The Iowa Players See You Leaving Carver Early

Another reason I’m pissed.
We had a visitor recruit and family last night, how does that crowd and student section look?

Just makes FM’s job that much harder.

“We’re gonna cheer until we we hear the final gun, we’re gonna fight, fight fight for Iowa until the game is won.”
Or until the under 8 timeout maybe.smh.
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I love it! The team has now developed an "Us against the world" attitude. that can be very beneficial to the team. a commonality that binds them together. i'm being serious. this could be a huge benefit for iowa.
I'm willing get most of the posters harping on Cook's comments were watching on their couch and changed the channel with four minutes left.
While it is true some people leave early (same as everywhere else), it is not near as bad as it is being made out to be.
Im like so. I gotta work in the morning and you guys dont seem to be putting much on the table.

Loved the game but whats with these guys? We saw you getting smoked with 4 minutes left. Did it take leaving fans to motivate you guys? Super sensitive much?

Ok the main reason for most of the game was NW being more athletic and NW not having the ingedients...ball do that. NW coaches moved the game away from Iowa weaknesses. They moved to making Iowa panic which turned JBo lose and Iowa converted. Iowa loves chaos. NW allowed that.

But you're on the blog at 8am. I think the players want Iowa fans to get louder in CHA, not the internet
I was surprised when one of the students tweeted at me that student ticket prices for the weekend games this year are $20 apiece.

That seems like a lot, and the student section was very small last night.
We stayed for the whole game. Live in Ames. I had light hearted fun about it on Facebook afterwards. If they left, they missed out. More fun for me to say I saw it.
It's funny but on the flip side, calling out your own fans for this is kinda weaksauce. You were 10.5 point favorites at home and down 15 with 4 minutes left. Your team played uninspired basketball for 36 minutes and you had a 1% chance of winning the game with 3 minutes left.

Let's not act like the players knew they were going to win this game the entire time

It's not about this 1 game it's all of the games. Doesn't matter the opponent or score. You can be upset about how the games going, but if you buy tickets, stay for the whole games. I don't think this is even a comment or conversation if he hadn't been happening for years now. It's more than 1 game.
It's not about this 1 game it's all of the games. Doesn't matter the opponent or score. You can be upset about how the games going, but if you buy tickets, stay for the whole games. I don't think this is even a comment or conversation if he hadn't been happening for years now. It's more than 1 game.

Typos, if it* hadn't been happening for years now.
I was surprised when one of the students tweeted at me that student ticket prices for the weekend games this year are $20 apiece.

That seems like a lot, and the student section was very small last night.

Why a student wouldn't buy a season ticket is beyond me. They are something like $139 for about 20 games.
Why a student wouldn't buy a season ticket is beyond me. They are something like $139 for about 20 games.
Regular tic was $35 last night, I think.

As the date approached, with so many seats unsold - our AD and Sports Marketing department did NOTHING to get seats filled - thus not helping the basketball program at all.

Why a student wouldn't buy a season ticket is beyond me. They are something like $139 for about 20 games.

I think they're on break for at least five games and it might have been six this year. Still a good deal if they are $139 for the season. Is that what they are?
Heck, plenty of people were heading up the aisles when we were BEATING Michigan. I for one wanted to stick around and celebrate a little and savor the victory. I'm not going to smash TC on this, I'd like to see people stick around a little longer myself.
Iowa fans have been like this for as long as I can remember... Before the final TV TOs a lot of the older folks race to 'beat traffic' I guess. I dunno. That's regardless of the score they do it when Iowa's up big or if it's a close game. It's the damnest thing. It's like going to a movie and leaving with 30 mins left and not seeing the ending? I mean why do you even go then if you're going to do that? Blows my mind
I think they're on break for at least five games and it might have been six this year. Still a good deal if they are $139 for the season. Is that what they are?
$20 would have been an a gigantic price when I went there. There was no way I would have been able to throw $20 for a basketball game.
Aw come on, TC was being pretty light hearted about it. Heck he had all the media guys laughing. Think about how you would feel if you saw a bunch of fans leaving and then you come back and win. It had to feel pretty sweet for him to witness all the blue hairs leaving and then they came back to win.

It's one of my pet peeves going to the game, I typically end up sitting towards the top because I'm cheap and am not rich. It's annoying as hell when the 4 minute mark hits to watch all the old people get up and make their way up the stairs. I have no right telling others how to fan but it's kinda sad, and many do it no matter what the score it.
This. And he was laughing the whole time he was saying it. Just a college kid having a little fun is my take.
It's not about this 1 game it's all of the games. Doesn't matter the opponent or score. You can be upset about how the games going, but if you buy tickets, stay for the whole games. I don't think this is even a comment or conversation if he hadn't been happening for years now. It's more than 1 game.

But what are you expecting to happen as a result of Tyler's comments? Are the 70 year old fans suddenly going to be like "oh Gerald we better stay for another 5 minutes because the young man on the court made fun of us on the internet"? Like what is the positive benefit of calling out the fans who paid money to watch you play?
I think if you can build a consistent level of winning the fan exodus will dissipate and you'll have more students there as well. Weather also plays a role in attendance and staying till the bitter end. If I lived in IC I would not have stayed until the bitter end of the MSU game. This one was marginal but even at 4:30 left they weren't out of it but it was not a good look people were making bad TO's people were missing layups (heck I think JBo was 0-4 from 1 foot away and Cook missed some bunnies) when that's happening it usually spells doom.
Hold on, TC ... Aren't you thinking about leaving like a YEAR early?;)


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