The only way firing Lick makes sense...


Well-Known Member
Is if we landed a sure thing like pearl or drew. We just paid out 2.4 million to lickand have to pay this guy how much? If he gets more than 1 million Iowa fans should march to Bartas house and forcefully overthrow him. Do we owe Siena any money to buy out his contract there?
Not if the players rumored to leave were true. That in itself was enough to pull the plug for Iowa to be able to field a non-jv team next year.
Is if we landed a sure thing like pearl or drew. We just paid out 2.4 million to lickand have to pay this guy how much? If he gets more than 1 million Iowa fans should march to Bartas house and forcefully overthrow him. Do we owe Siena any money to buy out his contract there?
I wanted lick back one more year with the recruits we have coming in..but if the transfer rumors were true he had to go.
We just got a early dose of what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum. I hope the players don't pressure Barta into firing this guy after we win 10 games next year.
123---Why don't you head for Barta's house and overthrow him alone? and when Mac gets here, you greet him and lay down your mandates for his hire; be sure his wife understands;
sure thing? that line alones shows your absoulte cluelessness. I'm sure, that if Mac does win here, you'll be the first one on the bandwagon. You're just what the fanbase or the program, doesn't need right now. Opinions are fine; opinions with malice without cause, are juvenille and a$inine---of, relating to, or resembling an A$$---don't have to see you to get the picture.
I'm sorry that I'm upset that Iowa paid probably $4 million dollars to replace Lick with a guy few of us even knew exisisted. If you go down the road of paying that much money you need to make sure it's a slam dunk. John said it last week, Iowa has plenty of money to go after a top tier coach, but Barta didn't do it.
I'm sorry that I'm upset that Iowa paid probably $4 million dollars to replace Lick with a guy few of us even knew exisisted. If you go down the road of paying that much money you need to make sure it's a slam dunk. John said it last week, Iowa has plenty of money to go after a top tier coach, but Barta didn't do it.
Do you know he didn't do that or are you auditioning for that talking-out-of-your-butt commercial?
Is if we landed a sure thing like pearl or drew. We just paid out 2.4 million to lickand have to pay this guy how much? If he gets more than 1 million Iowa fans should march to Bartas house and forcefully overthrow him. Do we owe Siena any money to buy out his contract there?

The premise of firing Lick was not to just fire him so we could get something else. The basketball bottom line is what brought about his firing. That is why it makes sense.
Barta said money was no object. I refuse to believe Fran was the best we could get if money was truly no object.
I will support him. He could very well work out for us. But with all the talk of money being no object I expected to be planning tourney appearences in my head for future years. The future is much less certain with a coach who is untested at the BCS level.
Easy there 123. Do you really believe one of those top tier guys was going to come to Iowa when they already had a good thing going? That's why the mid-majors are the guys that do jump at it. They have the skill and the tools, they're just waiting for the right time, and the right job. Lick was just a bad fit. Took Iowa probably for the money, but never committed himself to the program or failed to adapt to had to work with.
Just think about giving coach McCaff a chance? We aren't doomed. Besides, how do you know this isn't the top tier coach working his way up? Time will tell that.

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