Thanks Quitters: I Just Upgraded my season tickets

I was able to buy 30 yard line 20 rows up for the ISU game last year. I believe Nebraska tickets were 20-30 dollars on the secondary market. That would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Right now, I can get better seats for a lot less money buying as I go. I think a lot of others are thinking the same thing based on the decline in sales. The product is just stale and frustrating right now but people can still attend cheaply when they desire. It all comes back to Ferentz and the program needs a change.
Hey congrats! hope you enjoy them. Im not even being sarcastic. I havent bought season tickets yet but I think I will when I in a year or two when I am in a financial position to. For now I will do what I have always done and go to the games I can getting tickets the day of.
More power to ya. That's capitalism at work. But running those down that have decided for their own personal reasons to not renew or buy is a pretty shallow thing to do. Just because I don't own an RV and tailgate and have boxed seats doesn't make me any more or less of a fan. I measure how big a fan is by how "invested" they are in the team not how much they are actually invested. That's for the school to do. There are a ton of people that go to the games men and women that are just there for the party. Couldn't tell you the difference between the quarterback and a cornerback. There are plenty of fans that watch from home, bars, with friends that live and die on every zone read running play to the short side of the field. We are all on the same side here why start a civil war for?
I have had season tickets since 1981 and have been going to the home games since 1966. That is a fact. I'm no hero and I'm no "Uberfan" (whatever the heck that means) but I have been loyal. Am I a zero? Yes, my advanced age includes a zero. I am an old man and actually have seen a lot of very bad Iowa football (before Hayden Fry).

I know you are trolling, but I'll take the bait. If you have had season tickets for 19 years, you have actually seen a tremendous amount of good football at Kinnick. It is just unfair to suggest that you haven't. If you have season tickets, I hope you didn't give them up.

People not renewing season tickets are not helping the Iowa program. That is also a fact. You can't build a program or rebuild a program without season ticket revenues. Eight or nine thousand fans not renewing isn't going to do anything but harm the football team and the program. Not renewing because you don't like the "direction" of the program doesn't help anything. The time to buy tickets is when the program is down, not up. Anyone can buy tickets during the "up" years. What has made Iowa special is the fact that Iowa fans have supported the team, win or lose. Iowa will be good again. I truly believe that.

If I struck a nerve with the "quitter" label, I apologize for that. It really troubles me that Iowa fans are giving up their season tickets. It can only hurt the program.

So so now im the problem? I'm not the one ******* away games to crappy teams or putting out marketing ideas that would make the word suck be a major understatement and I'm not the athLetic director who makes it clear that he takes the fans for granted. Enjoy the seats...I might be sitting next to you...but I will have spent a lot less to get there.
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!

I don't know if you'd mind or not, but w/ such awesome seats...maybe you could do me a solid? Every fall, i watch the games at home and am always wondering if i might catch someone i know on the broadcast while they're panning the fans in the stadium, but i never have yet. It's too hard w/ everyone's head in their hands or their faces are way too contorted from displeasure to get a clear look at them.

Maybe, next year you could screenshot yourself sitting behind kirkfer and post it here so i can "know somebody on t.v.".
-just pull your head out of your lap or take the bag off first so i can see.
thanks in advance
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!

Over the past 5 seasons, Iowa has lost 18 one-possession games, more than any team in the country. Enjoy those new seats.
I was able to buy 30 yard line 20 rows up for the ISU game last year. I believe Nebraska tickets were 20-30 dollars on the secondary market. That would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Right now, I can get better seats for a lot less money buying as I go. I think a lot of others are thinking the same thing based on the decline in sales. The product is just stale and frustrating right now but people can still attend cheaply when they desire. It all comes back to Ferentz and the program needs a change.

Only an idiot would buy season tickets. You're right. Right now you can get a MUCH better deal buying tickets before the game. Unless you just want to donate money. If I donate money, it'll go to something important like sick kids. Not a worthless multimillionaire coach who is so pathetic that he make Paul Rhoades look like Bear Bryant for one game a year.
I have had season tickets since 1981 and have been going to the home games since 1966. That is a fact. I'm no hero and I'm no "Uberfan" (whatever the heck that means) but I have been loyal. Am I a zero? Yes, my advanced age includes a zero. I am an old man and actually have seen a lot of very bad Iowa football (before Hayden Fry).

I know you are trolling, but I'll take the bait. If you have had season tickets for 19 years, you have actually seen a tremendous amount of good football at Kinnick. It is just unfair to suggest that you haven't. If you have season tickets, I hope you didn't give them up.

People not renewing season tickets are not helping the Iowa program. That is also a fact. You can't build a program or rebuild a program without season ticket revenues. Eight or nine thousand fans not renewing isn't going to do anything but harm the football team and the program. Not renewing because you don't like the "direction" of the program doesn't help anything. The time to buy tickets is when the program is down, not up. Anyone can buy tickets during the "up" years. What has made Iowa special is the fact that Iowa fans have supported the team, win or lose. Iowa will be good again. I truly believe that.

If I struck a nerve with the "quitter" label, I apologize for that. It really troubles me that Iowa fans are giving up their season tickets. It can only hurt the program.

If Iowa fans have supported the team, win or lose, why are you calling them quitters? Do you know up from down?:confused:
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!

So you are either lying or shelling out $600 donation per seat, which would put you at about a grand all in per seat. If you're throwing away a grand per seat to watch Greg Davis coach, you seriously have problems. I love the Hawks and have the money to throw away, but I had my fill of that clown a few drives into the UNI game last year. Hell, I probably would have been able to stomach Greg Davis if it weren't for draconian tailgating rules and Gary Barta taking my damned seats away. Good luck getting the d-bag millenial angry study majors who currently populate the U of I to fill up all those seats, GarBar.
Nice Chosen!!!! It's awesome to know there are people out there who don't take advantage of amazing opportunities. I just took advantage of an AMAZING opportunity too! I sent $3,000 to an African prince who is stuck in Ecuador. As soon as he is able to pay off his fines and get his visa, I'm going to be able to share his $500 million fortune!!!! Suck it morons!

You and I sure know how to spend our money!!

Sounds like both of us got in on that ground-floor opportunity. But I only had to send $2500.
Something tells me that the people that are still buying season tickets are the same people that eat at McDonalds.
Over the past 5 seasons, Iowa has lost 18 one-possession games, more than any team in the country. Enjoy those new seats.

And you can bet that the large majority of those were directly on the coaching. Kirk has successfully reversed what Hayden was able to eliminate, the idea that "staying close" is a moral victory.
I attribute a majority of those close games to the officiating. Over the past 10 years the quality and impartiality of the officials has decreased dramatically. Even in many of the wins since then Iowa had to overcome terrible officiating. To me the tipping point was the 2006 Outback Bowl. That was the worst I had ever seen it. Unfortunately it has not improved since then. Prior to that, and several times since then, I saw the Kirk do a great job in coaching Iowa to key wins in close games. That earned him 3 Big 10 coach of the year awards. So that factor is constant, however the quality of the officiating is not.
I attribute a majority of those close games to the officiating. Over the past 10 years the quality and impartiality of the officials has decreased dramatically. Even in many of the wins since then Iowa had to overcome terrible officiating. To me the tipping point was the 2006 Outback Bowl. That was the worst I had ever seen it. Unfortunately it has not improved since then. Prior to that, and several times since then, I saw the Kirk do a great job in coaching Iowa to key wins in close games. That earned him 3 Big 10 coach of the year awards. So that factor is constant, however the quality of the officiating is not.

That Outback Bowl was the worst thing I've ever seen. But outside of that, let's leave blaming the officials to the clones.

And when was that last Big 10 coach of the year award? it's got a lot of dust on it (both literally and metaphorically).
The officiating is an obvious factor in many of the games. The coach has proven that he is a quality coach. That has not changed. Something else has, and that is the officiating. Go back and watch the games from the early 2000s. The number of bogus calls back then were way less than now.
Congrats Chosen. To each their own.

I will be raking the leaves in the morning, crushing a few beers with neighbors prior to kick-off, watch the game in the comforts of my own home in my comfortable recliner viewing in my HD with theater sound. After the game I'll have time to run the leaves to the dump and possibly a couple other errands or jobs. In addition, I won't have to buck the traffic or pay $20 to be shoved in a parking ramp where I can't grill (legally).;)
The last time Iowa had less then 60k fans for an opener was 2002 against Utah ST... We all know how that year went.... So we'll just see how it goes.
Sorry guys, but I stand by my original post, notwithstanding all of the name calling. If you are a season ticket holder and you have the financial means to renew, you should do so to support the team and the program. Giving up tickets because you don't like the "direction" of the program isn't going to help anything. If you disagree, that is your privilege. This is a "free" board. If Ferentz has a great season this fall, a lot of people will eat some crow. If Iowa has another mediocre year, the "I told you so" crowd on this board will be in full force. That's life. Everyone loves a winner, and Ferentz is open to criticism if he doesn't produce, and even loss of his job. I'm going to hang in there, win or lose. Iowa fans generally are spoiled now. They had a taste of the big time with Fry and much of Ferentz. It doesn't come easily. The fans have to support the program in lean times to keep it going for the good times. It doesn't happen by swilling beers with your buddies and watching the game on your big screen TV. It just doesn't.

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