The 'It can get real bad at Iowa if they hire the wrong coach' thinking

I was thinking about this while watching UCLA beat USC today. Sure, right now when they are sitting on 9 wins so far it looks like a good decision to fire their coach after going 21-30, but I'm not so sure.

Don't they know that if they would have hired the wrong person it could have been worse? I think it was a foolish decision.

This is a terrific point. If KF gets to a 40% winning percentage I say we fire his ***.
This team is showing nothing to make us or anyone believe it will better than possibly 6 wins (next year). When is enough -- enough? How long does the program continue to slide into mediocrity. This is all on Kirk. Recruiting, assistants, game plan ... this is on Kirk. We are where we are because of Kirk. No more excuses about us being "young." For the fans holding out faith Kirk is going to right the ship next year ... good luck with that thinking. We are not just getting beat by bad teams. We are getting humiliated by the good ones as well. This is a new low in Iowa football. Sorry folks but this is not a one-year fix. The teams we used to own have passed us by ... We are the new Illinois of the conference.

Well said. I hate to say it, but you are 100% spot on. Where the program is at now, 14 years into a coach's tenure, is ALL on the head man.

As for being young.. Well, people were using that as an excuse during the Lickliter years as well.. But what they failed to pay attention to was that Lick had constant attrition in the program and he was starting over with a new roster every year! So of COURSE they were young. Managing a roster and making sure you have the personnel to win is also a part of a coach's job and that includes keeping player defections to a minimum wherever possible, which is another thing IMO that has been a major problem with the football program the last few years. I hear alot about how weak the 2008 & 09 recruiting classes were, but also how something like half of those classes are no longer even in the program. That is a problem. The talent may not be good anyway, but it's even worse when you have alot of players transferring or being kicked off the team.
This is reasonable, but I'd add that certain irrevocable objectives would have to be set beforehand.
Things like minimum number of wins, upper tier bowl game achievement, and maybe even a mandatory bowl game win.
I'd set these at:
9 wins (qualifying wins, not wins over UNI and the like).
No bowl under the Cap One level.
Must win bowl.

Fail to meet those? Here's your payout, have a nice retirement. As someone said earlier, we're going to pay this mook either way - we might as well write the check now and kick him to the curb.

Coach Diaco, how does $2.75 million per year sound?

Honestly this is insane.
Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?

Oh, Hai Brian.

This should go well for you...

Remember that this is the same coach a few short years ago that was the most sought after coach in the country. Many teams, both college and NFL were knocking on the door to hire KF away from Iowa. So, we give him a contract extension to pay him more money so that he would stay as our Iowa Hawkeye coach. Every time Iowa football was mentioned in the media, we had to hear about the possibility of KF leaving. KF stayed loyal to Iowa when he could have jumped ship. Now, a fair amount of Hawk fans want to see him fired. Are you going to jump ship when the times get a little tough or are you going to stay loyal to KF when all he has done is stay loyal to Iowa Football?

Oh, Hai Brian.

This should go well for you...


Yeah, but there are five Zooks out there to every Kelly.

Also, keep in mind the guy they hired after they fired Zook is much worse than Zook ever was.

People said the same thing about Hayden Fry. Three years later we went undefeated in the B1G. You are demonstrating the thinking of a dumb cultist.

The trick is to build up a program over decades the way Fry/Ferentz did it. THEN YOU MUST MAINTAIN thru aggressive action rather than sink the ship because you spunk every time Kirk's name is mentioned.

The program has enough history and the facilities to continue along the path of excellence. Barta just has to have the guts and the desire.

Truth is Barta and KF are fat and happy so the status quo looks good to both of them.
Maybe the talent is True Frosh, Next years Frosh and Sophs. Groom those players and see if the talent has struck. Meanwhile, you try harder to get the speedy, soft-hands, play making players that bring instant game changing abilities to Iowa and then let's see what we have.

Iowa is hand cuffed right now. I say next year may be a totally different outcome and we will be able to breathe much better until they are able to get to the top of the Big-Ten and go to the BCS bowls where breathing will be well worth it.

KF is still the answer. He lacks experienced players that's all.

Ask yourself why?
Ferentz is like these politicians who run 20th century campaigns in a 21st century environment. You saw what happened to them several days ago. Same dynamic applies to Ferentz. He won't adapt. Therefore he will fail...and we are witnessing said failure in real time.

Adapt or die. It's the way the world works.
Ferentz is like these politicians who run 20th century campaigns in a 21st century environment. You saw what happened to them several days ago. Same dynamic applies to Ferentz. He won't adapt. Therefore he will fail...and we are witnessing said failure in real time.

Adapt or die. It's the way the world works.

Dick Morris says Ferrets is going to win a national championship next season. Karl Rove (seig heil!) will be the new offensive coordinator. Grover Norquist will run the D. Hannity is the new SID.

U mad?
iowa needs to fire ferentz, and pony up a couple million more and get a splash hire. it will be worth the investment if he takes us back to rose bowls and competes for B1G championships
Dick Morris says Ferrets is going to win a national championship next season. Karl Rove (seig heil!) will be the new offensive coordinator. Grover Norquist will run the D. Hannity is the new SID.

U mad?

I always equated the NAZIs with the party that wanted the gov't to have more direct control over their citizenry (50 million on food stamps anybody). Which politician appears to identify with the phrase: NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY?
I always equated the NAZIs with the party that wanted the gov't to have more direct control over their citizenry (50 million on food stamps anybody). Which politician appears to identify with the phrase: NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY?



This is a loser's mentality. Never take a chance because it might not work out.

11 coaches in the B1G are happy to see this mentality in Iowa city

It is also the same reason that Vandenberg is allowed to have the worst season at QB without the threat of sitting out ONE play in the history of organized the football.
This is a loser's mentality. Never take a chance because it might not work out.

11 coaches in the B1G are happy to see this mentality in Iowa city

No, lame, macho posturing using mindless buzz phrases like "That's a loser's mentality" is how you end up making big mistakes.

If a move is going to be made, it has to be well thought out with several quality and realistic candidates in place. Only then do you act. You don't just fire a coach because it "has to be done". Rash and emotional decisions almost always fail.
No, lame, macho posturing using mindless buzz phrases like "That's a loser's mentality" is how you end up making big mistakes.

If a move is going to be made, it has to be well thought out with several quality and realistic candidates in place. Only then do you act. You don't just fire a coach because it "has to be done". Rash and emotional decisions almost always fail.

No, lame, macho posturing using mindless buzz phrases like "That's a loser's mentality" is how you end up making big mistakes.

If a move is going to be made, it has to be well thought out with several quality and realistic candidates in place. Only then do you act. You don't just fire a coach because it "has to be done". Rash and emotional decisions almost always fail.

yeah, we should probably let this play out for 10 years. Don't want to make quick decisions.
I think Jon is right. With Kirk's contract there is no way that a change be suggested at this time. Next year and the year after will have to play out with Kirk. Here is what I prefer to focus on for next year.

A Change in QB
Greg Garmon and Weisman
An up and coming, young O-line and a stud in Scherff
Quality Tight Ends
Young D-line men that got some experience this year
A stud LB in Kirksey
a Revamped defensive backfield.

An enhanced offense
A better tackling defense
I think Jon is right. With Kirk's contract there is no way that a change be suggested at this time. Next year and the year after will have to play out with Kirk. Here is what I prefer to focus on for next year.

A Change in QB
Greg Garmon and Weisman
An up and coming, young O-line and a stud in Scherff
Quality Tight Ends
Young D-line men that got some experience this year
A stud LB in Kirksey
a Revamped defensive backfield.

An enhanced offense
A better tackling defense

The above is largely irrelevant if Greg Davis is calling the plays, and Kirk Ferentz is managing the game.
The players are aways relevant! We are a young and injured team this year with a QB that is erratic at best. You don"t think the system works better this year with more healthy and experienced players? This fan base is too quick to look for a scapegoat on the coaching staff when things go south. KOK and now GD. You are telling me GD and KF don't know how to win or don't have any experience winning. So when we win it's despite the system and when we lose it's clearly the systems fault? I have not been happy with this season or the coaching staffs ability to communicate what they want to the players they have but I can't read and listen for the next 10 months to a bunch of Eeyore rhetoric on Iowa football. Why, because it's pointless!!!!!! KF going nowhere in the next two years.

No, anyone know anything about this Sokol kid?

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