The Iowa Football Program Is Not Healthy

This is all very very true. Disconnect is perhaps the best word to describe it.

We have a HC that I truly believe is just as concerned about turning out quality young men than he is NFL football players. Yes he wants to win football games but he's made it clear that he wont sacrifice moral standards to do it. As a player you either do it the right way, or you are gone.

What's disturbing is for whatever reason that message doesn't seem to be getting across to a large percentage of players. Inside that lies the disconnect.
WOW. Have some of you guys even been too college?
Do you have kids anywhere close to college age?
There is a reason they are refered to as young adults.
They think they are grown up and adults know they are not.
They are going to do things and some of them are going to get in trouble. Mentors, bosses, coaches can talk all they want, we aren't going to stop them.
In the end we can advise and try to convey the true negatives that can result but they will have to take what they have coming and be responsible for the consequences.
I laugh when ignorant people think this stuff doesn't exist pretty much everywhere in America. Probably the world for all I know.
I will admit that the culture of Iowa City has changed alot since my times there and that may be contributing to the situation but people can't be there all the time to cottle these kids and make sure they don't screw up.
Its just cannot be done and if people tried harder the kids would just work harder at finding ways around it.
Everything is fine.
Nothing is wrong.

Meanwhile in reality...
players leaving, getting arrested
coaches leaving
play on field is average at best
PR of fball program is pathetic

Honestly, hasn't this been your mantra in multiple threads, I mean really. Get some new stuff. You wanted new coaches, here they come.
You wanted change, here it comes.....
You wanted to be like the big boys, well they all have lots of kids in trouble...
So please, what will make you happy? I'll guarantee you were one of the cats saying we'd win 7 or 8 games, now here we are and unfortunately so are you. It all starts somewhere, but unfortunately with you guys it NEVER STOPS. I know I speak for many when I say...if we thought firing KF would get rid of you and those like you'd we beg for him to be fired now. The problem is you'd be back tomorrow criticizing the new guy......
There are quotes all over the Internet that targets cats just like you.....the critic!!!
And listen I don't know you and it ain't personal, but the critic will always be there. You will NEVER be happy. If Mack Brown or Bobby Stoops, or, or....can get criticized you'll never be happy.
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