Thank the good Lord!

Several years ago I would have liked Iowa to learn defense, play defense, with energy.

It was obvious to the casual fan (and the opponents) that Iowa had little interest in defense and was, most often, a jackknife waiting to fold during crunch time. (a symptom of no defense teams)

That the players and coaches are now "talking" about learning and playing defense is, well, to the point of the surreal.

There are lots of critical fans about, and on this site, but the bigger problem is the enabling fan base and enabling leadership that allows it to go on...and on...
I can't "like" this post enough times. Here are 10 additional "likes.
I've never seen such a cynical and un-supportive group of fans than that dwell on Hawkeyenation basketball forums. It's why I like you guys, cause I know it's not all sunshine and rainbows but sheesh. This is what I want to hear from Jordan this off season. I want to hear they are working on D. I get it, now I will get called names and told that I am Gary Barta and part of the problem and that I dwell in mediocrity and I am the worst. But really, is Jordan not at least saying what you want to hear from him? What you've all been asking for? You want Fran to bench Cook and Jordan for being lazy? Just how many games do you WANT to lose? All of them? Why do you guys follow Iowa sports at all? I don't honestly get it. Without calling me a bunch of names or saying that I am Gary Barta, what do you want? Wins? That's what I want, and I want to hear that they are working on correcting their issues. I know it's lip service, but what else can it be at this point of the year? They can't play the games now. The players can't really win with you guys. If Jordan doesn't say anything about D - the response would be "well, Fran just doesn't get it, he can't coach defense and the players play too much Fortnite" - if he brings it up & that it's a point of emphasis this off season then it's "too late, no duh, why haven't been doing it this whole time"?

Savage Mofo's here on Hawkeyenation and it's hard to believe any of you actually support Iowa sports.

Some people just want to bitch to bitch.
I would like to see Jordan shoot the ball every time he touches it.....

Now they will not be able to double team him with JoeW a serious threat on the perimeter and Tyler and Luka working inside. Four scoring threats on the floor with perhaps Connor moving the ball quickly.....



Getting Joe W. is a real key for what you pointed above. It's difficult to guard 2 sharpshooters and a decent 3rd when on the floor at one time.
Interesting. Yet we scored over 78 pts a game and were one of the higher scoring teams out there.. I thought we were pretty decent at shooting 3s evidently not. The free throw percentage is what I'd like to see drastically improved as well Our guys are capable shooters. I know we can't have JBo shoot em all but guys like Garza, Cook and Moss who should be getting to the line a lot should be able to hit 72 plus percent at the very least. Garza kinda got off to a slow start due to freshman nerves/lack of confidence. Hopefully with that out of the way he'll get off to a better start this year. I really really like his game and think he should develop into a stud. Him getting to the line and making a solid percentage of them will be huge for him and team

My gawd. I read this and it is exactly what I posted earlier. Yes, Iowa scored enough to win games.
Iowa will be a better 3pt shooting team next year, but it is not even in the realm of being as important as improving our defense.

You mention Michigan, but their team was completely different in the way it was constructed as ours. They started 5 guys that shoot the 3, and almost every guy who played could shoot it, plus they had a drive and kick type point guard.

Iowa was constructed completely different with our strength being Cook and Garza inside, surrounded by a few efficient shooters on the outside. We still had a very efficient offense.

Defense was and is still the main concern. Part of that stemmed from bad shots and turnovers. It’s funny someone mentioned JBo should shoot every time and you are advocating for firing away more threes, if we start doing that, our defense will continue to struggle. The reason being is bad shots often lead to run outs the other way, and when JBo is one of the guys trying to defend those runouts the opponent will get tons of easy buckets.

We need to continue to get good shots, which are Cook and Garza down low, and open 3s from JBo, Moss, Weiskamp, and Dailey. We don’t need to start chucking 3pt shots at will.

Excellent point and what I was thinking, giving up run aways. Also, you don't do yourself any justice trying to get fouls on your opponent to get to the line for freebies.
I'm not saying he's perfect. But it's not like he's totally clueless.

I think some of those things like stopping the dribble drive is just part and parcel with not having plus athletes on the perimeter. Just my opinion of course.
Lack of being able to recruit on the perimeter is the biggest culprit of the turnstyle defense we currently employ. The sad part is that we aren't even trying to apply ball pressure when these beatings occur.
Interesting. Yet we scored over 78 pts a game and were one of the higher scoring teams out there.. I thought we were pretty decent at shooting 3s evidently not. The free throw percentage is what I'd like to see drastically improved as well Our guys are capable shooters. I know we can't have JBo shoot em all but guys like Garza, Cook and Moss who should be getting to the line a lot should be able to hit 72 plus percent at the very least. Garza kinda got off to a slow start due to freshman nerves/lack of confidence. Hopefully with that out of the way he'll get off to a better start this year. I really really like his game and think he should develop into a stud. Him getting to the line and making a solid percentage of them will be huge for him and team

Iowa allowed their opponent to shoot 37.6% from 3. Are they trading 3(s) for 2(s)? Michigan and Villanova both shot 400+ more 3(s) than Iowa did . That's a big number.
Iowa will be a better 3pt shooting team next year, but it is not even in the realm of being as important as improving our defense.

You mention Michigan, but their team was completely different in the way it was constructed as ours. They started 5 guys that shoot the 3, and almost every guy who played could shoot it, plus they had a drive and kick type point guard.

Iowa was constructed completely different with our strength being Cook and Garza inside, surrounded by a few efficient shooters on the outside. We still had a very efficient offense.

Defense was and is still the main concern. Part of that stemmed from bad shots and turnovers. It’s funny someone mentioned JBo should shoot every time and you are advocating for firing away more threes, if we start doing that, our defense will continue to struggle. The reason being is bad shots often lead to run outs the other way, and when JBo is one of the guys trying to defend those runouts the opponent will get tons of easy buckets.

We need to continue to get good shots, which are Cook and Garza down low, and open 3s from JBo, Moss, Weiskamp, and Dailey. We don’t need to start chucking 3pt shots at will.

As I stated before basketball has become about shooting the 3 and defending the 3. Imo, this team as currently constructed will never be able to defend the 3. Think about it, Iowa was so poor on defense last year that a drastic improvement this year would put them on par with the Jok team 2 years ago, a team who wasn't great defensively.

The way Fran wants to play you are going to get runouts no matter what. Fran doesn't mind quick shots, shots taken early in the shot clock, that is tempo, that is pace. Wanting Iowa to take more 3(s), doesn't mean you are advocating just chucking up 3(s). That 672 number I wouldn't mind seeing in the 800(s). Every team wants to spread the floor to create spacing, but it is as twice as important to Iowa because they don't have anyone who can break you down off the dribble. For Iowa to get that spacing it has to be by ball movement and shooting. Increasing their 3 point attempts by 5 or so a game only helps Garza and Cook down low.
I'm not surprised at all - I said right in my initial post I am not surprised and I don't expect sunshine and rainbows around here. I am surprised how cynical and shitty every one is constantly tho after 1 really bad year. It was a train wreck, but 1 train wreck shouldn't have undone placing in the top half of the B1G the previous 5 seasons. I know, we weren't hanging banners but we were over all solid and moving forward. We have a train wreck and everyone jumped ship pretty quickly on Fran. If Iowa turns it around this year, and I expect them to, I'll be here to remind ya'll what's up.

I expect the dance. That's my expectation every season. When it's not met, I have to look at all the circumstances and access my level of anger. 2 seasons ago, damn - that was tough. We missed it by a game. I was willing to let that shit slide. Last year, F no - that was horrible. Fran gets another season to figure it out or I will be leading the charge on wanting him gone.

Jordan said exactly what I wanted to hear as a fan. I'm not gonna shit on that because it's June and not October. I was pimping that Fran helped Wagner and Ellingson move on. I still feel he did. They weren't gonna contribute and that was no more clear then last season. I feel like he gave them a push. How he wants to fill those spots are up to him, I would have liked to see a grad transfer, but there are a lot of variables with that. Iowa needs help at 1,2 & 3 IMO as far as a grad transfer is concerned. The roster this season is much different then last in that we have Jordan Bohannon at the 1 who is one of the better offensive players on the team and PG's in the B1G. Our 2 declared early for the draft but came back and we have Joe W who is a top 50 kid coming in at the 3. Mark that with now having Connor and MD emerging as the season progressed and I'm not shocked he didn't fill those spots immediately.
We missed two years ago because we couldn't get stops in a critical late season home loss to Illinois.

And we didn't have a clue in the BTT against Indiana.

That was the difference between the dance and the NIT.

Last year wasn't a train wreck. It was more like a napalm attack. It could easily HAVE lost all it's (big ten) games. We should have gone 2-16 or 1-17. Effort was lacking. Certain players looked like they had better things to do at times. That's why people are so frustrated. And the fact that we have to wait four and a half months to play again. If guys are taking stock on their ass, then hallelujah, it's about time. No one is expecting a repeat of last year. But I'm far from convinced that we are NCAA tournament material. Let's see someone apply nasty ball pressure or make someone pay for going to the rim and that would be a start.

Last year was more than horrible-it was an embarrassment to anyone who's been a fan or wore the black and gold. Bobby Hansen, who had a third of Moss or Dailey's talent but has a final four appearance and an NBA championship ring was beside himself at times last year. You could hear it on the air.
One simple but critical aspect of defense is this...when the ball is away from the player you are drop off and pay attention to the man with the ball...the further the ball is away from the player you are covering, the more you drop off...and help out other defenders, tighten passing lanes, and get ready for the next move...this is about THINKING...not about talent. It is fundamental and if your team doesn't do it, you are easy prey and often suck on any level.

And if a shot is put up...your first move is to find your man, block him out, or at the least...get between him and is about THINKING

Great defensive teams do this instinctively because they practice it constantly...if the skill isn't there, or the interest isn't there...then you don't play much.
One simple but critical aspect of defense is this...when the ball is away from the player you are drop off and pay attention to the man with the ball...the further the ball is away from the player you are covering, the more you drop off...and help out other defenders, tighten passing lanes, and get ready for the next move...this is about THINKING...not about talent. It is fundamental and if your team doesn't do it, you are easy prey and often suck on any level.

And if a shot is put up...your first move is to find your man, block him out, or at the least...get between him and is about THINKING

Great defensive teams do this instinctively because they practice it constantly...if the skill isn't there, or the interest isn't there...then you don't play much.
A lot of coaches will have their players practice layups and shooting drills, each and every day. But not defense. It never made any sense to me. I've no interest in coaching or playing under someone like that.
I've never seen such a cynical and un-supportive group of fans than that dwell on Hawkeyenation basketball forums. It's why I like you guys, cause I know it's not all sunshine and rainbows but sheesh. This is what I want to hear from Jordan this off season. I want to hear they are working on D. I get it, now I will get called names and told that I am Gary Barta and part of the problem and that I dwell in mediocrity and I am the worst. But really, is Jordan not at least saying what you want to hear from him? What you've all been asking for? You want Fran to bench Cook and Jordan for being lazy? Just how many games do you WANT to lose? All of them? Why do you guys follow Iowa sports at all? I don't honestly get it. Without calling me a bunch of names or saying that I am Gary Barta, what do you want? Wins? That's what I want, and I want to hear that they are working on correcting their issues. I know it's lip service, but what else can it be at this point of the year? They can't play the games now. The players can't really win with you guys. If Jordan doesn't say anything about D - the response would be "well, Fran just doesn't get it, he can't coach defense and the players play too much Fortnite" - if he brings it up & that it's a point of emphasis this off season then it's "too late, no duh, why haven't been doing it this whole time"?

Savage Mofo's here on Hawkeyenation and it's hard to believe any of you actually support Iowa sports.

I understand your point bro. I think Iowa basketball fans have started to settle into the "show me" faze. Meaning while it's nice to hear they are working on defense night and day they need to get out on the court and "show it". I do not blame our cynical bunch for not jumping for joy over interview quotes, because that is where our basketball program is at right now.

Lol I could even imagine a scenario that we focus on Defense all off season and we start the season and the defense still stinks and the offense has gotten worse from being neglected. I certainly do not predict that twisted fate, but the possibility is still real and I imagine it is that little negative voice in the back of fans brains telling them that their team is fat and ugly and should just kill itself.

Yes though it is nice to at least hear that it is happening.
Our local high school girls may not see a ball for three days if the coach isn't happy with their defensive effort. But they will get plenty of the "dog pound"

The dog pound is a group of football players not out for a winter sport who have been known to come in and literally bloody some noses. To say it gets physical is like saying Rush Limbaugh hates Democrats. They have won their share of state championships by being the more physical, better defensive team so there is a method to the madness.
Lack of being able to recruit on the perimeter is the biggest culprit of the turnstyle defense we currently employ. The sad part is that we aren't even trying to apply ball pressure when these beatings occur.

You would think with Iowa's roster that they had enough of a BIG presence in the lane to allow the perimeter to play tight instead of giving space, but that didn't happen. Teams kept shooting over Iowa's perimeter D. You are correct, they rarely played tight with pressure on the ball or challenging passing lanes. Too afraid of getting beat, I guess.
One simple but critical aspect of defense is this...when the ball is away from the player you are drop off and pay attention to the man with the ball...the further the ball is away from the player you are covering, the more you drop off...and help out other defenders, tighten passing lanes, and get ready for the next move...this is about THINKING...not about talent. It is fundamental and if your team doesn't do it, you are easy prey and often suck on any level.

And if a shot is put up...your first move is to find your man, block him out, or at the least...get between him and is about THINKING

Great defensive teams do this instinctively because they practice it constantly...if the skill isn't there, or the interest isn't there...then you don't play much.

Yes, I am presuming Iowa has the athleticism and talent, unlike some who say it is recruiting. IT IS NOT! It's what you state above playing fundamental, technical and proper defense/technique. The team last year didn't have it between the ears.
A lot of coaches will have their players practice layups and shooting drills, each and every day. But not defense. It never made any sense to me. I've no interest in coaching or playing under someone like that.

A team that plays good/great defense gives them a shot to win every game, even if their shots are off on occasion. Good defense can be consistent when taught and played correctly. This gives a team a fighting chance every game. Have to start there. Defense and rebounding. Do not give up possessions.

There is NO reason to play tough stout defense for 25 seconds, make your opponent take a shot they really didn't want to take, only to let them have the ball back because of bad blocking out/rebounding. Have to finish the defensive possession. I tell my players that all the time.
I understand your point bro. I think Iowa basketball fans have started to settle into the "show me" faze. Meaning while it's nice to hear they are working on defense night and day they need to get out on the court and "show it". I do not blame our cynical bunch for not jumping for joy over interview quotes, because that is where our basketball program is at right now.

Lol I could even imagine a scenario that we focus on Defense all off season and we start the season and the defense still stinks and the offense has gotten worse from being neglected. I certainly do not predict that twisted fate, but the possibility is still real and I imagine it is that little negative voice in the back of fans brains telling them that their team is fat and ugly and should just kill itself.

Yes though it is nice to at least hear that it is happening.

Last year it was not secret that they didn't work on D very much in practice. I believe even stated by players to the press, which is astonishing. Actually embarrassing.
As I stated before basketball has become about shooting the 3 and defending the 3. Imo, this team as currently constructed will never be able to defend the 3. Think about it, Iowa was so poor on defense last year that a drastic improvement this year would put them on par with the Jok team 2 years ago, a team who wasn't great defensively.

The way Fran wants to play you are going to get runouts no matter what. Fran doesn't mind quick shots, shots taken early in the shot clock, that is tempo, that is pace. Wanting Iowa to take more 3(s), doesn't mean you are advocating just chucking up 3(s). That 672 number I wouldn't mind seeing in the 800(s). Every team wants to spread the floor to create spacing, but it is as twice as important to Iowa because they don't have anyone who can break you down off the dribble. For Iowa to get that spacing it has to be by ball movement and shooting. Increasing their 3 point attempts by 5 or so a game only helps Garza and Cook down low.
That’s fair. Increasing their 3pt attempts by 5 or so won’t be tough with Weiskamp coming in and taking Wagner’s minutes and likely cutting into the minutes of others. Not to mention Garza will be firing away from deep if he shoots that ball like he did at the end of the year.

We really weren’t that uptempo last year, we ranked 112 in possesions per game, and 71 in adjusted tempo (KenPom). I think cutting down on turnovers and guys busting their tails back on defense would go a long way for improving our defense.

I’m all for shooting more 3s, but again they have to be shots off of good offense. Jbo’s % when he tries to create off the dribble is not very good. Hopefully Weiskamp is the missing piece we need.