The Insight Has a Tough Call

So, just to be clear: we are paying our coach $3,000,000 + per year and are "hoping" the insight bowl will pick us for the second straight year?

who is 'we'?

iowa's athletic department pays for itself, and KF is certainly responsible, in part, or in whole for that fact. people donating and filling kinnick justify that statement.
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How does Ferentz's salary have any bearing on the fan? the program? et al?

Is it really that big of a deal if Ferentz makes $3.8M or $2.5M a year?

Why does that matter?

Again, if people think Ferentz is bad coach, you can debate that. But bringing up his salary doesn't do anything to bolster an argument.

"Oh, but Iowa could go out and get a GOOD coach for the money they are paying Ferentz" someone will say. Really? You really think Iowa is going to get a better coach to come to Iowa City. You think there are better coaches in the country than Ferentz that would want to come to Iowa? Doubtful. Very doubtful.

So I say again, the salary argument is baseless. The LENGTH of the contract would give you a leg to stand on, but not the $$.

good job, saved me the exact post - the 'salary' discussions are nauseating.
I don't see any way the Outback would take Iowa over Neb, even if we beat them.

If PSU beats Wisc and plays for the title, they are contractually guaranteed to fall no lower than the Insight.
I guess the "masses'" or, actually anyone, might expect that the more you pay someone, the more you should expect to get out of that investment. But, apparently, we should "understand" that it makes sense to pay ferentz a top 5 salary but get top 50 results.

Okay, I get that you are upset about KF's salary.

As we all know, the Athletic Dept is self sustaining, and ticket sales, donations, etc. pay his salary.

In the spirit of self-disclosure, my family has been contributing to the I club and holding season tickets since the early 1970s. My dad passed away nearly 20 years ago, and I've taken up the reins since then. I still grit my teeth when I make the I club contribution, and often wonder if it's worth the drive to Iowa City, but I still keep the season tickets.

At any rate, I'm fine with KF's salary.

Do you contribute, and are you a season ticket holder? Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, but I want to make sure that when you say "we" are paying his salary, "we" are actually talking about the same "we."
BTW, if Iowa beats Nebraska, I think MSU goes Cap One and Iowa could be in play for the Outback
Witnessing the meltdown on HUSKERMAX...firing Pelini throwing T Mart under the bus....I think Bo goes balistic in a presser this week, team reads the fans sentiments and hawks stroll in and beat the Huskers with ball control offense. Nebraska's defense is battered and bruised, their O line is a train wreck and I have a feeling Iowa wins 24-13.
I will not go to that H*** forsaken place. So I hope they don't pick Iowa again.

Jacksonville sucks too, but I can roll in just for the game fine. I actually flew into JVille for Cap One. Cheap flights.
What does money have to do with it?

Iowa Football is a self-sustaining program. Barta has the right and privilege to pay whatever the hell he wants to Ferentz. Kirk was paid the going rate when he signed his contract extension to keep him at Iowa for life.

Absolutely nothing wrong with the money he makes, and it should no bearing on his coaching. If people want KF fired because they don't think he's a good coach, ok. But to continually bring up the money is pointless. It has no merit.

excellent response! yesterday was a huge road win for a team trying to learn how to win on the road,
Witnessing the meltdown on HUSKERMAX...firing Pelini throwing T Mart under the bus....I think Bo goes balistic in a presser this week, team reads the fans sentiments and hawks stroll in and beat the Huskers with ball control offense. Nebraska's defense is battered and bruised, their O line is a train wreck and I have a feeling Iowa wins 24-13.

Oh No if we have learned anything from this football team expect the unexpected, I don't care how bad Michigan beat the Huskers if the Hawkeyes win in Lincoln it will be the biggest win of the yr and put them in a better bowl, I didnt get my hopes up for Purdue and they surprised me.
Top 15 is closer than Top 50.

In the 2000s (the bulk of Ferentz's time at Iowa), Iowa was the 24th best team in the nation.


Hold on there spank, a lot of this issue is all about context and for this argument you need to post how much each of those schools on your graph spent on coaching over that time frame. Everyone knows the money that has been paid to Ferentz is in the range of those programs (Boise and TCU don't count) to the far right of the graph and yet Iowa is on the other end of the graph. The other thing that sticks out is Wisconsin (our peer of all those schools) is ahead of Iowa and it’s probably fair to guess they have spent half of what Iowa has for coaching over that time period with better results.

A lot of the points you have made in this thread are pretty valid spank but when the data for this program has been really broken down this year (BHGP and others) how over the last five years Ferentz has lost 9 double digit point favorite games (Wisconsin lost zero) and he's gone 3 and 14 when they need a score to win a one possession game, and the never ending coaching blunders the last two years no one can really say Iowa is getting their money's worth with that 3.8 million. And that’s not to imply that I think we need to fire Ferentz and he's not the right guy for the Iowa job but it is not mutually exclusive to believe that and hold the opinion that he is over paid for the results we are seeing from his teams on the field.
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Winning in Lincoln can actually be a program changer.

WAIT! Hear me out.

The rivalry with Nebby has a chance to develop into a program changing rivalry, particularly if they keep it in the same time slot. This can truly be a National game. Iowa has never had one of those rivalries.

But right now, Nebby is known as a big time program and the Hawks are a respected little program. Taking a few of these games can help change that perception.
Great point, CAAR.

I hope the hawks can play their best game of the year on Friday. I would love to see this turn into a Friday after Thanksgiving, nationally relevant game.
Winning in Lincoln can actually be a program changer.

WAIT! Hear me out.

The rivalry with Nebby has a chance to develop into a program changing rivalry, particularly if they keep it in the same time slot. This can truly be a National game. Iowa has never had one of those rivalries.

But right now, Nebby is known as a big time program and the Hawks are a respected little program. Taking a few of these games can help change that perception.

I think perception, New Years Day Bowl, 8-4, and a signature win against another opponent (Hey? Michigan is going to the BCS? Yeah, we beat them. No biggie) help greatly with finishing out recruiting strong.. in a down/rebuilding year that many of us knew wouldn't be great (And there were plenty of chances for it to be in spite of that).

If we won, in a year many of us expected to be down, but finished with a better seasonal record than last year's lauded team.. what do people say around here? Especially the people that were so up in arms throughout the season.
Hold on there spank, a lot of this issue is all about context and for this argument you need to post how much each of those schools on your graph spent on coaching over that time frame. Everyone knows the money that has been paid to Ferentz is in the range of those programs (Boise and TCU don't count) to the far right of the graph and yet Iowa is on the other end of the graph. The other thing that sticks out is Wisconsin (our peer of all those schools) is ahead of Iowa and it’s probably fair to guess they have spent half of what Iowa has for coaching over that time period with better results.

A lot of the points you have made in this thread are pretty valid spank but when the data for this program has been really broken down this year (BHGP and others) how over the last five years Ferentz has lost 9 double digit point favorite games (Wisconsin lost zero) and he's gone 3 and 14 when they need a score to win a one possession game, and the never ending coaching blunders the last two years no one can really say Iowa is getting their money's worth with that 3.8 million. And that’s not to imply that I think we need to fire Ferentz and he's not the right guy for the Iowa job but it is not mutually exclusive to believe that and hold the opinion that he is over paid for the results we are seeing from his teams on the field.

I am not arguing anything in regards to $$$.. I am saying it doesn't matter. It's not a point argument.

The only reason I posted the graph was to prove the point to the poster who said Iowa was closer to a Top 50 program under KF and not a Top 15. When in fact Iowas is MUCH closer to a Top 15 program than a Top 50.

Again, salary has nothing to do with it. It's an unimportant aspect of Kirk Ferentz and his coaching abilities.

I think Ferentz has been underperforming the last few years, as well. That said, the data I provided was only to show that Iowa has been a Top 25 team the last decade (something that was refuted).
My personal choices for Iowa Bowl destinations in order:


And yes,beating Nebraska would be big for the Hawks in many ways. As CAAR pointed out, Iowa has to beat Nebby to make them and the national audience respect this rivalry. Colorado just never cleared that hurdle.
Going to the recruits and saying we beat BCS bound Michigan,Nebraska,and an SEC team we face in the Gator or Outback will sound very good.

The stuff I have read is that PSU will be toxic for bowls and they will drop them down if possible. I see them ending up in Texas at the Meineke,with OSU at the Insight.
Bowls are all about feel-good publicity,not child molester crime cases. Advertisers,sponsors,and locals will want to pass on PSU. Iowa is pure as the driven snow compared to PSU and OSU. KF is the dean of Big Ten coaches,no NCAA violations, hardworking team with legit offensive stars in McNutt,Coker and Vandy...easy sell.

Now, lets find a way to beat the HUSKERS!!!
I think perception, New Years Day Bowl, 8-4, and a signature win against another opponent (Hey? Michigan is going to the BCS? Yeah, we beat them. No biggie) help greatly with finishing out recruiting strong.. in a down/rebuilding year that many of us knew wouldn't be great (And there were plenty of chances for it to be in spite of that).

If we won, in a year many of us expected to be down, but finished with a better seasonal record than last year's lauded team.. what do people say around here? Especially the people that were so up in arms throughout the season.

If the Hawks find a way to win in Lincoln I would say this team over-achieved! 8-4 would be awesome
no way does Michigan get into the BCS, too many teams in the top 10 to jump them, plus they are not in the top 14 which i believe is one of the conditions to even be invited. if we get 2 teams in it will be the loser of the BT , championship game not a team that tied for 3rd overall or by themselves

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