The QB Situation

That would be kinda funny. But I gotta say, you've got the boringest dream world ever. :)
Dang verizon. The whole text didnt go through. What I really texted was that CJB would tex t the fanbase and me cuz Kate Upton is giving me a back )massage, "Relax"
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Dang verizon. The whole text didnt go through. What I really texted was that CJB would te t the fanbase and me cuz Kate Upton is giving me a back massage, "Relax"

That's better I guess...I would be giving her a front message in mine but whetev.
I think your just wrong here, Bob. We do have multiple problems. But QB is at the top of the list. Having a vertical offense will absolutely help the OL. As it is, right now with JR at the helm, almost all of our passing plays are within less than 10 yards from the LOS or behind the LOS (screens). The biggest problem our OL is having is due to 8, 9 or 10 in the box. That changes with CJ cuz he can and will throw deep. That is just the reality.

While I agree with "Having a vertical offense will absolutely help the OL", if the scheme isn't a vertical passing game, how is it helping? Even with CJ in there, if there isn't a deep route how is he going to throw deep? Also, on the few times we had a deep route, how open were the receivers? Rhetorical question - they were NOT open. Again, why throw it deep when no one is open?

Good offense always begins in the trenches. Right now, our guys in the trenches can win on run blocking; that was evident in the MD game. However, our guys in the trenches were NOT winning when pass blocking; again that also was evident in the MD game. With poor pass blocking, even Peyton Manning is incredibly average.

Our defense is winning in the trenches, but they have issues with the edge. We can defend tackle to tackle with anyone. It's when the opponent's RBs get outside is when they get the big plays. From what I see it is due to our outside linebackers having their lunch handed to them consistently. Plus, those same linebackers have issues in pass coverage.

What it all boils down to is:
A) We have a LOT of deficiencies to work on and little time to work on them.
B) A different QB isn't going to change our defensive shortcomings.
C) A different QB isn't going to change the offensive scheme.
While I agree with "Having a vertical offense will absolutely help the OL", if the scheme isn't a vertical passing game, how is it helping? Even with CJ in there, if there isn't a deep route how is he going to throw deep? Also, on the few times we had a deep route, how open were the receivers? Rhetorical question - they were NOT open. Again, why throw it deep when no one is open?

Good offense always begins in the trenches. Right now, our guys in the trenches can win on run blocking; that was evident in the MD game. However, our guys in the trenches were NOT winning when pass blocking; again that also was evident in the MD game. With poor pass blocking, even Peyton Manning is incredibly average.

Our defense is winning in the trenches, but they have issues with the edge. We can defend tackle to tackle with anyone. It's when the opponent's RBs get outside is when they get the big plays. From what I see it is due to our outside linebackers having their lunch handed to them consistently. Plus, those same linebackers have issues in pass coverage.

What it all boils down to is:
A) We have a LOT of deficiencies to work on and little time to work on them.
B) A different QB isn't going to change our defensive shortcomings.
C) A different QB isn't going to change the offensive scheme.

Changing to a different qb a few years ago took Iowa to 3 consecutive Bowl wins, including an Orange bowl. No change in scheme was necessary at that time.
Iowa needs to play their best option at qb.
Iowa needs some fresh, innovative blood on the sidelines.
While I agree with "Having a vertical offense will absolutely help the OL", if the scheme isn't a vertical passing game, how is it helping? Even with CJ in there, if there isn't a deep route how is he going to throw deep? Also, on the few times we had a deep route, how open were the receivers? Rhetorical question - they were NOT open. Again, why throw it deep when no one is open?

Good offense always begins in the trenches. Right now, our guys in the trenches can win on run blocking; that was evident in the MD game. However, our guys in the trenches were NOT winning when pass blocking; again that also was evident in the MD game. With poor pass blocking, even Peyton Manning is incredibly average.

Our defense is winning in the trenches, but they have issues with the edge. We can defend tackle to tackle with anyone. It's when the opponent's RBs get outside is when they get the big plays. From what I see it is due to our outside linebackers having their lunch handed to them consistently. Plus, those same linebackers have issues in pass coverage.

What it all boils down to is:
A) We have a LOT of deficiencies to work on and little time to work on them.
B) A different QB isn't going to change our defensive shortcomings.
C) A different QB isn't going to change the offensive scheme.

Mr Podolak and I would disagree with your "they were NOT open" comment. We do have guys running deeper than the closest checkdown receiver and these guys are getting open some if not a good portion of the time. Seeing the open man and getting the ball to him could help with pass rush and running game. I agree with the rest of your comments.
Iowa abandoned the run because of the way Maryland was defending, Kirk even said so in the post game presser. Maryland players being interviewed post game made it sound like they knew what was coming on every play, that's GD, KF, and JRs fault. It's on JR because they know he's going to check down on almost every single play or he's going to throw behind the line of scrimmage.

Teams have been daring Iowa to go deep all year and it's just not happening enough because Rudock just isn't that good of a QB.

I don't think we RAN any run plays after Weisman's second TD...

What gets me, though, is a seeming unwillingness to change personnel "just for the heck of it". I don't mean inserting a guy who has no experience or has proven inferior. I mean, why not, "Hey, let's change up a couple D guys, maybe put in CJ and run a couple different packages".

Frankly, had we gone to CJ after going up 14-0, THAT would have done more to keep MD "honest" than anything.

But...the D was just not up to the task, anyway.
Changing to a different qb a few years ago took Iowa to 3 consecutive Bowl wins, including an Orange bowl. No change in scheme was necessary at that time.
Iowa needs to play their best option at qb.
Iowa needs some fresh, innovative blood on the sidelines.

Your last comment says it all. While I am all for KF staying (for now), I am ALL-IN for GD retiring ASAP.
While I agree with "Having a vertical offense will absolutely help the OL", if the scheme isn't a vertical passing game, how is it helping? Even with CJ in there, if there isn't a deep route how is he going to throw deep? Also, on the few times we had a deep route, how open were the receivers? Rhetorical question - they were NOT open. Again, why throw it deep when no one is open?

Good offense always begins in the trenches. Right now, our guys in the trenches can win on run blocking; that was evident in the MD game. However, our guys in the trenches were NOT winning when pass blocking; again that also was evident in the MD game. With poor pass blocking, even Peyton Manning is incredibly average.

Our defense is winning in the trenches, but they have issues with the edge. We can defend tackle to tackle with anyone. It's when the opponent's RBs get outside is when they get the big plays. From what I see it is due to our outside linebackers having their lunch handed to them consistently. Plus, those same linebackers have issues in pass coverage.

What it all boils down to is:
A) We have a LOT of deficiencies to work on and little time to work on them.
B) A different QB isn't going to change our defensive shortcomings.
C) A different QB isn't going to change the offensive scheme.

78, I agree with your point A. And you are correct in your point B. But, you point C I disagree with. CJ throws the ball downfield. That is his makeup, that seems to be in his DNA. By throwing downfield, it removes players from the box and by that causality, helps with run and pass blocking. The OL isn't outnumbered, except for if the defense blitz's. And by extension, CJ at QB, which helps the offense move the ball better, can help overcome the defensive shortcomings.

I am not going to apologize for having high expectations for this veteran team (I know you aren't asking me to, this is my commentary.) KF had an NFL studded veteran team that flopped in 2010. Then we went 7-6 in what was supposed to be a rebuilding year in 2011. Then 2012 happened. We were all supposed to forgive KF because there were so many things beyond his control. So we did. And 2013 was a good season, albeit a 3rd straight rebuilding season. This is a veteran team. KF needs to step up, make all of the necessary decisions that lead us to the B1G championship game. KF has no more get out of jail free cards, left. No more benefits of the doubt. He needs to produce when he is expected to produce. Period
I've tried to stay away from social media and message boards after that performance Saturday. It was a pathetic effort against a very average team. We saw some very bad efforts early in the year, but I guess it's because the Indiana game gave me false hope that makes this one so frustrating. The coaching staff seems like they are in over their heads. Maryland knew what plays were coming. Our defense is not tackling well at all, and our QB keeps doing the same thing over and over and over and over, and the results don't change. How many receptions by a WR yesterday? I'm just sick of it. Is KF so stubborn that he can't see we struggled in the first half against Pitt, and CJ gave us a spark? Maybe try that again? It seemed to work. Is GD so stupid that he won't call a play where we throw the ball down the field to try to loosen things up? Or is it that JR just won't throw the ball down the field? Did he know he was playing the whole game no matter what? Clearly I'm not to the point where I should be posting. I'm tired of stubbornness of the head coach.

I totally agreed with your post as does most of the fandom, I'm sure. I'm not sure how much of this is all on Greg Davis (outside of the useless horizontal passes that gain nothing even if they aren't picked off), the jury is still out on these short passes with me. I would really like to know, on any given pass play, what the routes are and what are considered "primary" routes. Because if he's calling for 20+ yard routes and Rudock automatically checks down because he's rushing through his progressions (thus not letting the routes develop) and hitting the running back then that needs to be addressed, obviously. 1) Is he rushing through them because of pressure or 2) Because he has the Yips and is channeling James Vandenburg?
It seems to me that when Beathard was in he was seemingly letting the routes develop and throwing the long ball more often and, when those were clearly not open, then running the ball and getting something on the play. He appeared to have no fear when standing in the pocket and throwing a little late when routes had developed. And, had the arm strength to get the ball where he needed it.
I think that an earlier poster hit the nail on the head when he said that Rudock might be a practice Montana because he's playing against our defense which allows for the short stuff and is therefore hitting a high percentage of his passes.
I do remember a reporter asking Davis about route progressions and said that if route 1 was a post it would probably be covered and then the QB would look for a shorter route runner. Jesus, if he's telling our QBs that then why even run the flys and posts if they're never going to be thrown?
Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
Anyway, sorry for the super long post- just ranting.
I am hoping that like after the 2008 Pitt loss, KF makes the call, and goes to CJ to start vs NW. ...and going forward, if we win. I will light a candle for it to happen. Then Davis be ushered out of the building after the season....altho starting over with a new scheme will once again mean years of learning a new system....that part sucks. Bring back KOK or Philbin after they get fired in Miami.
B4 you usher Davis out of town, first allow the QB, CJB, who's better equipped to run Davis' offense run Davis' offense. Too many posters think Davis' failed offensive scheme is 3-5 yard passes and horizontals. Yeah, that characterizes Davis' offense when Jake makes the reads..

If you want to return to a KOK/KF style of offense which is much more limited than Davis' scheme, you may want to fix the defense, first. The defense gives up too much.
B4 you usher Davis out of town, first allow the QB, CJB, who's better equipped to run Davis' offense run Davis' offense. Too many posters think Davis' failed offensive scheme is 3-5 yard passes and horizontals. Yeah, that characterizes Davis' offense when Jake makes the reads..

If you want to return to a KOK/KF style of offense which is much more limited than Davis' scheme, you may want to fix the defense, first. The defense gives up too much.

I don't disagree with this. CJ makes GD's offense work and it works well. It appears to me that the logic for the horizontal routes is to put multiple players at different levels and in the line of site of the QB. This means we're creating 2 on 1 situations and the QB needs to read just one defender.
I know, but maybe BF also thinks playing Jake is "in their best interest" as well. He hasn't done anything to show me that he disagrees with his dad.

Brian needs to work harder with our very, very average line and not worry about old Pops! The blocking is inconsistent and at times pathetic!

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