The Best Football Coach USA

The best is an opinion...unless you go by winniest. But then you have to factor in how easy it is to recruit at a place with the tradition and name like USC, Texas, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, etc.

Phil Jackson is the NBA coach of the century if you look at the number of championships. Could he go to the Timberwolves next year with their current players and win it? No.

Could those coaches at the best teams build a national championship team at Iowa? I don't think so. I might be wrong. But that's where the opinion comes in to play. I don't think any other coach could have done better here without major cheating.

All I know is I wouldn't trade him for any other coach in the nation.
okay Iowin let's put it this way then...even if Kirk was not at Iowa I would rather have my future son play for him than any other coach in sports...Does that work? And by saying this I am indicating that I DO believe that there is not another coach in the country more genuine and humble than Kirk...and I have met him and talked with him. He is gracious, humble and unassuming.
Maybe we should hire Mr Peanut. He's classy

Mr Peanut is not classy! He's a regular peanut that just happens to have a cane, a tophat, and a monacle
I like the idea of the cold beer and watching the orange bowl again!

Am i the only one that thinks Iowa can win a championship? (i hope the coaches and staff think we can) I don't disagree with alot of the aforementioned statements, but to say that iowa can never go to a title game i think it's underscoring the program some.(no disputing the fact that probably no one does more with less than KF and crew) Is it realistic to consider year in and year out--absolutely not, but i do believe we can contend for conference titles year in and year out---- why? because we got some of the classiest and most professional coaches right here in Iowa city :)

no question that if KF and his crew were at Southern Cal, TX, OK, Florida, they would definitely have some rings on their fingers. Given the success and evolution of the iowa program over the last 10 years, actually start going back to when Hayden took over---- it's certainly possible.