The email that almost got Dolphin fired

If that dog were a black woman like Naomi Campbell, the PC Police would be screaming.
Even Tom Brady couldn't find Naomi's bean. ;)
You misunderstood what I was saying, or you just aren't smart enough to understand. Not comparing Naomi Campbell to a dog, she is actually a very attractive woman. How ironic you have "PC" in your username, Jerk-Off!

Sorry man I was just trying to fit in with everyone else. Twist everything someone says to make it sound bad.
As good as the dude from Jeopardy? At least I didnt compare a black women to a dog like that insensitive jerk above me.

At this juncture in my evaluation...I'm thinking they would have to shut down the show to stop you from winning everything. You may go straight from contestant to host.
At this juncture in my evaluation...I'm thinking they would have to shut down the show to stop you from winning everything. You may go straight from contestant to host.
Well being racially ignorant means I pretty much never see racism. One day everyone will be as lucky as me hopefully.
I am from small town iowa, but I have gone 40 years of my life without ever hearing that King Kong is offensive to black people one single time. You know how hard it is to have something be offensive in this day and age without hearing about it? People use that analogy is sports frequently. Way to frequently for it to dodge all those PC bullets for all these years.

I've never met Foster's dad, but I would bet a thousand bucks that he never made the connection before someone else made it for him. I'm not throwing a guarantee on it, but I know a good bet when i see one.

If black people in any significant number (I say significant because you can always find someone who thinks something's offensive) really thought King Kong was offensive, there is no way in hell it wouldn't have come out before Gary Dolphin from Iowa City, Iowa said it on the radio in 2019. King Kong has been around for a long time. Black people have been speaking up about what they find offensive for a long time (and that's a very good thing). But I'm supposed to believe when sports guys say King Kong, its bothered people for all these years and everyone let it go? I just can't get there on that one.

Being from a small Iowa town is exactly why you weren't aware of covert racism.
My mistake...i just meant "ignorant" period. I could see how 40 years ago you could look at a kid from a small town from Iowa and say, you know, he's never really been exposed to different cultures...that's why he says stupid stuff. In today's world, you have this thing called the internet, a wide range of culturally diverse TV programming, more culturally diverse music, and extensive media coverage of racial problems/issues throughout the US. We have our President to thank for bringing race even further into the spotlight.

Your comment, "I would guess 99% of black people would need to have someone else point out the monkey analogy before they even noticed" one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time. Nice work.
I'm not sure if you understand what I meant or not. By "monkey analogy" I meant the King Kong is an ape and black people have been called monkeys analogy. That's the analogy I meant. I feel like for the heat you're giving me you must just think I just meant the black people are monkeys analogy that everyone in the world knows. If you still have a problem with it, then that's fine. Not everyone's brain works the same. My brain is capable of interpreting intent so I dont get offended unless there is intent to offend. A lot of people agree with me on that. I stand by my original comment that the dots connecting King Kong/black man - ape/black man is pretty tough to connect and most black people have probably never even noticed it until some dorky white person decided to being it up and make it a big deal. I also stand by my statement that if it was a big deal, we would have all heard about if long before this incident.

Here's how I see it. We live in a world where everyone (or at least most people) are trying to get better. It's important to point out things that can be offensive, and when they're pointed out, people should try not to use them around people who could be offended. Especially on TV or the radio. What we should NEVER do is alienate people who say something that hasn't even made it on the list yet. You sure as hell shouldn't fire someone for it. Just simply add it to the list, throw out the standard "sorry if I offended anyone" and move on. I also feel extremely sorry for anyone who would be offended by that. You are either way too uptight (like the person who wrote the email) or you've lived a bad enough life to warrant being upset by it. Either way its very unfortunate.
As much as I enjoy the discussion in this thread ;), is anyone actually digging into the real story to find out more about the behind-the-scenes communication about the complaint and the decision-making process to suspend Dolph? It seems rather odd that this email is the only think that has been disclosed.
As much as I enjoy the discussion in this thread ;), is anyone actually digging into the real story to find out more about the behind-the-scenes communication about the complaint and the decision-making process to suspend Dolph? It seems rather odd that this email is the only think that has been disclosed.

My first question would be is the email even real?
I'm not sure if you understand what I meant or not. By "monkey analogy" I meant the King Kong is an ape and black people have been called monkeys analogy. That's the analogy I meant. I feel like for the heat you're giving me you must just think I just meant the black people are monkeys analogy that everyone in the world knows. If you still have a problem with it, then that's fine. Not everyone's brain works the same. My brain is capable of interpreting intent so I dont get offended unless there is intent to offend. A lot of people agree with me on that. I stand by my original comment that the dots connecting King Kong/black man - ape/black man is pretty tough to connect and most black people have probably never even noticed it until some dorky white person decided to being it up and make it a big deal. I also stand by my statement that if it was a big deal, we would have all heard about if long before this incident.

Here's how I see it. We live in a world where everyone (or at least most people) are trying to get better. It's important to point out things that can be offensive, and when they're pointed out, people should try not to use them around people who could be offended. Especially on TV or the radio. What we should NEVER do is alienate people who say something that hasn't even made it on the list yet. You sure as hell shouldn't fire someone for it. Just simply add it to the list, throw out the standard "sorry if I offended anyone" and move on. I also feel extremely sorry for anyone who would be offended by that. You are either way too uptight (like the person who wrote the email) or you've lived a bad enough life to warrant being upset by it. Either way its very unfortunate.

It's not about's about whether an experienced sportscaster should know our racial history and not suggest or say things that may offend someone. I don't believe Dolph intended to insult an ethnic group or that he's racist...i think he said something stupid that could and did offend listeners...hence the suspension...he should have known better...and been better. A white person has no business telling someone of color what should and shouldn't offend should stop.
It's not about's about whether an experienced sportscaster should know our racial history and not suggest or say things that may offend someone. I don't believe Dolph intended to insult an ethnic group or that he's racist...i think he said something stupid that could and did offend listeners...hence the suspension...he should have known better...and been better. A white person has no business telling someone of color what should and shouldn't offend should stop.

Your last sentence reeks of racism. We are supposed to be getting closer to all be considered one and you are separating groups. Some people truly feel that when you separate blacks from whites its racist and offensive. I'm not a white person telling a black person how to feel. I'm a person telling a person how to feel.

Now, does that mean you said something stupid, or was there no way you could foresee me getting offended? It would be different if Doph made up some new analogy and was the first to use it. Then maybe he could be "stupid". But all he did was use an old sports analogy that's already commonly used and has never had any backlash before.

The world is constantly evolving and new things are considered offensive every day that were never deemed offensive in the past. Did you ever call a flight attendant a stewardess in the past? Have you ever called a server a waitress before? If yes, does that mean you were "stupid" for saying those insensitive words? Or did you just not know they were offensive because they hadn't been deemed offensive yet?

It is simply 100% impossible to have a job where your voice is heard by thousands every day and never ever offend a single person. There are just too many people in the world. Just trying to not offend anyone is impossible, but now you have to not offend someone who isnt even actually offended, they are just offended FOR someone else.
Your last sentence reeks of racism. We are supposed to be getting closer to all be considered one and you are separating groups. Some people truly feel that when you separate blacks from whites its racist and offensive. I'm not a white person telling a black person how to feel. I'm a person telling a person how to feel.

Now, does that mean you said something stupid, or was there no way you could foresee me getting offended? It would be different if Doph made up some new analogy and was the first to use it. Then maybe he could be "stupid". But all he did was use an old sports analogy that's already commonly used and has never had any backlash before.

The world is constantly evolving and new things are considered offensive every day that were never deemed offensive in the past. Did you ever call a flight attendant a stewardess in the past? Have you ever called a server a waitress before? If yes, does that mean you were "stupid" for saying those insensitive words? Or did you just not know they were offensive because they hadn't been deemed offensive yet?

It is simply 100% impossible to have a job where your voice is heard by thousands every day and never ever offend a single person. There are just too many people in the world. Just trying to not offend anyone is impossible, but now you have to not offend someone who isnt even actually offended, they are just offended FOR someone else.

Wow PC. Ever been around someone who just doesnt get the obvious? That is you. Stewardess to this? Really? This isn't a new evolved thing. Its new to those who have lived a separated none diverse life who hasn't taken the effort to wabt to consider things outside their universe of a small Iowa town.

Pack this one in.
Your last sentence reeks of racism. We are supposed to be getting closer to all be considered one and you are separating groups. Some people truly feel that when you separate blacks from whites its racist and offensive. I'm not a white person telling a black person how to feel. I'm a person telling a person how to feel.

Now, does that mean you said something stupid, or was there no way you could foresee me getting offended? It would be different if Doph made up some new analogy and was the first to use it. Then maybe he could be "stupid". But all he did was use an old sports analogy that's already commonly used and has never had any backlash before.

The world is constantly evolving and new things are considered offensive every day that were never deemed offensive in the past. Did you ever call a flight attendant a stewardess in the past? Have you ever called a server a waitress before? If yes, does that mean you were "stupid" for saying those insensitive words? Or did you just not know they were offensive because they hadn't been deemed offensive yet?

It is simply 100% impossible to have a job where your voice is heard by thousands every day and never ever offend a single person. There are just too many people in the world. Just trying to not offend anyone is impossible, but now you have to not offend someone who isnt even actually offended, they are just offended FOR someone else.

Is this you PC?

Wow PC. Ever been around someone who just doesnt get the obvious? That is you. Stewardess to this? Really? This isn't a new evolved thing. Its new to those who have lived a separated none diverse life who hasn't taken the effort to wabt to consider things outside their universe of a small Iowa town.

Pack this one in.

So you're telling me you've always cringed every time you've heard someone say King Kong in a sports analogy?

And I never compared stewardess to anything. Win One was pretty much saying you should never say anything offensive. I was pointing out that he probably has, as has everyone else.
So here's another question for you that you wont answer Win One. If the goal is to get rid of racism, do you think its helpful to categorize people into races like you just did? Try debating with opinions instead of memes this time.
So you're telling me you've always cringed every time you've heard someone say King Kong in a sports analogy?

And I never compared stewardess to anything. Win One was pretty much saying you should never say anything offensive. I was pointing out that he probably has, as has everyone else.

No I didnt. But being from small town whute Iowa I ve changed. You are old enough to understsnd and know why it shouldnt be used andyou stick to it.

I went to sn SEC school and made huge slip abd turned to look straight into the eyes of a black student I really like. The hurt in his eyes shocked me. If I didnt do it in front of him it wouldnt have crossed my mind.

Just make an effort to tty snd understand. Flight attendent comparison isnt close.
And obviously you too. Way to answer my question. I guess it's up to everyone to make sure every word out of their mouth won't offend any of the 8 billion people in the world. We all fail, therefore we are all stupid per Win One.

So Dolph got why he was suspended...and apologized for the remark. You, however, continue to babble on about intent and frankly...a really stupid take. I've exhausted my energy on you dude. Please stay in the confines of your small brain...and don't venture out for anything.
No I didnt. But being from small town whute Iowa I ve changed. You are old enough to understsnd and know why it shouldnt be used andyou stick to it.

I went to sn SEC school and made huge slip abd turned to look straight into the eyes of a black student I really like. The hurt in his eyes shocked me. If I didnt do it in front of him it wouldnt have crossed my mind.

Just make an effort to tty snd understand. Flight attendent comparison isnt close.

I have no problem with it being added to the "do not say list". My problem is crucifying someone for saying something that isn't on the list yet.
So Dolph got why he was suspended...and apologized for the remark. You, however, continue to babble on about intent and frankly...a really stupid take. I've exhausted my energy on you dude. Please stay in the confines of your small brain...and don't venture out for anything.

You do realize you are in the confines of your small brain too right? Your take is so over the top extreme. My take is closer to the middle but you don't even see that because you are immune to seeing any other side. I see both sides. You're extreme side is what drives me nuts.
I have no problem with it being added to the "do not say list". My problem is crucifying someone for saying something that isn't on the list yet.

I guess I missed that someone aaid that. If yiu are refering to Dolph then the organization should take the lead in employees.