Talk to me about Kriener


Well-Known Member
In the few appearances he’s had this year he has looked effective, with a lot of potential with more PT and experience. And yet I see his name mentioned by some youse among hoped-for transfers.

What am I not seeing? What do you hope to replace him with?
In the few appearances he’s had this year he has looked effective, with a lot of potential with more PT and experience. And yet I see his name mentioned by some youse among hoped-for transfers.

What am I not seeing? What do you hope to replace him with?
The bottom line is on a healthy college basketball team not every scholarship guy will get minutes. Kriener is behind Cook, Garza, and Nunge and probably on par with Pemsl.

Garza pretty much does everything Kriener does and is a couple inches taller.

I doubt he will transfer because he is an Iowa kid but if it were up to me he wouldn’t get regular minutes, neither would Pemsl.
His defense is much better than his offense, and right now this team could use it. You also don't have to be careful with his fouls since he isn't a big scorer.
The bottom line is on a healthy college basketball team not every scholarship guy will get minutes. Kriener is behind Cook, Garza, and Nunge and probably on par with Pemsl.

Garza pretty much does everything Kriener does and is a couple inches taller.

I doubt he will transfer because he is an Iowa kid but if it were up to me he wouldn’t get regular minutes, neither would Pemsl.

At this point Nunge is just as good as Kriener and Pemsl but younger and with a higher ceiling. We need to cut down the rotation so because of age and potential, you give those minutes to Nunge. Kriener could likely get some minutes if Cook or Garza get in foul trouble because he's a little taller and could play the 5.

As far as Pemsl, I like his toughness and attitude but in this day and age of the drive kick and shoot type play, he makes it tough because he can't shoot outside of the lane. Makes spacing more difficult and it's much easier for help defenders to recover.
His defense is much better than his offense, and right now this team could use it. You also don't have to be careful with his fouls since he isn't a big scorer.
This. Of the current roster, he seems the one most willing and able to mix it up underneath and to go hard for the block.
His defense is much better than his offense, and right now this team could use it. You also don't have to be careful with his fouls since he isn't a big scorer.
This. Of the current roster, he seems the one most willing and able to mix it up underneath and to go hard for the block.
I haven’t seen anything that makes me think Kriener is that much in front of any of those others defensively. I remember when he first want in against NW there backup center who barely scores went right around him for an easy two. If I wanted defense and toughness I’d probably go with Wagner.

Anyway you slice it Kriener is behind a few guys and therefore there just isn’t going to be many minutes for him.
In the few appearances he’s had this year he has looked effective, with a lot of potential with more PT and experience. And yet I see his name mentioned by some youse among hoped-for transfers.

What am I not seeing? What do you hope to replace him with?

I'd take him on my team in a heartbeat. Seems effective down low, can score the 15 ft jumper, seems active, always setting picks. I think there is an additional upside with him as well, just think he needs more minutes. If you can get him playing really tough D, he's a terrific all-around jack-of-all-trades kind of player, more than some that play his position on Iowa's team. I've liked the guy's game. He's no more worse on defense than many of his teammates.
The bottom line is on a healthy college basketball team not every scholarship guy will get minutes. Kriener is behind Cook, Garza, and Nunge and probably on par with Pemsl.

Garza pretty much does everything Kriener does and is a couple inches taller.

I doubt he will transfer because he is an Iowa kid but if it were up to me he wouldn’t get regular minutes, neither would Pemsl.

Absolutely wrong. Don't take this wrong, but, I don't think you should quit your day job and evaluate basketball talent. :p
His defense is much better than his offense, and right now this team could use it. You also don't have to be careful with his fouls since he isn't a big scorer.

He could be though. He's shown to be effective. The offense hasn't been schemed for him to get a lot of shots. Well, there was one game that they did go to him and he was effective.
At this point Nunge is just as good as Kriener and Pemsl but younger and with a higher ceiling. We need to cut down the rotation so because of age and potential, you give those minutes to Nunge. Kriener could likely get some minutes if Cook or Garza get in foul trouble because he's a little taller and could play the 5.

As far as Pemsl, I like his toughness and attitude but in this day and age of the drive kick and shoot type play, he makes it tough because he can't shoot outside of the lane. Makes spacing more difficult and it's much easier for help defenders to recover.

Pemsl needs to value the ball a bit more. I think that is his downfall right now.
I don't want Ryan to transfer, but if he did, it wouldn't be end of the world. I don't think there's a player on the roster that can be said about. I think people fantasize about dead weight transferring out to free up space for Lebron James, who last I heard, is dying to come Iowa.
I think the question about all of Iowa's players is, Relative to whom? Relative to another guy on the team, or relative to a player in college, or more specifically to a Big Ten player, playing the same position? Because it generally yields a different answer.
I don't want Ryan to transfer, but if he did, it wouldn't be end of the world. I don't think there's a player on the roster that can be said about. I think people fantasize about dead weight transferring out to free up space for Lebron James, who last I heard, is dying to come Iowa.

That's the difficult part. I feel like all these guys have the potential to be solid contributors, but none have put it together yet and separated themselves. Then then with the next tier of talent that came in with Nunge and Garza, you can see why Kriener and Pemsl fall by the wayside. The guy that should be #1 on the transfer list is Ellingson. He has the potential to be a great catch and shoot guy who gives a solid 10 minutes and dumps in a couple 3's every game, but he's too tentative on the floor and perpetually injured it seems.
I think it's hard to judge much of anything about this team other than JBo can sure shoot/pass and Cook is really good given space and a few feet from the basket.

So much is wrong at the top that as you move down the responsibility curve it gets really hard to tell.
At this point Nunge is just as good as Kriener and Pemsl but younger and with a higher ceiling. We need to cut down the rotation so because of age and potential, you give those minutes to Nunge. Kriener could likely get some minutes if Cook or Garza get in foul trouble because he's a little taller and could play the 5.

As far as Pemsl, I like his toughness and attitude but in this day and age of the drive kick and shoot type play, he makes it tough because he can't shoot outside of the lane. Makes spacing more difficult and it's much easier for help defenders to recover.
I think there's some mins for Kriener to have. But I'd want them at the expense of Pemsl. Cook and Garza can't play all the big man mins so between Nunge and Kriener that'd be a nice 4 man rotation. Pemsl just as you noted log jams the lane. He's not tall/big enough to dominate in there yet that's his stomping grounds. You can't pick and roll with him. He's worthless unless he's diving to the hoop for an open layup that's it. He makes us a way easier team to defend against and he brings nothing defensively the others don't already bring too...
I think there's some mins for Kriener to have. But I'd want them at the expense of Pemsl. Cook and Garza can't play all the big man mins so between Nunge and Kriener that'd be a nice 4 man rotation. Pemsl just as you noted log jams the lane. He's not tall/big enough to dominate in there yet that's his stomping grounds. You can't pick and roll with him. He's worthless unless he's diving to the hoop for an open layup that's it. He makes us a way easier team to defend against and he brings nothing defensively the others don't already bring too...

Finally, someone said it. The past 2 years I've often wondered why Pemsl has gotten more consistent minutes/opportunities than Kriener. I wonder how much better Kriener would be if he would've gotten Pemsl's opportunity? It's obvious Pemsl has taken his opportunity and has regressed.