Temple melts down over Uhl


Well-Known Member
Posting some of the more interesting posts from the Temple bb boards here.
This one isn't very nice to us:
"I blame Dunphy. For all the advantages, resources and history this program has, we strike out WAY too much. Recruiting is becoming a huge issue. I mean honestly, losing a recruit to Iowa of all schools? Not Ohio St. or Michigan St., or even Illinois for **** sake, but Iowa? Embarrassing."
Then there's this one. Not sure if a dig at us, them? Hmmmmm

"Don't worry. We will get him as a transfer 3 yrs from now."
Fair enough, we had a long down period. Fans from other teams won't be saying this kind of stuff for long.
Actually "melts down" may be a slight exaggeration. Seems to be little mention of it. They ain't got the hoops fevah like we all do.
We sucked for more of the last decade than not. No surprise that people can't believe a kid chose us over them.

Plus many people on the coasts really do have unrealistic assumptions about what it means that Iowa is an "agricultural state". They take the horse and plow imagery to heart.

When living in Virginia I had a conversation with a co-worker about "what it was like in Iowa". He was a reasoably intelligent guy but still a had a lot of misguided (stupid) notions. I didn't think too much of it because it wasn't the first nor last time I would endure such conversations. Then I found out the guy grew up in Indiana. :) I had to rag on him a bit after that because come on! You think all power lines and paved roads just stop west of Chicago?
Now this one kinda irks me:

"Stop trying to rationalize. Iowa is not a destination basketball program. Never has been."
...you know, they're not wrong. Temple is a perennial tournament team with a long lineage of success. They outmeasure us in pretty much every metric of basketball achievement, both historic and recent.

For us to take Dom Uhl from under their noses? Think Josh Oglesby committing to Auburn.

Temple's been to 6 NCAA tournaments since we've been to one. Temple's been to two sweet sixteens since we've been to one. Temple's been to five Elite Eights since we've been to one. Temple's the sixth all-time winningest college basketball program, ahead of UCLA. Temple has a higher all-time winning percentage than Indiana and Georgetown.

But yeah, Temple...lol.
Iowa hasn't really been a destination program. Not sure any of this is irrational, really. Iowa has enjoyed success and has a very good history in hoops. But it's not elite and folks on the coasts aren't gonna know too much about it unless they are in their late 30's or older AND hardcore fans of the sport.
But it's not elite and folks on the coasts aren't gonna know too much about it unless they are in their late 30's or older AND hardcore fans of the sport.

I can kind of see this but Temple has never been elite either and I still know they have a good program with some decent history.

Im only 30 years old spent my entire life in the midwest and know about the Temple Owls and John Chaney.

I think it has more to do with being in a pro sports market. College sports can be more of an afterthought in those places.

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