The Iowa Football Program Is Not Healthy

Okay here we go……………….

Not going to defend KF because quite frankly we pay 4-mill a year and we should… stressing “should†be able to get another good coach. Couple things I want you smart guys to comment on though. And before we start let me say that refusal to comment only cements that you have no outside perspective, therefore making your inside perspective really pretty meaningless.

As I look at the Blogs and yahoo headlines in college football…..I see most every team suspend multiple kids a year. I see kids getting shot in Illinois; I see a locker room brawl in state college so bad a kid gets hauled away on a stretcher…

I see Nebbie lose multiple players at a position by suspension or injury…

I see tOSU..…

I seeKLSU suspend what 5 or 6 or more players this year…

I see Oregon susupend kids, put them back on the field only to suspend them again..

I see Oklahoma have suspensions, subpar performances, etc, etc….

I see coaches say they are staying and then leave, I see fan bases force coaches out after 9 win seasons…

I see great programs struggle to 5 and 6 and 7 loss season…

And most importantly I see fan of A TEAM, whine and Nash their teeth and lament the fall of their pogram like somehow it is uncharted territory and no one has EVER been there before.

I see the same fans have absolutely no real clue what an epidemic the suspension and problems with athletics really truly are, because if they did and they really cared, they’d quit watching it all together.

And I see fans have the gall to criticize those who want to have a reasonable understanding that it wasn’t as good as they hoped, but they are confident it can still get better.

You’re mad because we don’t get our pitch forks and torches….really, really?!?! There is LITTLE Chance you are more lead to results and winning than me. You couldn’t be more physically sick than I was when we lost or waste more time than I did thinking about going undefeated. Yet at the end of the day I’m fan, not some FANATIC, that is going to have someone tell me, you should be ****** off and DEMAND that our coaches do this or that…

Really, really……are you serious……………..and who has the problem you or us…….

I think given the current situation it would be more disingenuous to exclude him than to include him. You disagree?

It's your list pal. No, I wouldn't include someone who came back and got their act together, won the Doak Walker award, and is a stud in the NFL. Plus, my son has his jersey so take him off.
Okay here we go……………….

Not going to defend KF because quite frankly we pay 4-mill a year and we should… stressing “should†be able to get another good coach. Couple things I want you smart guys to comment on though. And before we start let me say that refusal to comment only cements that you have no outside perspective, therefore making your inside perspective really pretty meaningless.

As I look at the Blogs and yahoo headlines in college football…..I see most every team suspend multiple kids a year. I see kids getting shot in Illinois; I see a locker room brawl in state college so bad a kid gets hauled away on a stretcher…

I see Nebbie lose multiple players at a position by suspension or injury…

I see tOSU..…

I seeKLSU suspend what 5 or 6 or more players this year…

I see Oregon susupend kids, put them back on the field only to suspend them again..

I see Oklahoma have suspensions, subpar performances, etc, etc….

I see coaches say they are staying and then leave, I see fan bases force coaches out after 9 win seasons…

I see great programs struggle to 5 and 6 and 7 loss season…

And most importantly I see fan of A TEAM, whine and Nash their teeth and lament the fall of their pogram like somehow it is uncharted territory and no one has EVER been there before.

I see the same fans have absolutely no real clue what an epidemic the suspension and problems with athletics really truly are, because if they did and they really cared, they’d quit watching it all together.

And I see fans have the gall to criticize those who want to have a reasonable understanding that it wasn’t as good as they hoped, but they are confident it can still get better.

You’re mad because we don’t get our pitch forks and torches….really, really?!?! There is LITTLE Chance you are more lead to results and winning than me. You couldn’t be more physically sick than I was when we lost or waste more time than I did thinking about going undefeated. Yet at the end of the day I’m fan, not some FANATIC, that is going to have someone tell me, you should be ****** off and DEMAND that our coaches do this or that…

Really, really……are you serious……………..and who has the problem you or us…….


I know you probably weren't directing this at me, but I will say that I don't think Iowa is alone in being an "unhealthy program". I also realize that the health of a program, like the health of an individual, can change relatively quickly. In 2009 we were very healthy, in 2010 a little less so, in 2011 (primarily due to player issues) we are as sick as we've been in a very long time.

I'm not making an argument that it's unacceptable to be sick, I'm just saying it's hard to look at the big picture objectively and say "all is well".
It's your list pal. No, I wouldn't include someone who came back and got their act together, won the Doak Walker award, and is a stud in the NFL. Plus, my son has his jersey so take him off.

LOL fair enough. I just figured that including him wasn't being disingenuous as he did in fact have to leave the program, and at the same time he's well known enough for people to recognize him and the fact he did come back and excel here. It's not like I thought I could slip Green in there to boost my argument and no one would notice that he later came back to rejoin the program.

It's also fair to say he wouldn't be listed there at all if not for the other issues we've have at that position, but then again the whole point of my post was to look at the program is a whole.
Serious question, Duff: at least as far as the legal troubles of recent years, do you think Iowa is attracting a higher risk profile player and thus the numbers of related departures seems to be growing? Or does the culture in Iowa City (a seeming serious-minded coach who appears to broach no non-sense, combined with zealous cops and prosecutors) make it more likely that trouble-makers will be identified and suspended or kicked off the team than might be the case at other schools and in other locales?[/QUOTE]

This is a great way to look at it. Hopefully there's lots of truth to it.
Is the issue player leadership? Looking at the last two years, and yes there were issues before that, but to me it didn't seem like as many minus a few outlying incidents that you will always have. This team hasn't had an obvious leader since Angerer and Edds graduated. You look at how the team has played since these guys graduated and it just isn't the same. Nebraska had major issues in the mid 90s and created their unity council. A group of juniors and seniors that handle issues before they made it to the coaches. Has Iowa had anything like that?
Is the issue player leadership? Looking at the last two years, and yes there were issues before that, but to me it didn't seem like as many minus a few outlying incidents that you will always have. This team hasn't had an obvious leader since Angerer and Edds graduated. You look at how the team has played since these guys graduated and it just isn't the same. Nebraska had major issues in the mid 90s and created their unity council. A group of juniors and seniors that handle issues before they made it to the coaches. Has Iowa had anything like that?

HATE to say it, but even with quality leadership from players, we've had bad eggs roll through........
Is the issue player leadership? Looking at the last two years, and yes there were issues before that, but to me it didn't seem like as many minus a few outlying incidents that you will always have. This team hasn't had an obvious leader since Angerer and Edds graduated. You look at how the team has played since these guys graduated and it just isn't the same. Nebraska had major issues in the mid 90s and created their unity council. A group of juniors and seniors that handle issues before they made it to the coaches. Has Iowa had anything like that?
HATE to say it, but even with quality leadership from players, we've had bad eggs roll through........

Without a doubt and you will always have that. But it seems to me the issues have been more numerous
I think including Greene was correct. It shows that coach isn't bull headed enough to not take players back if they are willing to earn their way back.
I know you probably weren't directing this at me, but I will say that I don't think Iowa is alone in being an "unhealthy program". I also realize that the health of a program, like the health of an individual, can change relatively quickly. In 2009 we were very healthy, in 2010 a little less so, in 2011 (primarily due to player issues) we are as sick as we've been in a very long time.

I'm not making an argument that it's unacceptable to be sick, I'm just saying it's hard to look at the big picture objectively and say "all is well".

Well that’s fair, but really it’s not earth shattering or even necessarily note worthy is it? I mean if you subscribe to life or relationships similar to how I do. You find that never are things really even footing; it is either up or down. I’ve even seen it suggested that in a marriage 2 people are never equally in love with each other and you are always working towards each other.

This isn’t really so different…….

With all that said, I do believe we’ll win 10 plus games again, but if people are thinking will make a year without this kind of stuff, I’d be utterly shocked.

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I wouldn't put Greene on the list either, it doesn't make sense to me. What he did should be an inspiration to the current RBs.

What makes me wonder is, do people think this situation is unique to the UI? Every single program that is worth 2 cents has their share of athlete turnover due to whatever reason.
What can a program do to try to keep these turnovers from happening? Well, outside of having every team member being tailed by a team adult spy, they can try to educate the athlete by creating a dept. that helps them transition from being a high schooler into a college student athlete. We have done that and so have other programs around the country. I'm guessing here, but I would bet dollars to donuts, that every coach is constanly harping on their players to be a good citizen and to keep their noses clean.
What it comes down to, in my opinion is, what the athlete does with this information when the circumstance arises where he has to make the decision, should I?, or shouldn't I? The onus clearly lies on the shoulders of the athlete. Hopefully, they make the right decision based on the information they have been given. But, when you're dealing with young adults sometimes the decision making process gets a little muddled and the worst possible scenario ensues.
So, who do you blame? Is it the university? Is it the coaching staff? Is it the athlete? That's ultimately your choice, but given the guidance these kids get from the get go, in my opinion it lies on the student athlete, period.
There is a difference between having issues (as we all do) and being unhealthy. Iowa football has crossed that line.
There is a difference between having issues (as we all do) and being unhealthy. Iowa football has crossed that line.

Then that I can't agree with........LSU won more games. So did Oregon, so did OU, but all had lots and lots of problems, and they'll have their win down turn coming as well.

Come on Man


If Wilson decides to come to Iowa instead of Wisc. we probably go to a BCS bowl, and Whisky wins 7 games, if our footbal program is sick because 19-22 yr old kids make stupid decisions, then 70% of D1 football programs are sick!

We were a stud QB away from 9-10 wins, I hate to say it but we may not be any better next season. Think about it Hawk fans, Ferentz has great yrs and looks like a genius when his QB has a huge yr and decides close games.

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