The sad life of DJK

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I dont think KF runs a democercy but that would have been interesting. I have heard players that defended him to the end and players who said he was a terrible teamate and was really bad for the locker room. Who knows
What if ferentz just let the team vote on DJK staying on the team like Les Miles did for their star running back.

I dont think KF runs a democercy but that would have been interesting. I have heard players that defended him to the end and players who said he was a terrible teamate and was really bad for the locker room. Who knows

Everybody has a few people who will stand up for them no matter what. (I'm sure DJK's smooth con works better on 20 yr olds than a 55 year old coach) That's no surprise.

But guys will rarely speak out against a teammate...unless it's so bad they just can't take it. If there are players who say he was a terrible teammate and bad for the locker room...then, by definition, he was.

Those of us that weren't in the locker room, have seen enough publicly to have a pretty good idea what kind of guy we're talking about. There are probably other players who ended up less-than-thrilled at IOWA, it happens everywhere. But you don't see any of them making compete azzes of themselves 3 years later.

The kids has issues.
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He's back at it again today!

There are a ton of players who do what ever the coaches ask, work they living off and go the extra mile. These players hang on and make a decent career in the NFL. They have no more talent than DJK, but they have attitude and work ethic- things he seems to not have.

I saw some similar thinking while watching The Wizard of Oz...

"These men are no braver than you...but they have something that you don't...a order of..."

Pretty spot on.
If dude doesn't straighten up some loser will be making Stevie Hicks jokes about him.
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He's back at it again today!

He should change his name to Lou. As in Lou Zerr.
He's back at it again today!

As to his last comment, would HE like it if he invested 4 5 years in someone who ended up doing what he did?

And I would LOVE for him to provide the "at least 10" NFL teams who said that to him. And IF no one at Iowa had anything good to say about him, the fact they had no problem telling him that went zooming right the f--k over his head.
Yeah, he had chances in the CFL and AFL, he's had plenty of opportunities to rise above and prove everyone wrong and right the ship.
The only thing recruits need to learn from DJK is you will get kicked off the team if you are running a drug house. This guy is a complete dip$ hit. Shut up already
Randy Peterson just tweeted at DJK asking when the book will be out. Good luck finding a real publisher who is willingto put their name on that trash. Besides that it is trash, if anything printed it in is considered libel, then the publisher could be sued as well.
As to his last comment, would HE like it if he invested 4 5 years in someone who ended up doing what he did?

And I would LOVE for him to provide the "at least 10" NFL teams who said that to him. And IF no one at Iowa had anything good to say about him, the fact they had no problem telling him that went zooming right the f--k over his head.

Yeah, I wonder to what extent Iowa even comments negatively on kids. I know that when you leave a job, most past employers will say nothing other than "yeah s/he worked here" because they don't want to get sued if they say something bad about you. Given his intelligence and the amount of cash he has, I'd be really surprised if Coach Ferentz would say anything negative about a former player.

Leaving the drug issue aside, the grand Hawkeye Nation idolizes its former stars and DJK is certainly one of the stars. If he plays his cards right and says "yeah the drug thing was a big mistake I made when I was immature" and stops with the butthurt, then DJK could find a decent job. Weird thing about the NFL is that even had DJK made a roster, it probably would have been at league minimum and there is about a 90% chance he would be out of the league by now, with a body in materially worse shape than it is now. It stinks when you don't realize your dreams, but unless you are a superstar in the NFL with a giant contract and tons of endorsement deals, it really ain't worth it.
Randy Peterson just tweeted at DJK asking when the book will be out. Good luck finding a real publisher who is willingto put their name on that trash. Besides that it is trash, if anything printed it in is considered libel, then the publisher could be sued as well.

If there is a book, I suspect it will be a self-published e-book with sales of fewer than 100 copies. This young man really really needs a strong older mentor to talk to because the degree of grudge he is holding can't be healthy. I hope his adopted father can provide that mentorship, but I wouldn't put it beyond Coach Ferentz to try to stop the bridge burning after the bowl game when his life settles down.

It's easy for people to bash DJK, but the guy didn't grow up with a male father figure and he's struggling to bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood.
If there is a book, I suspect it will be a self-published e-book with sales of fewer than 100 copies. This young man really really needs a strong older mentor to talk to because the degree of grudge he is holding can't be healthy. I hope his adopted father can provide that mentorship, but I wouldn't put it beyond Coach Ferentz to try to stop the bridge burning after the bowl game when his life settles down.

It's easy for people to bash DJK, but the guy didn't grow up with a male father figure and he's struggling to bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood.

I will be one of the 100. Can't resist a train wreck in action.

My guess is he COULD have caught on with a CFL or AFL team IF he was willing to go the extra mile. He probably thought it was beneath him to have to bust his arse at anything less than NFL level.

Still, the kid had some skills, made some great catches and some excellent kickoff returns that make for good memories. He also had some less-than-stellar moments with poor routes and "letting" an interception happen without fighting for the ball. And he also became a very good downfield blocker when he wanted to be.

This all kind of shocks me after the podcast he did with BHGP where he all but called himself on the times KF or a position coach showed, on film, where he came up short, and that he realized he dogged it too often. I guess that was just a fishing-for-acceptance performance.
As I recall KF said no one ask him about DJK, back when Rob was asking about this story. Now as I dont belive KF would lie about this one would have to think there some sort of protocall as to how KF gives out references. Maybe Jon knows something about how this sort of thing is handled. If not one scout scout ask about him there is a reason.
People are listening to DJK

DJK is still continuing his rants on twitter about KF, Coach Doyle, and former players on the team. Whether or not its true, people are listening. Someone claiming to be considering to play football at Iowa after JUCO said they probably wont go after seeing all of these tweets. He is also coming out with a book to tell his whole story and how he was mistreated at Iowa. Do you think DJK poses any real threat to the U of I?
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