which is the case with Forbes, you can always hire someone who is stronger on x’s and o’s as an assistant. Remember the end of the Alford era when he hired Craig Neal? Who held the grease board during time outs and was drawing up plays? It doesn’t really matter who draws it up, just as long as it’s managed well. This isn’t to say that Forbes is lacking on x’s and o’s, only to say that I wouldn’t draw a line through anyone’s name right now on that aspect of the search if they have shown they can recruit…and Forbes can do that.

I spoke with someone very close to Forbes today, and I asked him how Forbes is able to do what he has done on the recruiting trail, coming from Lone Tree, Iowa.

“It doesn’t matter if its in the cornfields, or if he is in the inner city of Baltimore,â€￾ this source said to me. “He just has a way of establishing relationships quickly. Strong relationships, too. People love him.â€￾

I asked for any recent examples, and he had one. I cannot name the head coach in this instance or the prospect, but I am talking about one of the nation’s best recruits here. I’ll use the word “RECRUIT Xâ€￾ for the player and “COACH Xâ€￾ for the coach. Makes sense, right?

“Take RECRUIT X for instance. His mother really likes COACH X, but she absolutely loves Steve Forbes. And that came from the mouth of COACH X. It’s a pretty high compliment given the tradition of that program and what COACH X has done.â€￾

Take my word for it…COACH X is a household name at the helm of one of the best programs in the history of the sport. And the recruit is one of the Top Five players in the nation, a bonafide five star and a kid that would get drafted in the first round of the NBA draft were it not for the one year rule in college basketball.

Coach Forbes doens’t have any traditional ‘in’ with this kid. He’s not from the same area and they don’t really know the same people. But Forbes has established a relationship that has him higher in the eyes of a mother than an established head coach that has done all one can do in the sport that coaches for a team that is a blue blood in the history of the game.

That speaks volumes…

Forbes is also a smart man. He’s gone on job interviews in recent years, knowing that he was unlikely to land the positions. But he did that so that he could have the experience of the interview process so that when the right time and place came along, he would be prepared. That doesn’t sound like some guy that is going to come into a job ill prepared and not aware of what it takes to get the job done.

Forbes is also aware of the task that would be ahead of him at Iowa. He knows the program needs players, and he thinks he is the guy to do that. “There isn’t a back road or gym he hasn’t been to in the state of Iowa,â€￾ the source told me. When you come from Lone Tree, you already know the back roads. When you have coached in two Junior Colleges in the state of Iowa, you know the back roads. Locking down the borders of this state should be the first priority for any Iowa coach.

And given Forbes ability to forge the unreal relationship with an NBA prospect that I just mentioned, don’t you think he’d have a decent shot of making an impression on fast rising Peter Jok of Des Moines? The crop of talent in the state of Iowa two years down the line is incredibly solid.

I am not campaigning for Forbes, but I won’t deny that I like what I see and hear. I like people that work their tails off at what they do, and I like people that see something they want and do what they can within decency to get it.

There have been jobs that I have wanted in the past and I have followed up to the point of where I was told to hold off on the calls, because they were well aware of my interest and I had already been given an interview. I got those jobs, and was later told that one of the final points of consideration was my persistence. Sometimes that might have a negative effect, I get that. But it’s good to be wanted. And from the people I have spoken with close to Forbes, this is the first time he has ever heavily lobbied for a job in his life. This is the one he wants. Gillispie chased Forbes down and hired him. Pearl chased Forbes down and hired him. By all accounts, Forbes is chasing down the Iowa job right now.

Forbes won’t be the only person out there that wants the vacant head coaching job at the University of Iowa. It’s in the Big Ten, and even though it might have a few warts right now, there are only 11 of those jobs in the world. But I don’t think the job will mean more to any possible candidate Barta can hire than it would to Steve Forbes.

I have only spoken to the man one time, and that was back in the early 1990’s when Louisiana Tech was coming to Carver Hawkeye Arena to play the Hawkeyes. I interviewed him in advance of that ‘homecoming’ and here are some of the excerpts from that article from long ago. He expressed his love for Iowa basketball then, just like he is expressing that to quite a few people right now:

When Louisiana Tech takes the floor in Iowa City on Saturday night, one member of the program will be returning home, so to speak.

Steve Forbes is currently an assistant coach for Louisiana Tech, but he has eastern Iowa roots.

Forbes played high school basketball on some talented Lone Tree teams in the early 1980’s and played against Marv Cook in a spirited state playoff game in 1983, a game that Lone Tree won much to the regret of a 12-year old Jon Miller.

â€￾I remember playing against Marv in that game,â€￾ Forbes told me. “We both had great teams that year.â€￾

Forbes came to Tech after serving two seasons as the associate head coach at the University of Idaho. Prior to Idaho, Forbes coached at Barton County Community College in Great Bend, Kansas, where he compiled a record of 68-28 in three years as head coach. Before becoming the head coach at BCCC, Forbes was the head coach at Southwestern Community College in Creston, Iowa.

Creston native Kyle McCann attended some of Forbes’ camps when he coached at SCCC.

â€￾My Iowa roots run deep,â€￾ Forbes said. “My father and brother work for the University and my mother used to work there. My sister graduated from Iowa as well.â€￾

â€￾My aunts and uncles asked me if it was OK if they still wore black and gold to the game when we get up there.â€￾

Forbes, like most eastern Iowa kids, grew up watching and listening to Iowa basketball games.

â€￾I remember listening to the radio and trying to emulate Kevin Kunnert,â€￾ Forbes said. “Ronnie Lester and Bruce King were also some of my favorite players.â€￾

â€￾I still follow Iowa basketball. Deep down, I am still an Iowa fan in the sense that we are all basketball fans at heart.â€￾

Forbes has been able to keep an eye on Steve Alford and what he has done with the program in his two years at Iowa. Forbes likes what he sees from the head Hawkeye.

â€￾Steve is doing a great job.â€￾ Forbes said. “I was a big Tom Davis fan and really appreciated his body of work while he was at Iowa. But Steve is trying to take things to the next level at Iowa.â€￾

â€￾We have a very good nucleus coming back this season and we can go nine or ten deep.â€￾ Forbes said. “Our recruiting class was in the top 40 last year.â€￾

Forbes said that this Tech team plays very good defense. Even though he earns a living coaching for Tech these days, his juices will be flowing as he finally gets a chance to come home.

â€￾It’s going to be an exciting night for me, personally,â€￾ Forbes said. “I am very excited to get a chance to play against Iowa for the first time, as a player or a coach. It will just be very exciting.â€￾
Hmmmmm. A few days ago, Jon, you had me sold on Barbee. But I like the facts that Forbes:

1) Is an Iowan who obviously has, or had, strong connections in the state.
2) Will recruit his butt off.
3) Sounds like he really, really wants this job. That counts for a lot.

My only question would be whether so many other things get tied up into the job of being a HC that he would have as much time to recruit as he has as an assistant at UT? Guess that's why he probably would need another strong recruiter on the staff.
The more I keep reading about Forbes, the more I want to pull for him to be the next coach. Do I think he should be our FIRST choice? No not at all, however I think he would be a very solid choice.
The more I keep reading about Forbes, the more I want to pull for him to be the next coach. Do I think he should be our FIRST choice? No not at all, however I think he would be a very solid choice.

It is good that, at least no matter what, we have a decent coach who wants the job. If our grand ambitions fail (which is likely), we have a good coach who wants in.

He is kind of like our safety school, kind of like how I applied to both Iowa and Dartmouth, and then went to Iowa because I couldn't get into Dartmouth.

Just kidding. I was accepted by Dartmouth, I just didn't go.
I think the fact that he really really wants the job is very important. You know a guy like that is going to everthing in his power to right the ship. People that are truly passionate about something rarely fail.
The more I keep reading about Forbes, the more I want to pull for him to be the next coach. Do I think he should be our FIRST choice? No not at all, however I think he would be a very solid choice.

Ditto. It sounds like Forbes is ours if we want him, and could be a very solid hire. He's not my FIRST choice either, but I wouldn't complain at all if we hired him. There are bigger names of more established coaches, but I think Forbes would fit in very well in the state of Iowa, can recruit, and would play a more entertaining brand of basketball. Nothing wrong with that.
Jon, or anyone else for that matter, is Forbes an outgoing, enthusiastic kind of guy? Can he give great speeches at I-Club events? Will he excite students and the rest of the fan base? It's hard to tell from his picture and his resume.
I've said it all along, I would have no problem with Forbes coaching Iowa Basketball, to the point that I would almost be shocked if he isn't the next coach. I like the fact that he's an Iowa native, a lifelong fan of the program ( would probably remain here as long as Iowa would have him ) and I think he understand full and well what would be in front of him once he arrived. His resume speaks for itself IMO.
It is good that, at least no matter what, we have a decent coach who wants the job. If our grand ambitions fail (which is likely), we have a good coach who wants in.

He is kind of like our safety school, kind of like how I applied to both Iowa and Dartmouth, and then went to Iowa because I couldn't get into Dartmouth.

Just kidding. I was accepted by Dartmouth, I just didn't go.


Forbes is a realistic candidate who would do a good job. Hopefully those pining for Pearl would not be too disappointed if we landed his top man
A guy with ties to the university that connects with parents. Remind you of anyone? This is the guy. You don't have to pay him $2MM per year, so you can spend some extra dough on assistants.
does anyone have a video link to Steve Forbes? (and not the politician) - i would like to hear how he sounds in an interview, team timeout, etc...
I like Forbes, and here is why.

1) He can rerecruit the current Iowa players and the incoming class. That has to be his first priority.

2) He can put our border on lockdown.

3) This is his dream job and as someone upthread said, he will do everything in his power to write the ship. There is nothing that a guy like Forbes would want more than to be the one that resurrected Iowa BBall.

4) You know he will be a PERFECT fit.
Jon, or anyone else for that matter, is Forbes an outgoing, enthusiastic kind of guy? Can he give great speeches at I-Club events? Will he excite students and the rest of the fan base? It's hard to tell from his picture and his resume.

I don't think you can be a successful recruiter and nit have these people skills
Jon, or anyone else for that matter, is Forbes an outgoing, enthusiastic kind of guy? Can he give great speeches at I-Club events? Will he excite students and the rest of the fan base? It's hard to tell from his picture and his resume.

A top notch recruiter would have to be a good salesman,( and most good salesman are outgoing) since he has to sell the recruit and his family on the school and coaching staff, so IMO I believe he would be able to do the same things as far as the students and fan base are concerned and be very comfortable at I-club events through out the state.
If he came do you think we would be able to bring some of the other Tenn. assistants. I thought I heard one played for Iowa in the 90's. It would be nice to at least bring in one or two of them. I have also heard of Iowa trying to keep Chad Wathall on the staff so that will kind of entice and help the current recruits stay with Iowa.
I agree that it's good to have a fairly appealing backup plan, but it doesn't matter how much he wants it if he isn't the best coach available. That's the coach Iowa needs to find. In the end, it could be Forbes, but if that is where the process ends, it had better be after a very thorough search.
If I were interviewing Forbes, one of my first questions would be to ask him what assistants he felt he could bring in with him.

I would think after being an assistant all of these years(at different locations), he has probably established some good connections with other assistants over the years.

He has quickly moved to the top of my list. I am confident he would bring everything we need. His style would be up tempo, he is a lights out recruiter, he maintains relationships with players once they are on campus, and he knows Iowa and what it will take for us to succeed.
If I were interviewing Forbes, one of my first questions would be to ask him what assistants he felt he could bring in with him.

I would think after being an assistant all of these years(at different locations), he has probably established some good connections with other assistants over the years.

He has quickly moved to the top of my list. I am confident he would bring everything we need. His style would be up tempo, he is a lights out recruiter, he maintains relationships with players once they are on campus, and he knows Iowa and what it will take for us to succeed.

If I were interviewing Forbes, one of my first questions would be to ask him what assistants he felt he could bring in with him.

I would think after being an assistant all of these years(at different locations), he has probably established some good connections with other assistants over the years.

He has quickly moved to the top of my list. I am confident he would bring everything we need. His style would be up tempo, he is a lights out recruiter, he maintains relationships with players once they are on campus, and he knows Iowa and what it will take for us to succeed.


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