The real issue hurting Iowa

The offense wasn't the problem against Wisconsin. It was special teams, and the fact that our defense couldn't get Wisconsin's offense off the field.

Typically, while it seems that we run the ball alot, we usually seem to be roughly 50/50 or so in terms of run/pass. I seem to remember in last year's game that we didn't really start scoring points and take control of last year's game until we started throwing the ball more in the 2nd half.. We were running the ball on almost every down in the first half last year, and the result was a 10-3 halftime deficit.

I don't see the fact that we threw the ball more this year against Wisconsin compared to last year as a problem, and certainly doesn't point to why we won last year's game, but lost this year. We were still moving the ball and scoring points. If it was working, why not continue to throw the ball? As Hayden used to say, scratch where it itches.

Two times when it really mattered the defense did their job and got Wisky's offense off the field. However, one of those times the punt return team let them come right back on by not being disciplined and allowing the punter to run right up the middle.
It doesn't matter if we had lost but ran more than passed. Then people would just come on here and say we should have passed more. The mix was fine. Our special teams was a big reason we lost but our DEFENSE was just as much to blame.

Even if we make that extra point at Arizona our Defense crapped it down their leg on the next series. It is easy to go right down the field when the game is tied. Had we went ahead even Stoops admitted that they would of been much more pressure to execute. And if we would have made the extra point against Wisconsin we would have just taken a knee in with a min left so we could go to OT and then who in their right mind would think that we could have stopped them in OT when we couldn't all day.Which would you take no shot at winning or going to OT...I would take OT and the crowd's volume would of been a huge factor in our favor.
I agree with your two points. I am more inclined to say that are Defense played a bigger role in the loss. I expect more out of them than to give up a ton of yards and points, which we seem to do against anyone good. And heck even against teams that aren't good but predominantly pass like Indiana.
I dont think our offense is the problem. We shouldnt be in games that we are trading tds. Our running back situation not the problem.
Our issue is ST and Defense, its just been so long since that was true its hard to fathom. Its like diagnosing somebody with polio, its not the first thing that pops in your mind as a doctor.
Two times when it really mattered the defense did their job and got Wisky's offense off the field. However, one of those times the punt return team let them come right back on by not being disciplined and allowing the punter to run right up the middle.

Two times, yes. And those were big stops. But for the majority of the game, our defense was having trouble stopping them. The 3rd quarter wasn't pretty.
Two times, yes. And those were big stops. But for the majority of the game, our defense was having trouble stopping them. The 3rd quarter wasn't pretty.

Not two times total. They had the ball nine times. Four of those times they did not score, and it would have been five if the punt return team had stopped the fake. The defense was not perfect, but Wisconsin has an excellent offense so I don't know what you could expect.
This team only has two real issues right now:
1) Poor special teams play.
2) The fact that Angerer and Edds graduated last year.

Stronger LBs and we win against WI. No doubt. We ahve a great front four but the guys behind them have to fill the holes and our guys are too young, not strong enough and not fast enough. It was the difference between no gain and a 3-4 yard carry.

With Angerer and Edds we will by >10.
Not two times total. They had the ball nine times. Four of those times they did not score, and it would have been five if the punt return team had stopped the fake. The defense was not perfect, but Wisconsin has an excellent offense so I don't know what you could expect.

I suppose I should have phrased it more like "being unable to keep Wisconsin out of the end zone often enough" (for a variety of reasons) instead of saying that the defense couldn't get off the field often enough.

But my point remains: Allowing over 30 points is one of the things you can look at as to why we lost. That wasn't one of our better stats from this game.

There was the fake punt, and the offsides penalty on the kickoff that gave them a shot at a big return, and also a short field. That didn't help, either.
id say its not having tom brands on the sidelines

just saying

We should make him an honorary coach for the big games. Have him on the sideline getting in players faces pumping them up, chest pumping etc.... that would be awesome to see.
As much as folks bagged on Tarpinian for his play against tOSU last season .... I think that many golks on the board here are wishing now that he had been healthy through this entire season instead.

Anyhow, Special Teams are the #1 culprit in my book.

Past that if the following injuries had not occurred, I think that we're not only looking at an undefeated Iowa squad ... but one that is playing at an ELITE level too!

- Coker's early shoulder injury
- Hampton's season ending knee injury
- Tarp's neck stinger
- Hunter's knee injury

(FYI, none of this is intended to diminish Bruce Davis's injury either)
We've got, in no particular order:
1. Bad special teams play
2. Bad coaching/clock management
3. Poor play by Stanzi
4. Poor defense
5. No depth at running back
6. Overpaid head coach
Am I missing any?

Saturday can't get here soon enough, we're starting to gnaw off our own leg.
Are you a liberal Cyclone trool? Poor play by Stanzi? Overpaid coach? Are you missing anything? Ya think? What a moron.
This Post is Stupid! Obviously you have no clue about the game of football! Stanzi is the #2 QB in the country. 1 of his only 2 picks was a well thrown ball. There are 2 words for our 2 losses. SPECIAL TEAMS.