Terrible weather


Well-Known Member
Baseball practice was supposed to start yesterday but it has been raining for 3 straight days. They already cancelled for Wednesday because of continued rain and the fields are too wet to go. We only had 3 days above 60 last week and this week we are scraping high 40's and don't even get back above 50 until Sunday. This is the worst winter ever. I hope it's better wherever you guys live.
Baseball practice was supposed to start yesterday but it has been raining for 3 straight days. They already cancelled for Wednesday because of continued rain and the fields are too wet to go. We only had 3 days above 60 last week and this week we are scraping high 40's and don't even get back above 50 until Sunday. This is the worst winter ever. I hope it's better wherever you guys live.
Air temp here was -29F at 2:30 this morning. The past 8 days didn't get above 5F, and our next 5 days here are supposed to be highs of -6, -3, 0, 9, 12, and 7.

At least it's too cold to snow.
Air temperatures this cold and this dry for this long will obliterate any pathogens trying to circulate outdoors, from Covid to the common cold.

It will, however, drive people indoors where it is theoretically easier to pass contaigents among each other if they're careless.
Baseball practice was supposed to start yesterday but it has been raining for 3 straight days. They already cancelled for Wednesday because of continued rain and the fields are too wet to go. We only had 3 days above 60 last week and this week we are scraping high 40's and don't even get back above 50 until Sunday. This is the worst winter ever. I hope it's better wherever you guys live.
Going to New Orleans March 7-11. I'm expecting mid to high 60's at least. Or else.
Air temp here was -29F at 2:30 this morning. The past 8 days didn't get above 5F, and our next 5 days here are supposed to be highs of -6, -3, 0, 9, 12, and 7.

At least it's too cold to snow.
The high temperature in San Antonio yesterday was 14 vs a normal of 65.

Normal highs in eastern Iowa for this date are generally around 32 degrees. That would be the equivalent of a daytime high in Iowa getting no higher than around 20 below.

To look at it in another perspective average highs in Eastern Iowa approach the 65 degree threshold around the last week of April. Imagine a city in Iowa recording a high of 14 on April 30th.

You can't, its unfathomable. 30 or so in extreme conditions. But not 14. No way.
The high temperature in San Antonio yesterday was 14 vs a normal of 65.

Normal highs in eastern Iowa for this date are generally around 32 degrees. That would be the equivalent of a daytime high in Iowa getting no higher than around 20 below.

To look at it in another perspective average highs in Eastern Iowa approach the 65 degree threshold around the last week of April. Imagine a city in Iowa recording a high of 14 on April 30th.

You can't, its unfathomable. 30 or so in extreme conditions. But not 14. No way.
I had the afternoon off so I cruised out to a local lake that I fish a lot. We had 8” of ice two weeks ago and right now there’s 27-28”. That’s absolutely crazy and I’ve never seen that much ice form in that amount of time.
I have 12' patio doors upstairs and down, facing South

Today, inside, the temperature was 75 degrees up and down

The furnace didn't come on until nighttime

Passive Solar Energy

Been enjoying it for 30 years

Of course, the Sun has to be shining

Retired .so I don't have to go outside
I have 12' patio doors upstairs and down, facing South

Today, inside, the temperature was 75 degrees up and down

The furnace didn't come on until nighttime

Passive Solar Energy

Been enjoying it for 30 years

Of course, the Sun has to be shining

Retired .so I don't have to go outside

Jesus, that would be an $800 electric bill in July and August down nyah.
Jesus, that would be an $800 electric bill in July and August down nyah.

Thank you for your concern, Ken

Appreciate it the most

Don't have air conditioning, Ken

Don't like it or need it

As Huck mentioned, curtains really help with keeping the heat out
and the air cool inside

Also, 60' Walnut trees surrounding the house provide shade
from May to October

The 4' patio doors with large windows on the opposite walls rather
help with cross ventilation

I have Vornado fans that were made in America that are quiet and efficient

There are only 7-10 days in the average Iowa Summer that it gets a bit
too hot. I just go over to my daughter Katys to stay

My gas and electric bills average $65 dollars a month from May to October

Approximately $400 for the six month period from May thru October

Been living here for over 40 years and have saved thousands of dollars on energy

There is a particularly satisfying feeling basking in 75-degree heat with no
humidity to speak of, while the outside temperature is below zero
with the furnace off

Go Hawks
7-10 days where it's too hot in Iowa? Jeezuz...my A/C comes on in May and doesn't go off until Sept. :)

I'll gladly pay the premium to be comfortable.

Merely a matter of personal preference

I prefer fresh air to conditioned

Friends of mine either have the heat or air conditioning on all year round

Nary a breath of fresh air ever

That's Cool
7-10 days where it's too hot in Iowa? Jeezuz...my A/C comes on in May and doesn't go off until Sept. :)

I'll gladly pay the premium to be comfortable.
Merely a matter of personal preference

I prefer fresh air to conditioned

Friends of mine either have the heat or air conditioning on all year round

Nary a breath of fresh air ever

That's Cool
It’s not the heat that makes Iowa summers uncomfortable, it’s the humidity. To me the biggest benefit of central AC is taking the humidity out of the air.

I love Iowa, but those days in June and July where you walk out of the house and instantly sweat buckets because of how wet the air is are for the birds. I keep my ac cranked to 66 from late spring till fall.
It’s not the heat that makes Iowa summers uncomfortable, it’s the humidity. To me the biggest benefit of central AC is taking the humidity out of the air.

I love Iowa, but those days in June and July where you walk out of the house and instantly sweat buckets because of how wet the air is are for the birds. I keep my ac cranked to 66 from late spring till fall.

I didn't have AC as a kid and my wife didn't either. We run ours at 87 upstairs in the summer with the humidity set to 35% and we run it at 82 downstairs with the same humidity setting. We turn the upstairs down to 81 to sleep. I do not run AC in my car unless it's raining or I'm wearing a suit.

AC has made people sooooo fucking soft it isn't even funny. The heat and humidity even in a place like Tokyo or Souf Cackalack ain't that bad unless you subject yourself to massive swings. Going from 66 and bone dry to 94 and swamp ass humidity in one second is what makes people hate summer. I love summer.
I didn't have AC as a kid and my wife didn't either. We run ours at 87 upstairs in the summer with the humidity set to 35% and we run it at 82 downstairs with the same humidity setting. We turn the upstairs down to 81 to sleep. I do not run AC in my car unless it's raining or I'm wearing a suit.

AC has made people sooooo fucking soft it isn't even funny. The heat and humidity even in a place like Tokyo or Souf Cackalack ain't that bad unless you subject yourself to massive swings. Going from 66 and bone dry to 94 and swamp ass humidity in one second is what makes people hate summer. I love summer.
I take zero shame in saying I can’t do without AC. I sleep like a baby in the summer with the AC cranked way up which is good for my life. I spend a ton of time outdoors in the summer fishing, coaching, and camping, and coming into the cool temps at the end of the day is bliss.

Remember though, being soft is a relative term. Less than 100 years ago you would have been considered soft for saying you couldn’t live without indoor plumbing and refusing to shit outside in the middle of winter. I’m betting you’re probably fond of having a toilet.
I take zero shame in saying I can’t do without AC. I sleep like a baby in the summer with the AC cranked way up which is good for my life. I spend a ton of time outdoors in the summer fishing, coaching, and camping, and coming into the cool temps at the end of the day is bliss.

Remember though, being soft is a relative term. Less than 100 years ago you would have been considered soft for saying you couldn’t live without indoor plumbing and refusing to shit outside in the middle of winter. I’m betting you’re probably fond of having a toilet.
I wonder how many people are sitting on one right now as they read this post.
I take zero shame in saying I can’t do without AC. I sleep like a baby in the summer with the AC cranked way up which is good for my life. I spend a ton of time outdoors in the summer fishing, coaching, and camping, and coming into the cool temps at the end of the day is bliss.

Remember though, being soft is a relative term. Less than 100 years ago you would have been considered soft for saying you couldn’t live without indoor plumbing and refusing to shit outside in the middle of winter. I’m betting you’re probably fond of having a toilet.
Do they have indoor plumbing in the south yet ?