The Omen

When did mankind get to decide he was God and the determiner of how nature should be managed? Oh that's right, when he turned into a giant ***** 5000 years ago and set himself upon the path of self-extinction.

The only species on this planet that is overpopulated is that fat; fugly; stupid; self-obsessed species with the idiot smirk on its face known as mankind.

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Very. Because we could've used our intellect to tame our evil side, instead we embraced hubris and appointed ourselves Masters of the Universe. Along the way our greatest achievement was inventing shallow 1-word sniping to show the Cosmos what giant thinkers we are.
Very. Because we could've used our intellect to tame our evil side, instead we embraced hubris and appointed ourselves Masters of the Universe. Along the way our greatest achievement was inventing shallow 1-word sniping to show the Cosmos what giant thinkers we are.

When did mankind get to decide he was God and the determiner of how nature should be managed? Oh that's right, when he turned into a giant ***** 5000 years ago and set himself upon the path of self-extinction.

The only species on this planet that is overpopulated is that fat; fugly; stupid; self-obsessed species with the idiot smirk on its face known as mankind.

At the risk of going off-topic ...
I tend to agree with your last claim / observation (there is a lot of "stupid" in the species that would serve all of us well to be thinned from the herd). You're first is simply pointing blame in the wrong direction. Man didn't decide this ... GOD did.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
At the risk of going off-topic ...
I tend to agree with your last claim / observation (there is a lot of "stupid" in the species that would serve all of us well to be thinned from the herd). You're first is simply pointing blame in the wrong direction. Man didn't decide this ... GOD did.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

I do not like where this is going...
[ame=""]Happy Thoughts[/ame]
I believe the hawk is Nile Kinnick in bird form just checking them out. He will be watching from the air this year and give us good tidings of great joy!
Very. Because we could've used our intellect to tame our evil side, instead we embraced hubris and appointed ourselves Masters of the Universe. Along the way our greatest achievement was inventing shallow 1-word sniping to show the Cosmos what giant thinkers we are.

If wild animals had our brains...we would all be dead. It should be noted that I don't hunt, and love animals. It should also be noted that I am not crazy.

Love the Hawk in the practice facility pic. It looks fast.
If wild animals had our brains...we would all be dead. It should be noted that I don't hunt, and love animals. It should also be noted that I am not crazy.

Love the Hawk in the practice facility pic. It looks fast.

I hope to hell someone clocked its 40 yard flight time............
Can we stop mentioning "he who must not be spoken" why tempt him. None the less the hawk will stop all evil from entering the facility.
It could be the same hawk I saw flying around Camp Randall Stadium in 2009. Iowa was down 10-3 and this hawk flew around the stadium for probably 10 minutes and then dissappears. Next possession? Stanzi to Moeaki for a td to tie it in the 3rd quarter. Hawks win 20-10.
Very. Because we could've used our intellect to tame our evil side, instead we embraced hubris and appointed ourselves Masters of the Universe. Along the way our greatest achievement was inventing shallow 1-word sniping to show the Cosmos what giant thinkers we are.


This is a good omen! Not that I'm superstitious or anything.... But there have been a few big games where just prior to the games that we won, I saw Hawks circling overhead above the 2008 Penn State game for instance.

Or...maybe they were turkey vultures.
Could be, I too just happen to have a keen knowledge of hawks...

This one, this hawk, was unleashed here by a higher power to lead a team wrought with dispair (from perceived lack of depth at DL and RB, lackluster prior season, a conceived notion into a "folk anti-hero hating god") instill confidence and belief in new coaches and a "new" scheme... to evoke mental and physical strength and acute superior overcome 4th qtr lapses of judgement and clock mgmt....and to set, and accomplish the most distant of goals.

This particular HAWK was sent down to re-administer the shear thought of terror amongst their give them superior ability and swagger of conquering their prey even before they enter the field of battle/ give their apparrently appathetic fans reason to find renewed passion and belief into the "undefeated until proven otherwise" mentality (and bring forth the return of the grass lot and bota bags).

This hawk was an omen of the upcoming future season, brought upon by former and past heroes, like Kinnick (as previously posted) and revisited from travels to other stadiums throughout the years, like Camp Randal (as previously posted).

This hawk was brought upon this team and fan base for nothing less than providing the thoughts of National Championship and B1G Championship (as it should be before the start of every
season) just WIN!!!
Could be, I too just happen to have a keen knowledge of hawks...

This one, this hawk, was unleashed here by a higher power to lead a team wrought with dispair (from perceived lack of depth at DL and RB, lackluster prior season, a conceived notion into a "folk anti-hero hating god") instill confidence and belief in new coaches and a "new" scheme... to evoke mental and physical strength and acute superior overcome 4th qtr lapses of judgement and clock mgmt....and to set, and accomplish the most distant of goals.

This particular HAWK was sent down to re-administer the shear thought of terror amongst their give them superior ability and swagger of conquering their prey even before they enter the field of battle/ give their apparrently appathetic fans reason to find renewed passion and belief into the "undefeated until proven otherwise" mentality (and bring forth the return of the grass lot and bota bags).

This hawk was an omen of the upcoming future season, brought upon by former and past heroes, like Kinnick (as previously posted) and revisited from travels to other stadiums throughout the years, like Camp Randal (as previously posted).

This hawk was brought upon this team and fan base for nothing less than providing the thoughts of National Championship and B1G Championship (as it should be before the start of every
season) just WIN!!!

I just figured it flew in there by accident but your story is better so we will just go ahead with that one.

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